matbalez-zz / ruby-instance-variables-q-000

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Instance Variables


  1. Define instance variables.
  2. Understand why we need to use them and how they work.

What Is An Instance Variable?

We've been working with variables for a while now. For example:

bro_greeting = "Sup, bro?"

The code above sets a variable, bro_greeting, equal to the string "Sup, bro?". Now, we can use that variable to read and operate on that string.

  => "Sup, bro?"

  => "SUP, BRO?"

The bro_greeting variable is what's known as a local variable, so named because it can only be accessed in a specific, local environment.

A local variable that is defined inside one method, for example, cannot be accessed inside another. In order to get around this limitation, we can use instance variables inside our Ruby classes.

An instance variable is a variable that is accessible in any instance method.

We Need Instance Variables

If you want to code along with this reading, put this project on your computer and open in Sublime text.

Let's say we have a class called Dog that is responsible for producing individual dog objects. We want each dog to be able to have a name and show it's name. So, we need to write some methods:

class Dog
	def name=(dog_name)
		this_dogs_name = dog_name

	def name

Here we define two instance methods, the name=, or "name equals" method, and the name method. The first method takes in an argument of a dog's name and sets that argument equal to a variable, this_dogs_name. The second method is responsible for reporting, or reading the name.

Here's how it should work in practice:

lassie = = "Lassie"
	=> "Lassie"

Our two methods are responsible for "setting" and "getting" an individual dog's name.

Open up the dog.rb file in this repository and you should see our Dog class defined, as well as the above code to create a new dog instance, give it a name and try to access, or read, it's name.

Run the file in your terminal by typing ruby dog.rb. You should see the following error:

dog.rb:8:in `name': undefined local variable or method `this_dogs_name' for #<Dog:0x007ffd609ed0a8> (NameError)
	from dog.rb:15:in `<main>'

Uh-oh. Looks like the #name method doesn't know about the this_dogs_name variable from the #name= method. That is because this_dogs_name is a local variable. A local variable has a local scope. That means that it cannot be accessed outside of the method in which it is defined.

Implementing Instance Variables

An instance variable is defined by prefacing the variable name with a @ symbol.

Instance Variables are bound to an instance of a class. That means that the value held by an instance variable is specific to whatever instance of the class it happens to belong to. Instance variables hold information about an instance, usually an attribute of that instance, and can be called on throughout the class, without needing to be passed into other methods as arguments (as would be the case with local variables).

Let's refactor our Dog class to use an instance variable instead of a local variable to set and get an individual dog's name.

Open up dog.rb and change the Dog class in the following way:

class Dog

  def name=(dogs_name)
    @this_dogs_name = dogs_name

  def name

lassie = = "Lassie"


Run the file again by typing ruby dog.rb in your terminal and you should see Lassie outputted to your terminal.

It worked! Why did it work? Inside the #name= method, we set the value of @this_dogs_name equal to whatever string is passed in as an argument. Then, we are able to call on that same instance variable in a totally separate method, the #name method.


As we dive deeper into object oriented Ruby, we'll be using instance variables frequently to pass information around the instance methods of a class. Think of instance variables as the containers for instance-specific information. The ability of instance variables to store information and be accessible within different instance methods is one of the things that makes it possible for us to create similar, but unique objects in object orientated Ruby.




Language:Ruby 100.0%