masami87 / vim-config

My vim config

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Ad's Neovim Config

A potent Neovim config, enhanced with rich flavours of software development and notable hints of Ruby, JS and Go.


git clone -b nvim ~/.config/nvim

Still using Vim?

If you haven't moved to Neovim, I've left the master branch in-tact with it on.

Optional external dependencies

There's a couple of tools that make this config really work well:

  1. Running in Kitty with a NerdFont because we deserve pretty things in the terminal.
  2. Ripgrep makes a lot of searches much faster
  3. fd Similarly, fd is a replacement to find which makes file listing much faster

Key Mappings

For the canonical list, see keymaps.lua You can also type :WhichKey for a helpful list, or pausing in the middle of a sequence will show you the options to complete it.

The <leader> key is Space

File & buffer navigation

Key Function
<leader> . Show the currently open buffers so you can switch between them
<leader><leader> Switch back to the previously open file
<leader> f Find by file name
<leader> F Search for text in all files
<leader> d View the directory tree
:A Toggle between a file and it's 'alternative' (ie. lib file and its unit test file)

Window navigation

Key Function
<Control> h/j/k/l Move cursor to the pane left/up/down/right
<Control>ws Split the current view vertically
<Control>wS Split the current view horizontally
:AV Open the files 'alternative' in a vertical split

Version control

Key Function
ca Add a change to the next commit
cA Add all changes to this file to the next commit
cr Reset a change
]c Move to the next change
[c Move to the previous change


Key Function
<leader>t Run the current tests
<leader>cr Copy the relative path of the current file and line
<leader>cp Copy the relative path of the current file
<leader>{ Jump to the definition of the function/class/method under the cursor
<leader>} Search for references to the function/class/method under the cursor

Goals and Guides

This project has two goals:

  1. Empower me to get more done in my daily work as an engineer.
  2. Be easy to started with, so when someone I work with wants to learn Vim, they can use this as a starting point until they are ready to build their own config.

It's easy to get carried away with every plugin, keybind and option that you see online, so I use the following guiding principles:

  1. Plugins aren't evil. I respect people who go the full vim-minimalism route and only use it as it comes out of the box, but it is a tool for a purpose. Anything that give me more context and lets me focus more on the work at hand is a good thing.
  2. Too many plugins are evil. If installation becomes complex, or performance takes a dive, things need to go. Everything has a cost and needs to earn it's keep.
  3. Additional key mappings should be consistent and ideally use a mnemonic. For example, c is used for git hunks using the mnemonic "Change" (e.g. add changes, reset changes).


My vim config


Language:Lua 99.4%Language:Shell 0.6%