matang28 / rest-sql-exporter

Running SQL queries using RESTful requests

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

RESTful Data Exporter


This project provides a RESTFul layer to export data from various data sources.

Currently, it provides data access to any MySQL database but you can extend it to provide access to other data sources too (files, neo4j, etc...).

How to use

This service exposes two REST endpoints. The first one is used to generate a secured table name and the second one should be used to export the data from a table.
Run in Postman

Generate token

In order to create a "simple" security mechanism a token is generated to get access to a table. You should use it when you want to provide access to different tables, the generated token is constant per table.

Request Schema

  • Resource path: /data/sql/generate
  • HTTP Method: POST
  • Headers: Content-Type : application/json
  • Body:
        "token" : "The secret token",
        "name" : "The table name"


    curl -X POST \
      http://localhost:8080/data/sql/generate \
      -H 'content-type: application/json' \
      -d '{
        "token" : "ba65edc4-3071-4261-9cd2-bbd3bffe3eaf",
        "name" : "marketing_test"

Export Data

This endpoint will provide a way to extract data from the connected MySQL database.

Request Schema

  • Resource path: /data/sql/export
  • HTTP Method: POST
  • Headers: Content-Type : application/json
  • Body:
        "token" : "The generated table token",
        "fields": ["array", "of", "the", "columns", "to", "export"],
        "condition": "SQL where clause (without where)",
        "groups": ["array", "of", "grouping", "columns"],
        "ordering": ["array", "of", "ordering", "columns"],
        "limit" : 1000

Example 1

    curl -X POST \
      http://localhost:8080/data/sql/export \
      -H 'content-type: application/json' \
      -d '{
        "token" : "XqQ8b/9id/9YHykhppDu5w==",
        "fields": ["publisher", "campaign", "downloads", "activations", "sum(revenue)"],
        "condition": "revenue>0",
        "groups": ["publisher"],
        "ordering": [],
        "limit" : 1000

Example 2

    curl -X POST \
      http://localhost:8080/data/sql/export \
      -H 'content-type: application/json' \
      -d '{
        "token" : "XqQ8b/9id/9YHykhppDu5w==",
        "fields": ["publisher AS pub", "campaign AS cmp", "downloads", "activations", "sum(revenue)"],
        "condition": "revenue>0 AND downloads>200",
        "groups": ["publisher"],
        "ordering": ["date_created DESC"],
        "limit" : 1000

How to build & deploy

Build & Package

This is a maven project so you can build the project using:

    $> mvn clean package

This will create the .jar file in the target directory. Since its a basic Spring Boot application you can run it using:

    #> java \
            -Dsql.jdbc="sql url" \
            -Dsql.username="username" \
            -Dsql.password="password" \
            -jar rest-sql-exporter-1.0.jar


If you have docker installed you can build a docker image from the project using:

    $> mvn clean package docker:build

and run it using:

    $> docker run -p8080:8080 \
        -e sql.jdbc="sql url" \
        -e sql.username="username" \
        -e sql.password="password" \
        --name rest-extractor \


Running SQL queries using RESTful requests


Language:Java 99.5%Language:Dockerfile 0.5%