mate-academy / js_task-DOM-guideline

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Guideline how to implement solution for JS DOM tasks

Every task:

  • Includes eslint
  • Includes stylelint
  • Includes htmllint
  • Includes pre-commit hooks (eslint, stylelint, htmllint)
  • Includes gulp


Learn before writing solution


  • Fork the task repository.
  • Clone forked repository
    git clone<user_name>>/<task_repository>.git
  • Run npm install.

Development mode

  • Run npm run start to start http-server on http://localhost:8080 When you run server the command line window will no longer be available for writing commands until you stop server (ctrl + c). All other commands you need to run in new command line window.
  • Make sure the code is clean. Run linters (npm run lint)
  • Follow the simplified JS styleguide
  • Follow HTML, CSS styleguide
  • When your solution is complete Deploy on gh-pages

Deploy on gh-pages

  • Execute npm run deploy. This command will build your project to the /dist folder and push it to branch gh-pages in your remote repository.

Push your code to GitHub

  • Add links to your gh-page in
  • Commit and push all recent changes
    $ git add .
    $ git commit -m 'commit message'
    $ git push origin master
  • Create Pull Request (going forward PR) from forked repo (<branch_name>) to original repo (master).
  • Add a link to PR to Google spreadsheet. PR must include updated with Demo.

Project structure

  • src/ - directory for html, css, sass, js, image, fonts files
  • dist/ - directory for built pages

You should be writing code in src/ directory.

Livereload and syncronization with browsers

Task $ npm run start

When task is executed, gulp starts local web server BrowserSync and opens index.html.

About BrowserSync

Server uses dist/ as a project root.


License:GNU General Public License v3.0