martinjpage / htg2022

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool User Manual for WattPeer

NAME app to match buyers and suppliers of locally traded clean energy.

SYNOPSIS [-h] {signup,update_settings,view_settings,supplier,buyer,history}


Trade energy as a buyer or supplier by setting your minimum sell price as a supplier or maximum buy price as a buyer. Your smart meter will log sell orders when you have excess supply and match these to buy order in the orderbook. Matched orders will be executed through a smart contract that verifies the buyer's wallet and supplier's energy availability, executes the transaction, updates the orderbook and records the transaction on a ledger. Partial matches are allowed so a supplier is allowed to meet only part of a buyers energy request, and vice versa. Preference is given to the buyer willing to pay the most. The buyer is matched with the most expensive supplier within the floor-ceiling range and the highest price between the sell price and buy price is selected.


signup Create user profile. update_settings Select a role as supplier or buyer, set a price and a date range. view_settings View your current role (supplier or buyer), price and active date range. supplier Perform a sell transaction as a supplier. buyer Perform a buy transaction as a buyer. history View block chain transaction history.

OPTIONS: signup

-h, --help show this help message and exit -un, --username Input your username -pw, --password Input your password. -id, --meter_id Input your smart meter ID. -l, --location {Italy} Choose a location.

OPTIONS: update_settings

-h, --help show this help message and exit -un , --username Input your username -pw , --password Input your password. -r, --role {supplier,buyer} Choose to be a supplier or buyer. -p, --price Set your minimum sell price or maximum buy price (EUR) -s, --start Set the start date for transactions to run. -e, --end Set the end date for transactions to run.

OPTIONS: view_settings

-h, --help show this help message and exit -un, --username Input your username -pw, --password Input your password.

OPTIONS: supplier

-h, --help show this help message and exit -un, --username Input your username -pw , --password Input your password. -e , --energy Give the amount of energy you want to sell in kW.

OPTIONS: buyer

-h, --help show this help message and exit -un, --username Input your username -pw, --password Input your password. -e, --energy Give the amount of energy you want to buy in kW.

OPTIONS: history

-h, --help show this help message and exit -un, --username Input your username -pw , --password Input your password.




> python .\ signup --username martin --password martin123 --meter_id smartmartin --location Italy

New user with id 'leonardo' and meter id 'smartmartin' added to user database.

> python .\ signup --username leonardo --password leo123 --meter_id smartleo --location Italy

New user with id 'leonardo' and meter id 'smartleo' added to user database.

> python .\ signup --username leonardo --password leo123 --meter_id smartleo --location Italy

ValueError: A user with name “leonardo" already exists.

> python .\ signup --username natalia --password nat123 --meter_id smartmartin --location Italy

ValueError: A meter with meter id "smartmartin" already exists

> python .\ update_settings --username martin --password martin123 --role supplier --price 0.15

Role (supplier), price (0.15), start (2022-03-20) and end (None) date updated for martin.

> python .\ update_settings --username leonardo --password leo123 --role buyer --price 0.17

Role (buyer), price (0.17), start (2022-03-20) and end (None) date updated for leonardo.

> python .\ view_settings --username martin --password martin123

username password location meter_id role price start_date end_date

0 martin martin123 Italy smartmartin supplier 0.15 2022-03-20 NaN

> python .\ view_settings --username leonardo --password leo123

username password location meter_id role price start_date end_date
0 leonardo leo123 Italy smartleo buyer 0.17 2022-03-20 NaN

> python .\ supplier --username martin --password martin123 --energy 5

New supplier offer from smartmartin added to orderbook.

Currently there are no buy offers in the orderbook. No match can be made at present.

> python .\ buyer --username leonardo --password leo123 --energy 3

New supplier offer from smartmartin added to orderbook.

New buyer offer from smartleo added to orderbook.

smartmartin can meet the full energy request from smartleo of 3.0 kW. Transaction will occur at a unit price of 0.17 EUR.

Seller authenticated. Energy available.

Buyer authenticated. Money available.

smartmartin's energy balanced updated by -3.00 kW.

smartleo's energy balanced updated by 3.00 kW.

smartmartin's wallet balanced updated by 0.51 EUR.

smartleo's wallet balanced updated by -0.51 EUR.

Removing fulfilled orders from orderbook:

meter_id location role energy price end_date
1 smartleo Italy buyer 0.0 0.17 NaN

Recorded transaction between smartleo (buyer) and smartmartin (supplier) for 3.0 kWh at 0.17 EUR per kWh (total: 0.51 EUR).

Currently there are no buy offers in the orderbook. No match can be made at present.

> python .\ history --username martin --password martin123

No buyer history.

Supplier History:

buyer supplier price energy total_price date
0 smartleo smartmartin 0.17 3.0 0.51 2022-03-20

> python .\ history --username leonardo --password leo123

Buyer History:

buyer supplier price energy total_price date
0 smartleo smartmartin 0.17 3.0 0.51 2022-03-20

No seller history.



Language:Python 100.0%