matheusrocha89 / deputies

App to show Brazilian deputies data (Votes, expenses, etc.)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Deputies App

The Deputies App is an open source app that consumes the public data of brazilian's deputies. Using the open source GraphQL API we can consume the data and display on the app.


This project started as a hackweek project, I already made the GraphQL API so I just want to consume the data and make a easy access to this data for the people and the app seems to be a good solution.


The app is made in React Native and uses the Apollo GraphQL Client to connect to the server and consume the data.


To run this project you need to have the open GraphQL API running locally in your machine, so go the project page and check the documentation to see how to run the server locally.

How to run

Env files

The environment variables of the project are configured in some env files, we use react-native-config to manage them.

On the root of the file there is a .env.example file with the variable that you need to set.

The project works with 3 different env files, each one for a specific enviroment:

  • = Development environment
  • .env.staging = Staging environment
  • .env.production = Production environment

Important note is, if you are running the server locally you just need to set the GRAPHQL_URI variable like this:


This will work on iOS because it's a simulator, but with Android emulator because like the name says it's an emulator, your URI should point to your machine IP not localhost, because localhost is the Android Emulator and not your machine, so for android running the server locally you should do this:


Remember that every time that you change the environment variables values you should build the app again.


First clone the project, after that install the dependencies:


After the dependencies were installed you can run the app on iOS simulator, Android Emulator or iOS and Android device.

There are some scripts that react native configured by itself to make it easier to run:

yarn ios // run iOS device or Simulator
yarn android-dev // run on Android device or Simulator in development mode

You can find more commands on scripts session of the package.json file.

To know more how to run a React Native app in devices, emulators and simulators you can read more about on these links:


Here you can see our contribution guideline


App to show Brazilian deputies data (Votes, expenses, etc.)

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 47.6%Language:Objective-C 18.0%Language:Java 13.6%Language:Ruby 12.4%Language:Starlark 8.3%Language:Shell 0.2%