material-foundation / material-arc-tools

arcanist linters, unit tests, and hooks.

Repository from Github https://github.commaterial-foundation/material-arc-toolsRepository from Github https://github.commaterial-foundation/material-arc-tools

arcanist tools used by the material team

This is a meta-repository that tracks each of the arcanist command line tools used by the material team.

Installing the tools

Clone this directory alongside your global arcanist installation:

cd <folder containing arcanist, libphutil>
git clone --recursive

Using the tools

Add each tool you plan to use to your .arcconfig's load field:

  "load": [

Updating the tools

Run the following to update each of the tools to their latest stable release:

git submodule foreach "git fetch;git checkout origin/stable"


Licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE for details.


arcanist linters, unit tests, and hooks.

License:Apache License 2.0