matbesancon / Penopt.jl

Julia wrapper for Penopt (

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Penopt.jl is a wrapper for the Penopt Optimizer.

It has two components:

The C API can be accessed via Penopt.penbmi functions, where the names and arguments are identical to the C API. See the /tests folder for inspiration.


You can install Penopt.jl through the Julia package manager:

] add

then open a terminal in the directory when Penopt is installed (find this directory by writing using Penopt; pathof(Penopt) in a Julia session).

$ mkdir -p deps/usr/lib
$ cd deps/usr/lib
$ gcc  -Wl,--no-undefined -shared -lm -lgfortran -lopenblas -llapack -o -Wl,--whole-archive /path/to/PENBMI2.1/lib/libpenbmi.a -Wl,--no-whole-archive

This will create a shared library in the directory deps/usr/lib. Then create the following file deps/deps.jl:

import Libdl
const libpenbmi = joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "usr/lib/")
function check_deps()
    global libpenbmi
    if !isfile(libpenbmi)
        error("$(libpenbmi) does not exist, Please re-run\"Penopt\"), and restart Julia.")

    if Libdl.dlopen_e(libpenbmi) == C_NULL
        error("$(libpenbmi) cannot be opened, Please re-run\"Penopt\"), and restart Julia.")


You can test the installation with using Pkg; Pkg.test("Penopt") in a Julia session.

Use with JuMP

We highly recommend that you use the Penopt.jl package with higher level packages such as JuMP.jl.

This can be done using the Gurobi.Optimizer object. Here is how to create a JuMP model that uses Gurobi as the solver.

using JuMP, Gurobi

model = Model(Gurobi.Optimizer)
set_optimizer_attribute(model, "PBM_MAX_ITER", 100)
set_optimizer_attribute(model, "TR_MODE", 1)

See the Penbmi Documentation for a list and description of allowable parameters.

For instance, here is how to solve the example of given in PENBMI2.1/c/driver_bmi_c.c with JuMP. This is Example 3 of the Penbmi Documentation except that we add (x[1] - x[2])^2 in the objective.

using LinearAlgebra
using JuMP
import Penopt

model = Model(Penopt.Optimizer)
set_optimizer_attribute(model, "PBM_EPS", 1e-5)
set_optimizer_attribute(model, "PRECISION_2", 1e-6)

@variable(model, x[1:3])
@objective(model, Min, (x[1] - x[2])^2 + x[3])
@constraint(model, -0.5 <= x[1] <= 2.0)
@constraint(model, -3.0 <= x[2] <= 7.0)

A0 = [-10  -0.5 -2
      -0.5  4.5  0
      -2    0    0]
A1 = [ 9    0.5  0
       0.5  0   -3
       0   -3   -1]
A2 = [-1.8 -0.1 -0.4
      -0.1  1.2 -1
      -0.4 -1    0]
K12 = [0    0    2
       0   -5.5  3
       2    3    0]
@constraint(model, Symmetric(-A0 - x[1] * A1 - x[2] * A2 - x[1] * x[2] * K12 + x[3] * Matrix(I, 3, 3)) in PSDCone())


Accessing Penopt-specific attributes via JuMP

You can get and set Penopt-specific attributes via JuMP as follows:

@show MOI.get(model, Penopt.NumberOfOuterIterations())
@show MOI.get(model, Penopt.NumberOfNewtonSteps())
@show MOI.get(model, Penopt.NumberOfLinesearchSteps())


Julia wrapper for Penopt (


Language:Julia 100.0%