mat-sz / ebin

💿 Epic binary parser/serializer for TypeScript

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Epic binary parser/serializer

workflow npm npm NPM

Inspired by superstruct.

This library can work thanks to the fact that JavaScript stores the definition order for string object property keys:

The order is guaranteed since ES2015.

Example usage

import { struct, uint16, uint32 } from 'ebin';

const testStruct = struct({
  test1: uint16(),
  test2: uint16(),
  test3: uint32(),

testStruct.serialize({ test1: 1, test2: 1, test3: 1 });
// => Uint8Array([0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1])

testStruct.parse(new Uint8Array([0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]));
// => { test1: 1, test2: 1, test3: 1 }

More examples: ./examples

Project goals

  • Isomorphism - using APIs available in node.js, bun, Deno and mainstream browsers
  • Extensibility
  • Ease of use
  • Support for both parsing and serializing (most libraries only support parsing)
  • Performance but without sacrificing features

Supported types

  • int
    • int8
    • int16
    • int32
    • int64
  • uint
    • uint8
    • uint16
    • uint32
    • uint64
  • float
    • float16
    • float32
    • float64
  • string
  • json
  • array
  • struct
  • char
  • bit
  • bits


When using 16/32/64-bit values .bigEndian() and .littleEndian() functions are available to specify byte order.

Default byte order is big-endian (or inherited from parent struct if defined there).


This section is updated manually and may not reflect the current performance.

Last updated on: 2023-11-07

Benchmarks are ran using vitest.



 ✓ parse.bench.ts (7) 4289ms
     name                            hz     min     max    mean     p75     p99    p995    p999     rme  samples
   · hand-written - Buffer    38,073.37  0.0224  1.1365  0.0263  0.0256  0.0514  0.1000  0.1537  ±0.66%    19037
   · hand-written - DataView  83,900.11  0.0085  0.3170  0.0119  0.0113  0.0237  0.0350  0.1705  ±0.83%    41952
   · ebin                      9,045.28  0.1015  0.3712  0.1106  0.1112  0.1335  0.2404  0.3269  ±0.37%     4523
   · binparse                 89,955.43  0.0086  0.2916  0.0111  0.0107  0.0180  0.0257  0.1475  ±0.75%    44978   fastest
   · binary-parser            83,574.26  0.0092  0.2642  0.0120  0.0116  0.0187  0.0988  0.1394  ±0.67%    41788
   · destruct-js                 478.33  1.9740  2.9790  2.0906  2.0833  2.4716  2.9475  2.9790  ±0.65%      240   slowest
   · structron                 4,134.37  0.2169  1.7895  0.2419  0.2454  0.4206  0.4521  0.6487  ±0.86%     2068



 ✓ serialize.bench.ts (6) 3986ms
     name                             hz      min      max     mean      p75      p99     p995     p999     rme  samples
   · hand-written - Buffer     30,164.39   0.0302   2.4920   0.0332   0.0335   0.0576   0.0617   0.0735  ±1.27%    15083
   · hand-written - DataView  117,527.08   0.0069   0.9560   0.0085   0.0083   0.0165   0.0188   0.0269  ±0.48%    58764   fastest
   · ebin                      13,667.18   0.0661   0.3482   0.0732   0.0699   0.1359   0.1464   0.2088  ±0.48%     6834
   · binary-parser-encoder     10,818.21   0.0814   2.5627   0.0924   0.0911   0.1276   0.1642   1.0452  ±1.87%     5410
   · destruct-js                 21.3463  45.4628  50.0825  46.8466  47.7370  50.0825  50.0825  50.0825  ±1.88%       11   slowest
   · structron                  3,792.20   0.2457   0.5219   0.2637   0.2617   0.4193   0.4495   0.5097  ±0.46%     1897


💿 Epic binary parser/serializer for TypeScript

License:BSD 3-Clause Clear License


Language:TypeScript 100.0%