masuhara / KRTournamentView

KRTournamentView is a flexible tournament bracket that can respond to the various structure on iOS.

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KRTournamentView is a flexible tournament bracket that can correspond to the various structure.


  • Corresponding to the various structures
  • Simple implementation


  • iOS 8.0+
  • Xcode 9.0+
  • Swift 4.0+


To run the example project, clone the repo, and open KRTournamentViewDemo.xcodeproj from the DEMO directory.



KRTournamentView is available through CocoaPods and Carthage. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile or Cartfile:

# CocoaPods
pod "KRTournamentView"
# Carthage
github "Krimpedance/KRTournamentView"


(see sample Xcode project in /DEMO)

KRTournamentView controls presentation and behavior by KRTournamentViewDataSource and KRTournamentViewDelegate like a UITableView.

let tournamentView = KRTournamentView()
tournamentView.dataSource = self
tournamentView.delegate = self


This protocol represents the data model object.

protocol KRTournamentViewDataSource {
    // Returns number of layers in tournament bracket.
    func numberOfLayers(in tournamentView: KRTournamentView) -> Int
    // Implements a view for each entry.
    func tournamentView(_ tournamentView: KRTournamentView, entryAt index: Int) -> KRTournamentViewEntry?
    // Implements a view for each match. The winner can be set here.
    func tournamentView(_ tournamentView: KRTournamentView, matchAt matchPath: MatchPath) -> KRTournamentViewMatch
  • numberOfLayers(in tournamentView: KRTournamentView) -> Int

    Layer represents height of the tournament bracket. Lowermost layer (i.e. first round) is 1.

    Entries 2 to 4 when the layer is 2, Entries 2 to 8 when the layer is 3. (2^layer entries)

  • tournamentView(_ tournamentView: KRTournamentView, entryAt index: Int) -> KRTournamentViewEntry?

    This function repeats as many times as the number of entries. index is numbered from left to right, from top to bottom.

    You can create your own design by extending KRTournamentViewEntry.

    If there is no entry in an index, it can be reflected by returning nil.

    e.g. When the entry with index 0, 4, 6 is set to nil

  • tournamentView(_ tournamentView: KRTournamentView, matchAt matchPath: MatchPath) -> KRTournamentViewMatch

    This function repeats as many times as the number of games.

    matchPath.layer represents the layer. matchPath.layer represents the game number. It is numbered from left to right, from top to bottom. (Please see KRTournamentViewMatch section for details)

    You can create your own design by extending KRTournamentViewMatch.

    Win or lose is reflected by setting .home or .away to KRTournamentViewMatch.preferredSide. The left or top entry is .home, the right or bottom entry is .away.

    e.g. When preferredSide of Match (MatchPath(layer: 1, number: 0)) is set to .home


This protocol represents the entries size and behaviour of the entries and matches.

protocol KRTournamentViewDelegate {
    // Returns entries size.
    func entrySize(in tournamentView: KRTournamentView) -> CGSize
    // Called after the user changes the selection of entry.
    func tournamentView(_ tournamentView: KRTournamentView, didSelectEntryAt index: Int)
    // Called after the user changes the selection of match.
    func tournamentView(_ tournamentView: KRTournamentView, didSelectMatchAt matchPath: MatchPath)
  • entrySize(in tournamentView: KRTournamentView) -> CGSize

    Default is CGSize(width: 80, height: 30). (The value is reversed when entries is widthwise (e.g. .top style).)

    This value simultaneously represents the display space of entries. (lengthwise direction uses width, widthwise direction uses height.)

Reload the data

To reload the data, use the following function.

func reloadData()

Explanation of class etc


Base class for Entry.

Display size can be set with KRTournamentViewDelegate. Display position is calculated automatically.

There is textLabel of KRTournamentViewEntryLabel class as minimum configuration. This is only initialized if necessary. (implemented by lazy var)

KRTournamentViewEntryLabel is a small wrapper class of UILabel to ease vertical writing.


Base class for Match.

Display frame is calculated automatically. (See the figure below)

There is imageView of UIImageView class as minimum configuration. This is only initialized if necessary. (implemented by lazy var)

The center of imageView is always at the intersection of the line by auto layout. When changing the size, please use imageSize property.

preferredSide represents a win or loss.


This is a struct object composed of layer and number, and it represents the path of each Match.

This can get the serial number in the tournament bracket with the getIndex(from numberOfLayers: Int) function.

The relationship between layer, number and index is as shown below. (The number in the orange circle is index, the number in the upper right of it is (layer)-(number).)

.left .topBottom

Style and color

The orientation of the tournament bracket

Set the orientation of the tournament bracket in the style property.

.left .right .top .bottom .leftRight(direction: .top) .topBottom(direction: .right)

Set the direction of the finish match line to the direction property of .leftRight and .topBottom.

  • .leftRight : .top or .bottom
  • .topBottom : .right or .left

color and line width

Customize with the following properties.

var lineColor: UIColor              // Line color (default is black).
var preferredLinecolor: UIColor     // Winner's line color (default is red).
var lineWidth: CGFloat              // Line width (default is 1.0).
var preferredLineWidth: CGFloat?    // Winner's line width (default is nil). In the case of nil, it is the same as lineWidth.

Behavior by rotating the screen

When the following property is set to true, the tournament bracket will be in the same orientation as before rotation.

However, the order of entries may change. (Entries are always in order from left to right, top to bottom.)

var fixOrientation: Bool = false
.portrait(initial) .landscapeLeft .landscapeRight .portraitUpsideDown
.left .bottom .top .right
.top .left .right .bottom
.leftRight(.top) .topBottom(.left) .topBottom(.right) .leftRight(.bottom)

Release Note

  • 1.0.2 :

    • Fixed bug of layout.
  • 1.0.1 :

    • Compatible with Swift 4.1.
  • 1.0.0 :

    • First release 🎉

Contributing to this project

I'm seeking bug reports and feature requests.


KRTournamentView is available under the MIT license.

See the LICENSE file for more info.


KRTournamentView is a flexible tournament bracket that can respond to the various structure on iOS.

License:MIT License


Language:Swift 99.1%Language:Ruby 0.5%Language:Objective-C 0.4%