matchatype / serializable-state-invariant-middleware-issue

Repro for Issue with serializable-state-invariant-middleware and firebase auth state #339

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Issue with serializable-state-invariant-middleware

Quick Start

To start the project:

  • Visit Firebase console and create a new demo project.
  • Within Firebase Auth settings enable Google as Auth provider.
  • Open the file src/lib/firebase.js and fill in firebaseConfig with your project credentials.
  • Run npm i
  • Run npm start
  • Visit http://localhost:3000

Expected behavior

Open the console tab in your browser. Click on the login button and authenticate with your Google credentials. A serie of A non-serializable value was detected in an action, in the path: <some-path> errors will be triggered as soon as the auth object is loaded in state. Check src/lib/store.js.


Repro for Issue with serializable-state-invariant-middleware and firebase auth state #339


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