mataneine / Unity

a unity plugin for AppsFlyer SDK

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Integrating AppsFlyer iOS Plugin (v2.5.3.9)

Installation instruction for the AppsFlyer's plugin:

  1. Copy the Assets folder from AppsFlyer's Unity plugin to your Unity project.

  2. Open /Assets/Editor/PostprocessBuildPlayer and set your AppsFlyer's code and Apple app ID. my $APPS_FLYER_KEY = "PLACE YOUR KEY HERE"; my $APPLE_ID = "YOUR APPLE APP ID";

  3. Build the project for iOS.

  4. Open Xcode and add the AdSupport framework to your project:

    4.1 In the project navigator select the root.

    4.2 Chose the unity target

    4.3 Go to the "Build Phase"

    4.4 Expand "Link Binary With Libraries"

    4.5 Click the "+" at the bottom and add the "AdSupport" framework.

    4.6 (Optional) If you need to track iAd attributions, Click the "+" at the bottom and add the "iAd" framework.

  • If you would like the libraries to be automatically added when building for iOS, copy the file PostprocessBuildPlayer_iOSFrameworks from the iOS Extras folder and put it in the <YOUR PROJECT ROOT>/Assets/Editor folder.

  • Next, get the script available here and copy it into the Editor directory as well. The libraries will now be added automatically during the build.

Please refer to section 6 at the iOS SDK integration guide for in-app event API documentation.

Testing SDK integration:

Integrating AppsFlyer Android Plugin (

  1. Copy the Assets folder from AppsFlyer's Unity plugin to your Unity project.

  2. Modify application manifest file:

    2.1 Open Unity and build your project.

    2.2 Once built, go to the Temp/StagingArea directory within your project and copy the AndroidManifest.xml file to the directory Assets/Plugins/Android/.

    2.3 Open the copied AndroidManifest.xml and change the activity's android:name to com.appsflyer.AppsFlyerOverrideActivity. It should look similar to the following:

    <activity android:name="com.appsflyer.AppsFlyerOverrideActivity" android:launchMode=...
    This will tell the android to start your application with AppsFlyer extension.

    2.4 set permissions (if missing) <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE” />

     * READ_PHONE_STATE permission is optional. 
     Adding this permission will enable Carrier tracking Android_id and IMEI (required for tracking out of Google Play)

    2.4 Set a receiver AndroidManifest.xml Android app cannot have multiple receivers which have the same intent-filtered action. AppsFlyer provide a solution that broadcasts INSTALL_REFERRER to all other receivers automatically. In the AndroidManifest.xml, please add the following receiver as the FIRST for INSTALL_REFERRER:

    <receiver android:name="com.appsflyer.MultipleInstallBroadcastReceiver" android:exported="true">
           <action android:name="" />
    In case you would like to use multiple receivers see AppsFlyer android integration guide.

    2.5 To collect Google advertising ID: Integrate Google Play Services. Open the Android SDK manager, scroll down to the Extras folder and verify that you have downloaded the Google Play Services package. See Uncomment the following line in the AndroidManifest.xml file:

     <meta-data android:name=""
                android:value="@integer/google_play_services_version" />

    2.6 Set your AppsFlyer's dev key by adding the following line at the end of the application section:

     <meta-data android:name="AppsFlyerDevKey" android:value="SET YOUR DEV KEY HERE"/>
  3. Build and run the app.

    Please refer to chapter 10 at the Android SDK integration guide for testing the integration.

Plugin API:

Tracking event:


Setting user local currency code for in app purchases: The currency code should be a 3 character IOS 4217 code. (default is USD)


Settings the user ID as used by the app:


Using AppsFlyer's conversion data:

To load AppsFlyer's conversion data from it's servers you need add the following code to a Javascript code attached to a GameObject:

In the script's Start() function add the following line:


The first parameter is the script name. The second is the name of the function which handles the server's JSON result:

function someFunction(json){
    Debug.Log("AppsFlyer conversion data: "+json);

Initializing AppsFlyer using the CS API:

If you wish to use API directly instead of the iOS's PostprocessBuildPlayer PERL script or Android AppsFlyerOverrideActivity mentioned above, you can use the API directly as follow:

AppsFlyer.setAppsFlyerKey("YOU DEV KEY");
AppsFlyer.setAppID("APPLE APP ID"); // only required for iOS.


a unity plugin for AppsFlyer SDK


Language:Objective-C 32.0%Language:C# 20.0%Language:Perl 15.5%Language:Java 13.3%Language:Objective-C++ 10.7%Language:Shell 6.0%Language:Python 1.5%Language:JavaScript 1.0%