martinjrobins / diffeq-js

Javascript library for defining and solving DAE equations efficiently using WebAssembly

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This library provides a set of classes for solving differential-algebraic equations (DAEs) in JavaScript. It is a thin wrapper around a WebAssembly (WASM) runtime that is compiled from a domain specific language (DSL) for specifying DAE systems. Compilation of the DSL to WASM is performed on a remote server, so an active internet connection is required to use the library. Once compiled, the WASM module is returned to the client and can be used to solve the DAE system as many times as required.

For an online interactive demo of the library, see the diffeq-web website.

For an example of how to use the library directly, the following code solves a classic DAE testcase, the Robertson (1966) problem, which models the kinetics of an autocatalytic reaction, given by the following set of equations:

$$ \begin{align} \frac{dx}{dt} &= -0.04x + 10^4 y z \\ \frac{dy}{dt} &= 0.04x - 10^4 y z - 3 \cdot 10^7 y^2 \\ 0 &= x + y + z - 1 \end{align} $$

The javascript code to solve this problem is as follows:

import { compileModel, Options, Solver, Vector } from 'diffeq-js';

const code = `
in = [k1, k2, k3]
k1 { 0.04 }
k2 { 10000 }
k3 { 30000000 }
u_i {
  x = 1,
  y = 0,
  z = 0,
dudt_i {
  dxdt = 1,
  dydt = 0,
  dzdt = 0,
F_i {
G_i {
  -k1 * x + k2 * y * z,
  k1 * x - k2 * y * z - k3 * y * y,
  1 - x - y - z,
out_i {

const model = compileModel(code).then((model) => {
  const options = new Options();

  // create solver with default options
  const solver = new Solver(options);

  // solve the model at k1 = 0.04, k2 = 1e4, k3 = 3e7
  const inputs = new Vector([0.04, 1e4, 3e7]);

  // create a vector to store the output
  const outputs = new Vector([]);

  // solve the model from t = 0 to t = 1e5
  const times = new Vector([0, 1e5]);

  // solve the model, afterwards times will contain the times at which the
  // solution was computed, and outputs will contain the solution itself
  // in a vector of length 3 * times.length, where the first 3 elements
  // are the solution at times[0], the next 3 elements are the solution at
  // times[1], etc.
  solver.solve(times, inputs, outputs);

  // The contents of times and outputs are stored in WASM linear memory.
  // To access the contents of the vectors, use the getFloat64Array method
  // which returns a Float64Array view of the vector's contents
  console.log('times', times.getFloat64Array());
  console.log('outputs', outputs.getFloat64Array());


This library is available on npm, and can be installed with the following command:

npm install @martinjrobins/diffeq-js

Diffeq Domain Specific Language (DSL)

The library uses a domain specific language (DSL) for specifying DAE systems to solve. The DSL is designed to be an easy and flexible language for specifying DAE systems and is based on the idea that a DAE system can be specified by a set of equations of the form:

$$F(\mathbf{u}, \mathbf{\dot{u}}, t) = G(\mathbf{u}, t)$$

where $\mathbf{u}$ is the vector of state variables, $\mathbf{\dot{u}}$ is the vector of time derivatives of the state variables, and $t$ is the time. The DSL allows the user to specify the state vector $\mathbf{u}$ and the vector of time derivatives of the state vector $\mathbf{\dot{u}}$, vectors $F$ and $G$ calculated at each timestep, along with an arbitrary number of intermediate scalars and vectors of the users that are required to calculate $F$ and $G$.

Defining variables

To write down the robertson problem given above, we first define some scalar variables that we will use in the equations:

k1 { 0.04 }
k2 { 10000 }
k3 { 30000000 }

The names k1, k2, and k3 are arbitrary names and can be used to refer to the values of these scalars. The values themselves are given within the curly braces {}. Here they are given as constant values, but they could also be given as functions of time (e.g. k1 { 0.04 * sin(t) }), or as functions of the other variables in the system (e.g. k2 { 10 * k1 }).

Specifying inputs

We also want to potentially vary these values and resolve the system for different values of k1, k2, and k3. To do this, we add a line at the top of the code to specify that these are input variables:

in = [k1, k2, k3]

Defining state variables

Next we define the state variables of the system, $\mathbf{u}$, and their initial values

u_i {
  x = 1,
  y = 0,
  z = 0,

Here u is the name of the vector of state variables, and the subscript _i indicates that this is a 1D vector (notice how k1 etc. do not have a subscript as they are defined as scalars) , and x, y, and z are defined as labels to the 3 elements of the vector. The values of the state variables at the initial time are given after the = sign.

We next define the time derivatives of the state variables, $\mathbf{\dot{u}}$:

dudt_i {
  dxdt = 1,
  dydt = 0,
  dzdt = 0,

Here the initial values of the time derivatives are given, but for dxdt and dydt this initial value is not used as we give explicit equations for these below in the F_i and G_i sections. For the third element of the vector, dzdt, the initial value is used as a starting point to calculate a set of consistent initial values for the state variables.

Defining the DAE system equations

We now define the equations $F$ and $G$ that we want to solve, using the variables that we have defined above, both the input parameters and the state variables.

F_i {
G_i {
  -k1 * x + k2 * y * z,
  k1 * x - k2 * y * z - k3 * y * y,
  1 - x - y - z,

Specifying outputs

Finally, we specify the outputs of the system. These might be the state variables themselves, or they might be other variables that are calculated from the state variables. Here we specify that we want to output the state variables x, y, and z:

out_i {

Required variables

The DSL allows the user to specify an arbitrary number of intermediate variables, but certain variables are required to be defined. These are:

  • u_i - the state variables
  • dudt_i - the time derivatives of the state variables
  • F_i - the vector $F(\mathbf{u}, \mathbf{\dot{u}}, t)$
  • G_i - the vector $G(\mathbf{u}, t)$
  • out_i - the output variables

Predefined variables

The only predefined variable is the scalar t which is the current time, this allows the equations to be written as functions of time. For example

F_i {
G_i {
  k1 * t + sin(t)

Mathematical functions

The DSL supports the following mathematical functions:

  • sin(x) - sine of x
  • cos(x) - cosine of x
  • tan(x) - tangent of x
  • exp(x) - exponential of x
  • log(x) - natural logarithm of x
  • sqrt(x) - square root of x
  • abs(x) - absolute value of x
  • sigmoid(x) - sigmoid function of x

Compiling the DSL

The DSL is compiled to a WASM module using the compileModel function:

import { compileModel } from 'diffeq-js';

const code = `...`;
compileModel(code).then(() => {
  // create Solver, Vector etc here

The compileModel function requires an active internet connection as it sends the model code to a remote server for compilation to WASM. All the classes in the library are wrappers around corresponding classes in the WASM module, and so the compileModel function must be called successfully before any of the other classes can be used.


The compileModel function takes an Options object as its argument. The contructor for the Options class takes the following arguments:

  • print_stats - statistics about each solve are printed to the console after each successful call to solve. Default: false
  • fixed_times - if false (the default), the solver will consider the first element of times to be the starting time point, and the second element to be the final time point, between these two times the solver will choose the time points to output (these are returned in the times vector). If true, the solver will only return solutions at the times specified in the input times vector. Default: false

Compilation errors

If the model code contains errors, the compileModel function will throw an error which is a string containing the error message. For example, if we try to compile the following code:

import { compileModel } from 'diffeq-js';

const code = `
k1 { 10 * k2 }

compileModel(code).then(() => {
  // create Solver, Vector etc here
}).catch((error) => {

then the following error is thrown:

Line 1, Column 11: Error: cannot find variable k2
Line 1, Column 1: Error: tensor k1 has no elements
Line 1, Column 1: Error: missing 'u' array
Line 1, Column 1: Error: missing 'dudt' array
Line 1, Column 1: Error: missing 'F' array
Line 1, Column 1: Error: missing 'G' array
Line 1, Column 1: Error: missing 'out' array

Using diffeq from other languages

This library is only a thin wrapper around the WASM module and the remote server that provides the compilation service, and so it is possible to compile the diffeq DSL and use the provided WASM module directly from other languages.

The diffeq-js library uses the WASI browser shim to provide a WASI environment for the WASM module, and so it is possible to use the WASM module from other languages that support WASI directly, such as Rust or C, or from other WASM runtimes like the Wasmer SDK, which supports a wide range of languages including C, C++, C#, Go, Java, PHP, Python, Ruby, and Rust.

If you are interested in using the diffeq DSL from other languages, you could do one of the following:

  • Contact the author directly, Martin Robinson, via email, to discuss your requirements and see if a collaboration is possible
  • Consult the source code of the diffeq-js library, which is available on GitHub, and port the code to your language of choice


If you have any questions or comments, please file an issue on the GitHub repository or contact the author via email


Javascript library for defining and solving DAE equations efficiently using WebAssembly

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 99.8%Language:JavaScript 0.2%