maszaa / rpi-heos-scrobbler

Update now playing and scrobble tracks listened with HEOS device to on RPi

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

RPi HEOS scrobbler

Update now playing and scrobble tracks listened with HEOS device to Tracks to be scrobbled must have artist and title in metadata.

Requirements: Docker, Docker-Compose, account & API account (create later here:

This version works on operating systems based on ARMv7 architecture. Tested with Raspberry Pi 4 Model B 4 GB, Raspbian Buster and Docker 19.03.1.

  1. git submodule init
  2. git submodule update
  3. Create .env files in heos-scrobbler subdirectories based on example.env files.
  4. ./
  5. After the stack has started, visit <YOUR_MONGO_EXPRESS_HOST>:<YOUR_MONGO_EXPRESS_PORT> using the username and password you've set and at heosScrobbler.heosPlayers setup players and their configuration you want to use for scrobbling. You do not need to restart the stack. Click the player you want to edit, do your edits and hit save.
  6. Same address, at heosScrobbler.lastFmUsers click the user you want to modify, input your username and password and save. heos-track-scrobbler will generate a session key for your account and delete the password from the database next time it attempts to scrobble (i.e. you've listened a track with your HEOS device). When you change your user configuration you don't have to restart the stack


Update now playing and scrobble tracks listened with HEOS device to on RPi

License:MIT License


Language:Shell 73.8%Language:Dockerfile 26.2%