maselvaraj / periodicbackup-plugin

Jenkins plugin to backup periodically

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Periodic Backup extension implementation tutorial

This tutorial was written to show how to implement an extension points to the Periodic Backup plugin.

Extension points

The Periodic Backup plugin provides three extension points to allow developers to easily add features. The extension points are:

  • Storage: how to store/restore the files
  • Location: where to store/restore the files to/from
  • FileManager: which files to store/restore

A new Storage implementation (TarGzStorage) will be created. Every Storage implementation extends the abstract Storage class.

How to define the descriptor:

public static class DescriptorImpl extends StorageDescriptor {
    public String getDisplayName() {
        return "TarGzStorage";

    public String getArchiveFileExtension() {
        return "tar.gz";


  • getDisplayName – the name of the Storage we will see in the Storage configuration.
  • getArchiveFileExtension – extension of the archive file.

Storage methods

The org.codehaus.plexus.archiver library will be used. The backupStart method initializes the archiving:

public void backupStart(String tempDirectoryPath, String archiveFilenameBase) throws PeriodicBackupException {
    // Create a new archiver
    archiver = new TarArchiver();
    // Set the destination file
    File destination = new File(new File(tempDirectoryPath), Util.createFileName(archiveFilenameBase, this.getDescriptor().getArchiveFileExtension()));

    // Set the compression method
    TarArchiver.TarCompressionMethod compression = new TarArchiver.TarCompressionMethod();
    try {
    } catch (org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.ArchiverException e) {
        LOGGER.warning("Cannot set compression value " + e.getMessage());

    // Support long filenames
    TarLongFileMode fileMode = new TarLongFileMode();


The backupAddFile method will add the files to the archive and backupStop will finalize the backup.

public void backupAddFile(File fileToStore) throws PeriodicBackupException {
    try {
        archiver.addFile(fileToStore, Util.getRelativePath(fileToStore, Hudson.getInstance().getRootDir()));
    } catch (ArchiverException e) {
        LOGGER.warning("Could not add file to the archive. " + e.getMessage());

public Iterable backupStop() throws PeriodicBackupException {
    try {
    } catch (ArchiverException e) {
        LOGGER.warning("Could not create archive " + archiver.getDestFile() + " " + e.getMessage());
    } catch (IOException e) {
        LOGGER.warning("Could not create archive " + archiver.getDestFile() + " " + e.getMessage());
    return Lists.newArrayList(archiver.getDestFile());


The DataBoundConstructor annotation is needed as for normal Jenkins plugins:

public TarGzStorage() {


The basic backup functionality is now ready. Now the restoring needs to be implemented.

public void unarchiveFiles(Iterable archives, File tempDir) {
    // Setting up unArchiver
    TarGZipUnArchiver unArchiver = new TarGZipUnArchiver();
    unArchiver.enableLogging(new ConsoleLogger(org.codehaus.plexus.logging.Logger.LEVEL_INFO, "UnArchiver"));

    // Extracting each archive to the temporary directory
    for(File archive : archives) {
        unArchiver.setSourceFile(archive);"Extracting files from " + archive.getAbsolutePath() + " to " + tempDir.getAbsolutePath());
        try {
        } catch (ArchiverException e) {
            LOGGER.warning("Could not extract from " + archive.getAbsolutePath() + e.getMessage());

        // Deleting the archive file"Deleting " + archive.getAbsolutePath());
        if(!archive.delete()) {
            LOGGER.warning("Could not delete " + archive.getAbsolutePath());

Equals & hashCode

The equals and hashCode methods need to be implemented since the objects will be compared.

public boolean equals(Object o) {
    return o instanceof ZipStorage;

public int hashCode() {
    return 93;

Now the TarGzStorage class is ready.


Jenkins plugin to backup periodically


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