marvin-w / sevdesk-java-client

Java Client for SevDesk

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



  • API version: 1.0.0
    • Build date: 2019-04-26T00:58:42.052+02:00[Europe/Berlin]

Automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen


Building the API client library requires:

  1. Java 1.8+
  2. Maven/Gradle


To install the API client library to your local Maven repository, simply execute:

mvn clean install

To deploy it to a remote Maven repository instead, configure the settings of the repository and execute:

mvn clean deploy

Refer to the OSSRH Guide for more information.

Maven users

Add this dependency to your project's POM:


Gradle users

Add this dependency to your project's build file:

compile "de.wichmann.sevdesk:sevdesk-java-client:1.0"


At first generate the JAR by executing:

mvn clean package

Then manually install the following JARs:

  • target/sevdesk-java-client-1.0.jar
  • target/lib/*.jar

Getting Started

Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following Java code:

import de.wichmann.sevdesk.*;
import de.wichmann.sevdesk.auth.*;
import de.wichmann.sevdesk.model.*;
import de.wichmann.sevdesk.api.AccountingChartApi;

import java.util.*;

public class AccountingChartApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();

        // Configure API key authorization: api_key
        ApiKeyAuth api_key = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("api_key");
        api_key.setApiKey("YOUR API KEY");
        // Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)

        AccountingChartApi apiInstance = new AccountingChartApi();
        try {
            ModelAccountingChart result = apiInstance.addAccountingChart();
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling AccountingChartApi#addAccountingChart");
import de.wichmann.sevdesk.*;
import de.wichmann.sevdesk.auth.*;
import de.wichmann.sevdesk.model.*;
import de.wichmann.sevdesk.api.AccountingChartApi;

import java.util.*;

public class AccountingChartApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();

        // Configure API key authorization: api_key
        ApiKeyAuth api_key = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("api_key");
        api_key.setApiKey("YOUR API KEY");
        // Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)

        AccountingChartApi apiInstance = new AccountingChartApi();
        Integer id = 56; // Integer | id of the accounting chart you want to delete
        try {
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling AccountingChartApi#deleteAccountingChart");
import de.wichmann.sevdesk.*;
import de.wichmann.sevdesk.auth.*;
import de.wichmann.sevdesk.model.*;
import de.wichmann.sevdesk.api.AccountingChartApi;

import java.util.*;

public class AccountingChartApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();

        // Configure API key authorization: api_key
        ApiKeyAuth api_key = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("api_key");
        api_key.setApiKey("YOUR API KEY");
        // Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)

        AccountingChartApi apiInstance = new AccountingChartApi();
        Integer limit = 56; // Integer | Limits the number of entries returned. Default is 100
        Integer offset = 56; // Integer | Set the index where the returned accounting charts start. Default is 0
        try {
            ModelAccountingChart result = apiInstance.getAccountingChart(limit, offset);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling AccountingChartApi#getAccountingChart");
import de.wichmann.sevdesk.*;
import de.wichmann.sevdesk.auth.*;
import de.wichmann.sevdesk.model.*;
import de.wichmann.sevdesk.api.AccountingChartApi;

import java.util.*;

public class AccountingChartApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();

        // Configure API key authorization: api_key
        ApiKeyAuth api_key = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("api_key");
        api_key.setApiKey("YOUR API KEY");
        // Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)

        AccountingChartApi apiInstance = new AccountingChartApi();
        Integer id = 56; // Integer | id of accounting chart you want to update
        try {
            ModelAccountingChart result = apiInstance.updateAccountingChart(id);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling AccountingChartApi#updateAccountingChart");

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
AccountingChartApi addAccountingChart POST /AccountingChart Create a new accounting chart
AccountingChartApi deleteAccountingChart DELETE /AccountingChart/{id} Delete an existing accounting chart
AccountingChartApi getAccountingChart GET /AccountingChart Get an overview of all accounting charts
AccountingChartApi updateAccountingChart PUT /AccountingChart/{id} Update an existing accounting chart
AccountingContactApi accountingContactIsAvailableDebitorCreditorNumber GET /AccountingContact/isAvailableDebitorCreditorNumber Return if a debitor / creditor number is available
AccountingContactApi addAccountingContact POST /AccountingContact Create a new accounting contact
AccountingContactApi deleteAccountingContact DELETE /AccountingContact/{id} Delete an existing accounting contact
AccountingContactApi getAccountingContacts GET /AccountingContact Get an overview of all accounting contacts
AccountingContactApi updateAccountingContact PUT /AccountingContact/{id} Update an existing accounting contact
AccountingCorrectionApi addAccountingCorrection POST /AccountingCorrection Create a new accounting correction
AccountingCorrectionApi deleteAccountingCorrection DELETE /AccountingCorrection/{id} Delete an existing accounting correction
AccountingCorrectionApi getAccountingCorrections GET /AccountingCorrection Get an overview of all accounting corrections
AccountingCorrectionApi updateAccountingCorrection PUT /AccountingCorrection/{id} Update an existing accounting correction
AccountingIndexApi addAccountingIndex POST /AccountingIndex Create a new accounting index
AccountingIndexApi deleteAccountingIndex DELETE /AccountingIndex/{id} Delete an existing accounting index
AccountingIndexApi getAccountingIndexes GET /AccountingIndex Get an overview of all accounting indexes
AccountingIndexApi updateAccountingIndex PUT /AccountingIndex/{id} Update an existing accounting index
AccountingSystemApi getAccountingSystems GET /AccountingSystem Get an overview of all accounting systems
AccountingSystemNumberApi addAccountingSystemNumber POST /AccountingSystemNumber Create a new accounting system number
AccountingSystemNumberApi deleteAccountingSystemNumber DELETE /AccountingSystemNumber/{id} Delete an existing accounting system number
AccountingSystemNumberApi getAccountingSystemNumbers GET /AccountingSystemNumber Get an overview of all accounting system numbers
AccountingSystemNumberApi updateAccountingSystemNumber PUT /AccountingSystemNumber/{id} Update an existing accounting system number
AccountingTypeApi accountingTypeGetAccountingNumber GET /AccountingType/{id}/getAccountingNumber Get accounting system number of the specified accounting type
AccountingTypeApi accountingTypeGetAccountingNumberDepreciation GET /AccountingType/{id}/getAccountingNumberDepreciation Get accounting system number depreciation of the specified accounting type
AccountingTypeApi accountingTypeGetAccountingSystemNumber GET /AccountingType/{id}/getAccountingSystemNumber Get accounting system number of the specified accounting type
AccountingTypeApi addAccountingType POST /AccountingType Create a new accounting type
AccountingTypeApi addAccountingTypeFactory POST /AccountingType/Factory/createType Create a new accounting type
AccountingTypeApi deleteAccountingType DELETE /AccountingType/{id} Delete an existing accounting type
AccountingTypeApi getAccountingTypes GET /AccountingType Get an overview of all accounting types
AccountingTypeApi updateAccountingType PUT /AccountingType/{id} Update an existing accounting type
AggregatorApi aggregatorCalcTotalDepreciation GET /Aggregator/calcTotalDepreciation Calculates total sum of all asset amounts for the year of the current query
AggregatorApi aggregatorGetAccountingScore GET /Aggregator/getAccountingScore Get accounting score
AggregatorApi aggregatorGetAppRevenueChartData GET /Aggregator/getAppRevenueChartData Get the data which is displayed in the chart on the dashboard in the app
AggregatorApi aggregatorGetProfitAndLossCalculation GET /Aggregator/getProfitAndLossCalculation Calculates the profit and loss over a specified period
AggregatorApi aggregatorGetTaxInformation GET /Aggregator/getTaxInformation Calculates tax of earnings and spending over a specified period
AggregatorApi aggregatorGetVoucherCategoryInformation GET /Aggregator/getVoucherCategoryInformation Get information about the categories of all vouchers in the year of the current query
AggregatorApi aggregatorGetVoucherChartData GET /Aggregator/getVoucherChartData Get voucher chart data
AggregatorApi aggregatorGetWebRevenueChartData GET /Aggregator/getWebRevenueChartData Get the data which is displayed in the chart on the dashboard
AssetApi addAsset POST /Asset Create a new asset
AssetApi assetGetDepreciationAmount GET /Asset/{id}/getDepreciationAmount Get depreciation amount of the specified asset for the given year/month
AssetApi assetGetResidualValue GET /Asset/{id}/getResidualValue Get residual value of the specified asset for the given year/month
AssetApi assetGetVoucher GET /Asset/{id}/getVoucher Get voucher of the specified asset
AssetApi deleteAsset DELETE /Asset/{id} Delete an existing asset
AssetApi getAssets GET /Asset Get an overview of all assets
AssetApi updateAsset PUT /Asset/{id} Update an existing asset
AssetPosApi addAssetPos POST /AssetPos Create a new asset position
AssetPosApi deleteAssetPosition DELETE /AssetPos/{id} Delete an existing asset position
AssetPosApi getAssetPositions GET /AssetPos Get an overview of all asset positions
AssetPosApi updateAssetPosition PUT /AssetPos/{id} Update an existing asset position
CategoryApi addCategory POST /Category Create a new category
CategoryApi deleteCategory DELETE /Category/{id} Delete an existing category
CategoryApi getCategories GET /Category Get an overview of all categories
CategoryApi updateCategory PUT /Category/{id} Update a existing category
CheckAccountApi addCheckAccount POST /CheckAccount Create a new check account
CheckAccountApi checkAccountGetCurrentBalance GET /CheckAccount/{id}/getCurrentBalance Get current balance of the specified check account
CheckAccountApi checkAccountGetPaymentIsSupported GET /CheckAccount/getPaymentIsSupported Return if a payment method is supported
CheckAccountApi checkAccountSetDefault PUT /CheckAccount/{id}/setDefault Set the specified check accounts as the default check account
CheckAccountApi checkAccountTransfer PUT /CheckAccount/{id}/transfer Transfer an amount from one check account to another
CheckAccountApi deleteCheckAccount DELETE /CheckAccount/{id} Delete an existing check account
CheckAccountApi getCheckAccounts GET /CheckAccount Get an overview of all check accounts
CheckAccountApi updateCheckAccount PUT /CheckAccount/{id} Update an existing check account
CheckAccountTransactionApi addCheckAccountTransaction POST /CheckAccountTransaction Create a new check account transaction
CheckAccountTransactionApi checkAccountTransactionGetLog GET /CheckAccountTransaction/{id}/getLog Get log of a specified check account transaction
CheckAccountTransactionApi checkAccountTransactionGetRemainingAmount GET /CheckAccountTransaction/{id}/getRemainingAmount Get invoice amount which is not assigned yet
CheckAccountTransactionApi deleteCheckAccountTransaction DELETE /CheckAccountTransaction/{id} Delete an existing check account transaction
CheckAccountTransactionApi getCheckAccountTransactions GET /CheckAccountTransaction Get an overview of all check account transactions
CheckAccountTransactionApi linkInvoiceToCheckAccountTransaction PUT /CheckAccountTransaction/{id}/linkInvoice link invoice to check account transaction
CheckAccountTransactionApi linkVoucherToCheckAccountTransaction PUT /CheckAccountTransaction/{id}/linkVoucher link voucher to check account transaction
CheckAccountTransactionApi updateCheckAccountTransaction PUT /CheckAccountTransaction/{id} Update a existing check account transaction
CheckAccountTransactionApi updateCheckAccountTransactionStatus PUT /CheckAccountTransaction/{id}/changeStatus Update status of a existing check account transaction
CheckAccountTransactionLogApi addCheckAccountTransactionLog POST /CheckAccountTransactionLog Create a new logged check account transaction
CheckAccountTransactionLogApi deleteCheckAccountTransactionLog DELETE /CheckAccountTransactionLog/{id} Delete an existing logged check account transaction
CheckAccountTransactionLogApi getCheckAccountTransactionLog GET /CheckAccountTransactionLog Get an overview of all check account transactions which were logged
CheckAccountTransactionLogApi updateCheckAccountTransactionLog PUT /CheckAccountTransactionLog/{id} Update a existing logged check account transaction
CommunicationWayApi addCommunicationWay POST /CommunicationWay Create a new communication way
CommunicationWayApi deleteCommunicationWay DELETE /CommunicationWay/{id} Delete an existing communication way
CommunicationWayApi getCommunicationWays GET /CommunicationWay Get an overview of all communication ways
CommunicationWayApi updateCommunicationWay PUT /CommunicationWay/{id} Update a existing communication way
CommunicationWayKeyApi getCommunicationWayKeys GET /CommunicationWayKey Get an overview of all communication way keys
ContactApi addAddress POST /Contact/{id}/addAddress Add an address
ContactApi addContact POST /Contact Create a new contact of type person or company
ContactApi addContactCommunicationWay POST /Contact/{id}/addCommunicationWay Create a new communication way for a contact
ContactApi addMobile POST /Contact/{id}/addMobile Add a new mobile number
ContactApi addPhone POST /Contact/{id}/addPhone Add a new phone number
ContactApi addWebsite POST /Contact/{id}/addWeb Add a new website
ContactApi contactAddEmail POST /Contact/{id}/addEmail Add a new email
ContactApi contactFactoryCreateContact POST /Contact/Factory/create Create a new contact of type person or company
ContactApi contactGetAddresses GET /Contact/{id}/getAddresses Get the addresses of a specified contact
ContactApi deleteContact DELETE /Contact/{id} Delete an existing contact
ContactApi getContactBillingAddress GET /Contact/{id}/getBillingAddress Get the billing address of a specified contact
ContactApi getContactBillingEmail GET /Contact/{id}/getBillingEmail Get the billing email of a specified contact
ContactApi getContactCommunicationWays GET /Contact/{id}/getCommunicationWays Get the communication ways of a specified contact
ContactApi getContactMainAddress GET /Contact/{id}/getMainAddress Get the main address of a specified contact
ContactApi getContactMainEmail GET /Contact/{id}/getMainEmail Get the main email of a specified contact
ContactApi getContactMainMobile GET /Contact/{id}/getMainMobile Get the main mobile of a specified contact
ContactApi getContactMainPhone GET /Contact/{id}/getMainPhone Get the main phone of a specified contact
ContactApi getContactMainWebsite GET /Contact/{id}/getMainWebsite Get the main website of a specified contact
ContactApi getContactRelatedCommunicationWays GET /Contact/{id}/getRelatedCommunicationWays Get the related communication ways of a specified contact
ContactApi getContactTabsItemCount GET /Contact/{id}/getTabsItemCount Get number of all invoices, orders, etc. of a specified contact
ContactApi getContacts GET /Contact Get an overview of all contacts
ContactApi getNextCustomerNumber GET /Contact/Factory/getNextCustomerNumber Get the next customer number
ContactApi updateContact PUT /Contact/{id} Update an existing contact
ContactAddressApi addContactAddress POST /ContactAddress Create a new contact address
ContactAddressApi deleteContactAddress DELETE /ContactAddress/{id} Delete an existing contact address
ContactAddressApi getContactAddresses GET /ContactAddress Get an overview of all contact addresses
ContactAddressApi updateContactAddress PUT /ContactAddress/{id} Update an existing contact address
CostCentreApi addCostCentre POST /CostCentre Create a new cost centre
CostCentreApi deleteCostCentre DELETE /CostCentre/{id} Delete an existing cost centre
CostCentreApi getCostCentre GET /CostCentre Get an overview of all cost centre
CostCentreApi updateCostCentre PUT /CostCentre/{id} Update an existing cost centre
CurrencyExchangeRateApi getCurrencyExchangeRates GET /CurrencyExchangeRate Get an overview of all currency exchange rates
DiscountsApi addDiscount POST /Discounts Create a new discount
DiscountsApi deleteDiscount DELETE /Discounts/{id} Delete an existing discount
DiscountsApi getDiscounts GET /Discounts Get an overview of all discounts
DiscountsApi updateDiscount PUT /Discounts/{id} Update an existing discount
DocServerApi docServerDeleteLetterPaper POST /DocServer/deleteLetterpaper Delete a specified letter paper
DocServerApi docServerDeleteTemplate POST /DocServer/deleteTemplate Delete a specified template
DocServerApi docServerGetLetterPapers GET /DocServer/getLetterpapers Get an overview of all letter papers
DocServerApi docServerGetLetterPapersWithThumb GET /DocServer/getLetterpapersWithThumb Get an overview of all letter papers with their thumb
DocServerApi docServerGetTemplates GET /DocServer/getTemplates Get an overview of all templates
DocServerApi docServerGetTemplatesWithThumb GET /DocServer/getTemplatesWithThumb Get an overview of all templates with their thumb
DocServerApi docServerSetDefaultLetterPaper POST /DocServer/setDefaultLetterpaper Set a letter papers as the default letter paper
DocServerApi docServerSetDefaultTemplate POST /DocServer/setDefaultTemplate Set a template as the default template
DocServerApi docServerStoreLetterPaper POST /DocServer/storeLetterpaper Store a letter paper on the doc server
DocServerApi docServerStoreTemplate POST /DocServer/storeTemplate Store a template on the doc server
DocServerApi docServerTestLetterPaper POST /DocServer/testLetterpaper Test a letter paper
DocServerApi docServerTestTemplate POST /DocServer/testTemplate Test a template
DocumentApi addDocument POST /Document Create a new document. Be aware that there wont be a working document with content!
DocumentApi deleteDocument DELETE /Document/{id} Delete an existing document
DocumentApi downloadDocument GET /Document/{id}/download Download a document
DocumentApi factoryAddDocument POST /Document/Factory/fileUpload Upload a file (creating a document)
DocumentApi getDocuments GET /Document Get an overview of all documents
DocumentApi updateDocument PUT /Document/{id} Update an existing document. Be aware that you can only update its parameter but not the content of the document itself!
DocumentApi updateDocumentStatusToTrashed PUT /Document/{id}/trash Update an existing documents status to 'TRASHED', be aware that this deletes the document
DocumentFolderApi addDocumentFolder POST /DocumentFolder Create a new document folder
DocumentFolderApi deleteDocumentFolder DELETE /DocumentFolder/{id} Delete an existing document folder
DocumentFolderApi emptyBin DELETE /DocumentFolder/emptyBin Delete all objects in the bin
DocumentFolderApi getDocumentFolderChildren GET /DocumentFolder/{id}/getChildren Returns children (documents and document folders) as 'nodes' and count of all children as 'total'
DocumentFolderApi getDocumentFolderDocuments GET /DocumentFolder/{id}/getDocuments Get an overview of all documents in a document folder
DocumentFolderApi getDocumentFolderFolders GET /DocumentFolder/{id}/getFolders Get an overview of all folders in a document folder
DocumentFolderApi getDocumentFolderPath GET /DocumentFolder/{id}/getPath Get path (all parent folders) of this folder
DocumentFolderApi getDocumentFolders GET /DocumentFolder Get an overview of all document folders
DocumentFolderApi trashDocumentFolder PUT /DocumentFolder/{id}/trash Trash an existing document folder
DocumentFolderApi updateDocumentFolder PUT /DocumentFolder/{id} Update an existing document folder
DocumentIndexApi getDocumentIndexes GET /DocumentIndex Get an overview of all document indexes
EmailApi addEmail POST /Email Create a new email
EmailApi deleteEmail DELETE /Email/{id} Delete an existing email
EmailApi getEmails GET /Email Get an overview of all emails
EmailApi updateEmail PUT /Email/{id} Update an existing email
EntryTypeApi addEntryType POST /EntryType Create a new entry type
EntryTypeApi deleteEntryType DELETE /EntryType/{id} Delete an existing entry type
EntryTypeApi entryTypeDeleteReferencedObjects DELETE /EntryType/{id}/deleteReferencedObjects Delete all objects bound to the specified entry type
EntryTypeApi getEntryTypes GET /EntryType Get an overview of all entry types
EntryTypeApi updateEntryType PUT /EntryType/{id} Update an existing entry type
ExportApi exportContactCsv GET /Export/contactCsv Export the specified contact as csv
ExportApi exportContactListCsv GET /Export/contactListCsv Export the contact list as csv
ExportApi exportDatev GET /Export/datev Datev export as zip with csv´s
ExportApi exportDatevZip GET /Export/datevZip Export zip for voucher upload
ExportApi exportInventoryPartLogList GET /Export/inventoryPartLogListCsv Export the inventory part log as csv
ExportApi exportInvoiceCsv GET /Export/invoiceCsv Export the invoice list as csv
ExportApi exportInvoiceZip GET /Export/invoiceZip Export the invoice list as zip with csv´s
ExportApi exportPartCsv GET /Export/partCsv Export the parts as csv
ExportApi exportPebe GET /Export/pebe Pebe export as zip with csv´s
ExportApi exportTransactionsCsv GET /Export/transactionsCsv Export the transactions as csv
ExportApi exportVoucherListCsv GET /Export/voucherListCsv Export the voucher list as csv
ExportApi exportVoucherZip GET /Export/voucherZip Export the voucher list as zip with csv´s
FeedApi addFeed POST /Feed Create a new action which will be displayed in the feed
FeedApi deleteFeed DELETE /Feed/{id} Delete an existing feed action
FeedApi getFeeds GET /Feed Get an overview of all actions from everyone, which will be displayed in the dashboard
FeedApi getParsedObjectAction GET /Feed/{id}/getParsedObjectAction Get more information about the specific feed object
FeedApi updateFeed PUT /Feed/{id} Update an existing Feed action
HelpApi helpGetArticle GET /Help/getArticle Get a specified article
HelpApi helpGetArticles GET /Help/getArticles Get all help articles for a specified section
HelpApi helpGetCategories GET /Help/getCategories Get all categories of help articles
HelpApi helpGetSections GET /Help/getSections Get all sections of help articles
HelpApi helpSearchArticles GET /Help/search Search for articles
InventoryPartLogApi addInventoryPartLog POST /InventoryPartLog Create a new inventory part log
InventoryPartLogApi deleteInventoryPartLog DELETE /InventoryPartLog/{id} Delete an existing inventory part log
InventoryPartLogApi getInventoryPartLog GET /InventoryPartLog Get an overview of InventoryPartLog
InventoryPartLogApi getInventoryPartLogStock GET /InventoryPartLog/{id}/getStock Get stock of inventory part involved in part log
InventoryPartLogApi updateInventoryPartLog PUT /InventoryPartLog/{id} Update an existing inventory part log
InvoiceApi addInvoice POST /Invoice Create a new invoice
InvoiceApi cancelInvoice GET /Invoice/{id}/cancel Cancel an invoice
InvoiceApi createInvoiceFromOrder POST /Invoice/Factory/createInvoiceFromOrder Create an new invoice from an existing order
InvoiceApi createInvoiceReminder POST /Invoice/Factory/createInvoiceReminder Create an invoice reminder
InvoiceApi deleteInvoice DELETE /Invoice/{id} Delete an existing invoice
InvoiceApi duplicateInvoice POST /Invoice/{id}/duplicate Duplicate an existing invoice
InvoiceApi getInvoiceAndReminderAmount GET /Invoice/Factory/getTotalInvoiceReminderAndInvoiceAmount Get amount of an invoice including reminders
InvoiceApi getInvoiceAsPdf GET /Invoice/{id}/getPdf Get the invoice as a PDF
InvoiceApi getInvoiceReminderAmount GET /Invoice/Factory/getTotalInvoiceReminderAmount Get (monetary) amount of all reminders of an invoice
InvoiceApi getInvoices GET /Invoice Get an overview of all invoices
InvoiceApi getNextInvoiceNumber GET /Invoice/Factory/getNextInvoiceNumber Get the next invoice number
InvoiceApi invoiceAddPosition PUT /Invoice/{id}/addPosition Add a position to an existing invoice
InvoiceApi invoiceBookAmount PUT /Invoice/{id}/bookAmmount Book amount for an invoice
InvoiceApi invoiceCalcTotalDebit GET /Invoice/calcTotalDebit Calculate total sum of all invoices of current query
InvoiceApi invoiceCalculateDunningLevel GET /Invoice/{id}/calculateDunningLevel Get dunning level of an invoice
InvoiceApi invoiceChangeStatus PUT /Invoice/{id}/changeStatus Change status of an invoice
InvoiceApi invoiceGetCancled GET /Invoice/{id}/getCancled Returns if an invoice is cancled
InvoiceApi invoiceGetCheckAccountTransactionLogs GET /Invoice/{id}/getCheckAccountTransactionLogs Get check account transaction logs about a specified invoice
InvoiceApi invoiceGetCheckAccountTransactions GET /Invoice/{id}/getCheckAccountTransactions Get check account transactions of a specified invoice
InvoiceApi invoiceGetDebit GET /Invoice/{id}/getDebit Get debit of an invoice
InvoiceApi invoiceGetDelinquent GET /Invoice/{id}/getDelinquent Get if an invoice is delinquent
InvoiceApi invoiceGetDiscounts GET /Invoice/{id}/getDiscounts Get the discounts of a specified invoice
InvoiceApi invoiceGetDocument GET /Invoice/{id}/getDocument Get document of an invoice
InvoiceApi invoiceGetDunnings GET /Invoice/{id}/getDunnings Get invoice dunnings
InvoiceApi invoiceGetFeed GET /Invoice/{id}/getFeed Get the feed of a specified invoice
InvoiceApi invoiceGetFinalInvoiceId GET /Invoice/{id}/getFinalInvoiceId Get final invoice id
InvoiceApi invoiceGetIsPartiallyPaid GET /Invoice/{id}/getIsPartiallyPaid Returns if the invoice is partially payed
InvoiceApi invoiceGetLastDunningDate GET /Invoice/{id}/getLastDunningDate Get last dunning date of invoice as timestamp
InvoiceApi invoiceGetPartialInvoices GET /Invoice/{id}/getPartialInvoices Get partial invoices of a specified invoice
InvoiceApi invoiceGetPositions GET /Invoice/{id}/getPositions Get the positions of a specified invoice
InvoiceApi invoiceGetRelatedObjects GET /Invoice/{id}/getRelatedObjects Get related objects of a specified invoice
InvoiceApi invoiceGetSwissEsr GET /Invoice/getSwissEsr Get swiss esr
InvoiceApi invoiceGetSwissEsrData GET /Invoice/getSwissEsrData Get swiss esr data
InvoiceApi invoiceGetTags GET /Invoice/{id}/getTags Get the tags of a specified invoice
InvoiceApi invoiceGetTax GET /Invoice/{id}/getTax Get invoice tax amount in invoice currency
InvoiceApi invoiceGetTaxGroups GET /Invoice/{id}/getTaxGroupes Get tax groups of invoice
InvoiceApi invoiceGetTotal GET /Invoice/{id}/getTotal Get gross invoice amount in invoice currency
InvoiceApi invoiceGetTotalCalc GET /Invoice/{id}/getTotalCalc Get total invoice amount in invoice currency
InvoiceApi invoiceGetTotalNet GET /Invoice/{id}/getTotalNet Get total net invoice amount in invoice currency
InvoiceApi invoiceHasDiscounts GET /Invoice/{id}/hasDiscounts Returns if the specified invoice has discounts
InvoiceApi invoiceIsOrigin GET /Invoice/{id}/isOrigin Returns if the specified invoice is the origin of an order
InvoiceApi invoiceMarkAsSent PUT /Invoice/{id}/markAsSent Marks an invoice as sent
InvoiceApi invoiceRefundAmount PUT /Invoice/{id}/refundAmmount Refund an already payed invoice amount
InvoiceApi invoiceRender POST /Invoice/{id}/render Render invoice document on docserver and return metadata
InvoiceApi invoiceSendBy PUT /Invoice/{id}/sendBy Send invoice by desired method
InvoiceApi saveInvoice POST /Invoice/Factory/saveInvoice Create a new invoice (with / without invoice positions and discounts)
InvoiceApi sendInvoiceViaEmail POST /Invoice/{id}/sendViaEmail Send an invoice via Email
InvoiceApi sendInvoiceViaPost POST /Invoice/{id}/sendViaPost Send an invoice via Letter
InvoiceApi updateInvoice PUT /Invoice/{id} Update an existing invoice
InvoiceLogApi addInvoiceLog POST /InvoiceLog Create a new invoice log
InvoiceLogApi deleteInvoiceLog DELETE /InvoiceLog/{id} Delete an existing invoice log
InvoiceLogApi getInvoiceLogs GET /InvoiceLog Get an overview of invoice logs
InvoiceLogApi updateInvoiceLog PUT /InvoiceLog/{id} Update an existing invoice log
InvoicePosApi addInvoicePos POST /InvoicePos Create a new invoice position
InvoicePosApi deleteInvoicePos DELETE /InvoicePos/{id} Delete an existing invoice position
InvoicePosApi getInvoicePositions GET /InvoicePos Get an overview of all invoice positions
InvoicePosApi updateInvoicePos PUT /InvoicePos/{id} Update an existing invoice position
LetterApi addLetter POST /Letter Create a new letter
LetterApi deleteLetter DELETE /Letter/{id} Delete an existing letter
LetterApi getLetters GET /Letter Get an overview of all letters
LetterApi letterGetPdf GET /Letter/{id}/getPdf Get pdf from docserver
LetterApi letterRender POST /Letter/{id}/render Render a letter to the docserver and return the metadata
LetterApi letterSendBy PUT /Letter/{id}/sendBy Update parameter sendType
LetterApi letterSendViaMail POST /Letter/{id}/sendViaEmail Send a letter via mail
LetterApi letterSendViaPost POST /Letter/{id}/sendViaPost Send a letter via post
LetterApi updateLetter PUT /Letter/{id} Update an existing letter
ObjectUsedApi getObjectUsed GET /ObjectUsed Get an overview of all objects used
ObjectViewedApi getObjectViewed GET /ObjectViewed Get an overview of objects viewed
OrderApi addOrder POST /Order Create a new order
OrderApi copyOrder POST /Order/{id}/copy Copy an existing order
OrderApi deleteOrder DELETE /Order/{id} Delete an existing order
OrderApi duplicateOrder POST /Order/{id}/duplicate Duplicate an existing order
OrderApi getNextOrderNumber GET /Order/Factory/getNextOrderNumber Get the next order number
OrderApi getOrderDiscounts GET /Order/{id}/getDiscounts Get all order discounts
OrderApi getOrders GET /Order Get an overview of all orders
OrderApi orderChangeStatus PUT /Order/{id}/changeStatus Update status of an existing order
OrderApi orderGetChargeableInformation GET /Order/{id}/getChargeableInformation Get sum charged already, total net, gross and tax amount and tax rate
OrderApi orderGetChargeableSums GET /Order/{id}/getChargeableSums Get total net, gross and tax amount of order
OrderApi orderGetMainOrderByLogs GET /Order/{id}/getMainOrderByLogs Get main order by checking if there are existing order logs of the specified order
OrderApi orderGetPdf GET /Order/{id}/getPdf Get the order as a pdf
OrderApi orderGetPositions GET /Order/{id}/getPositions Get all order positions
OrderApi orderGetRelatedObjects GET /Order/{id}/getRelatedObjects Get related objects of a specified order
OrderApi orderGetTags GET /Order/{id}/getTags Get tags of the specified order
OrderApi orderGetTax GET /Order/{id}/getTax Get sum tax of the specified order
OrderApi orderGetTaxGroupes GET /Order/{id}/getTaxGroupes Get tax groups of the specified order
OrderApi orderGetTotal GET /Order/{id}/getTotal Get sum gross of the specified order
OrderApi orderGetTotalCalc GET /Order/{id}/getTotalCalc Get total gross amount of order
OrderApi orderGetTotalNet GET /Order/{id}/getTotalNet Get total net amount of order
OrderApi orderRender POST /Order/{id}/render Render the order document on doc server and return the metadata
OrderApi orderSendBy PUT /Order/{id}/sendBy Send an order by the desired send type
OrderApi sendOrderViaEmail POST /Order/{id}/sendViaEmail Send an order via Email
OrderApi sendOrderViaPost POST /Order/{id}/sendViaPost Send an order via post
OrderApi updateOrder PUT /Order/{id} Update an existing order
OrderLogApi addOrderLog POST /OrderLog Create a new order log
OrderLogApi deleteOrderLog DELETE /OrderLog/{id} Delete an existing order log
OrderLogApi getOrderLogs GET /OrderLog Get an overview of order logs
OrderLogApi updateOrderLog PUT /OrderLog/{id} Update an existing order log
OrderPosApi addOrderPos POST /OrderPos Create a new order position
OrderPosApi deleteOrderPos DELETE /OrderPos/{id} Delete an existing order position
OrderPosApi getOrderPositions GET /OrderPos Get an overview of all order positions
OrderPosApi updateOrderPos PUT /OrderPos/{id} Update an existing order position
PartApi addPart POST /Part Create a new part
PartApi bookPart PUT /Part/{id}/book add / remove parts from the stock
PartApi deletePart DELETE /Part/{id} Delete an existing part
PartApi duplicatePart POST /Part/{id}/duplicate Duplicate an existing part
PartApi getParts GET /Part Get an overview of all parts
PartApi partGetLastLog GET /Part/{id}/getLastLog Get last log about the part
PartApi partGetPrice GET /Part/{id}/getPrice Get price of a specified part
PartApi partGetStock GET /Part/{id}/getStock Get stock of the part
PartApi partGetStockBefore GET /Part/{id}/getStockBefore Get stock difference of the part before a specified date
PartApi updatePart PUT /Part/{id} Update an existing part
PartContactPriceApi addPartContactPrice POST /PartContactPrice Create a new part contact price
PartContactPriceApi deletePartContactPrice DELETE /PartContactPrice/{id} Delete an existing part contact price
PartContactPriceApi getPartContactPrices GET /PartContactPrice Get an overview of all part contact prices
PartContactPriceApi updatePartContactPrice PUT /PartContactPrice/{id} Update an existing part contact price
PartUnityApi addPartUnity POST /PartUnity Create a new part unity
PartUnityApi deletePartUnity DELETE /PartUnity/{id} Delete an existing part unity
PartUnityApi getPartUnities GET /PartUnity Get an overview of all part unities
PartUnityApi updatePartUnity PUT /PartUnity/{id} Update an existing part unity
PaymentMethodApi addPaymentMethod POST /PaymentMethod Create a new payment method
PaymentMethodApi deletePaymentMethod DELETE /PaymentMethod/{id} Delete an existing payment method
PaymentMethodApi getPaymentMethods GET /PaymentMethod Get an overview of all payment methods
PaymentMethodApi updatePaymentMethod PUT /PaymentMethod/{id} Update an existing payment method
PlaceApi getPlaces GET /Place Get an overview of all places
ReportApi reportContact GET /Report/contact Export the contact
ReportApi reportContactList GET /Report/contactlist Export the contact list
ReportApi reportInventory GET /Report/inventory Export the inventory
ReportApi reportInvoiceList GET /Report/invoicelist Export the invoicelist
ReportApi reportOrderList GET /Report/orderlist Export the order list
ReportApi reportProfitAndLoss GET /Report/profitAndLoss Export the profit and loss
ReportApi reportRegisterBook GET /Report/registerBook Export the register book / cash report
ReportApi reportVoucherList GET /Report/voucherlist Export the voucher list
SearchApi search GET /Search/search Search for a specified term
SevClientApi sevClientGetSevDeskAccountInvoices GET /SevClient/getSevDeskAccountInvoices Get sevDesk account invoices
SevClientConfigApi getSevClientConfig GET /SevClientConfig Get an overview of your sevClient config
SevClientConfigApi updateSevClientConfig PUT /SevClientConfig/{id} Update an existing sevClient config
SevSequenceApi getSevSequence GET /SevSequence Get an overview of all object sequences
SevTokenApi getSevTokens GET /SevToken Get an overview of all sevTokens
SevUserApi getSevUser GET /SevUser Get an overview of your sevUser
SevUserApi sevUserGetApiToken GET /SevUser/getApiToken Get the api token of your user
StaticCountryApi getStaticCountry GET /StaticCountry Get staticCountry list
StaticCountryApi getStaticIndustry GET /StaticIndustry Get staticIndustry list
StaticReferralProgramApi getStaticReferralPrograms GET /StaticReferralProgram Get staticReferralProgram list
SubscriptionHistoryApi getSubscriptionHistory GET /SubscriptionHistory Get an overview of your subscription history
SubscriptionTypeApi getSubscriptionTypes GET /SubscriptionType Get an overview of all subscription types
SwissEsrApi getSwissEsr GET /SwissEsr Get an overview of swiss esr
TagApi addTag POST /Tag Create a new tag
TagApi deleteTag DELETE /Tag/{id} Delete an existing tag
TagApi getTags GET /Tag Get an overview of all tags
TagApi updateTag PUT /Tag/{id} Update an existing tag
TagRelationApi addTagRelation POST /TagRelation Create a new tag relation
TagRelationApi deleteTagRelation DELETE /TagRelation/{id} Delete an existing tag relation
TagRelationApi getTagRelations GET /TagRelation Get an overview of all tag relations
TagRelationApi updateTagRelation PUT /TagRelation/{id} Update an existing tag relation
TaskApi addTask POST /Task Create a new task
TaskApi deleteTask DELETE /Task/{id} Delete an existing task
TaskApi getTasks GET /Task Get an overview of all tasks
TaskApi updateTask PUT /Task/{id} Update an existing Task
TaxSetApi addTaxSet POST /TaxSet Create a new tax set
TaxSetApi deleteTaxSet DELETE /TaxSet/{id} Delete an existing tax set
TaxSetApi getTaxSets GET /TaxSet Get an overview of all tax sets
TaxSetApi updateTaxSet PUT /TaxSet/{id} Update an existing tax set
TextTemplateApi addTextTemplate POST /TextTemplate Create a new text template
TextTemplateApi deleteTextTemplate DELETE /TextTemplate/{id} Delete an existing text template
TextTemplateApi getTextTemplate GET /TextTemplate Get an overview of all text template
TextTemplateApi updateTextTemplate PUT /TextTemplate/{id} Update an existing text template
UnityApi addUnity POST /Unity Create a new unity
UnityApi deleteUnity DELETE /Unity/{id} Delete an existing unity
UnityApi getUnities GET /Unity Get an overview of all unities
UnityApi updateUnity PUT /Unity/{id} Update an existing Unity
VatReportApi getVatReport GET /VatReport Get a vat report for a defined period of time
VoucherApi addVoucher POST /Voucher Create a new voucher
VoucherApi deleteVoucher DELETE /Voucher/{id} Delete an existing voucher
VoucherApi getVouchers GET /Voucher Get an overview of all vouchers
VoucherApi saveVoucher POST /Voucher/Factory/saveVoucher Create a new voucher
VoucherApi updateVoucher PUT /Voucher/{id} Update an existing voucher
VoucherApi voucherBookAmount PUT /Voucher/{id}/bookAmmount Book an amount for a specified voucher
VoucherApi voucherChangeStatus PUT /Voucher/{id}/changeStatus Change status of a specified voucher
VoucherApi voucherDeleteDocument DELETE /Voucher/{id}/deleteDocument Delete the document of an existing voucher
VoucherApi voucherExtractThumb GET /Voucher/Factory/extractThumb Extract file thumb
VoucherApi voucherGetAccountingTypes GET /Voucher/{id}/getAccountingTypes Get the accounting types of a specified voucher
VoucherApi voucherGetCheckAccountTransactionLogs GET /Voucher/{id}/getCheckAccountTransactionLogs Get the check account transaction logs of a specified voucher
VoucherApi voucherGetCheckAccountTransactions GET /Voucher/{id}/getCheckAccountTransactions Get the check account transactions of a specified voucher
VoucherApi voucherGetCurrency GET /Voucher/{id}/getCurrency Get the currency of a specified voucher
VoucherApi voucherGetDebit GET /Voucher/{id}/getDebit Get unpaid amount of a specified voucher
VoucherApi voucherGetDelinquent GET /Voucher/{id}/getDelinquent Return if the voucher is delinquent
VoucherApi voucherGetDependingRecurringVouchers GET /Voucher/{id}/getDependingRecurringVouchers Get the depending recurring vouchers of a specified origin voucher
VoucherApi voucherGetDocumentImage GET /Voucher/{id}/getDocumentImage Returns the base64 encoded preview content of the vouchers document
VoucherApi voucherGetTaxGroups GET /Voucher/{id}/getTaxGroupes Get an overview of all vouchers
VoucherApi voucherMarkAsOpen PUT /Voucher/{id}/markAsOpen Mark a specified voucher as open
VoucherApi voucherMarkAsPaid PUT /Voucher/{id}/markAsPaid Mark a specified voucher as paid
VoucherApi voucherRefundAmount PUT /Voucher/{id}/refundAmmount Refund an amount for a specified voucher
VoucherApi voucherUploadTempFile POST /Voucher/Factory/uploadTempFile Upload a temporary file to be used later
VoucherLogApi addVoucherLogEntry POST /VoucherLog Create a new voucher log entry
VoucherLogApi deleteVoucherLogEntry DELETE /VoucherLog/{id} Delete an existing voucher log entry
VoucherLogApi getVoucherLog GET /VoucherLog Get an overview of all voucher log entries
VoucherLogApi updateVoucherLogEntry PUT /VoucherLog/{id} Update an existing voucher log entry
VoucherPosApi addVoucherPos POST /VoucherPos Create a new voucher position
VoucherPosApi deleteVoucherPos DELETE /VoucherPos/{id} Delete an existing voucher position
VoucherPosApi getVoucherPositions GET /VoucherPos Get an overview of all voucher positions
VoucherPosApi updateVoucherPos PUT /VoucherPos/{id} Update an existing voucher position
VoucherPosApi voucherPosGetAdditionalInformation GET /VoucherPos/{id}/getAdditionalInfo Get additional information about the asset which is connected to a specified voucher position
VoucherPosApi voucherPosGetAssetInstance GET /VoucherPos/{id}/getAssetInstance Get the asset which is connected to a specified voucher position

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization

Authentication schemes defined for the API:


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: token
  • Location: URL query string


It's recommended to create an instance of ApiClient per thread in a multithreaded environment to avoid any potential issues.



Java Client for SevDesk


Language:Java 99.9%Language:Shell 0.1%