martingwhite / kramer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



  1. Linux (with write access to /tmp)
  2. Python 2.7.6
  3. MIT Language Modeling Toolkit



See braind -h for basic usage. The exception handling is limited.

Configuring the server

The brain estimates two n-gram language models, fixing the vocabulary for each model to tokens from a specified file. Optionally, you can set the order (default=3) and you can specify the smoothing algorithm (default='ModKN'). Assuming braind is in your path, enter

$ braind path/to/training/data path/to/vocabulary/file

This will estimate a trigram back-off model using Modified Kneser-Ney smoothing from the training data and write the ARPA file to /tmp/blm. It will also construct a statically interpolated model from component n-gram models and write the ARPA file to /tmp/ilm.

The vocabulary file must have one token on each line. To build an exemplar vocabulary file from the Shakespeare corpus, enter

$ estimate-ngram -text shakespeare.txt -write-vocab shakespeare.vocab

Tokens in the vocabulary file that are not in the training data will be factored into the models' unigram estimates.

Then the brain will make two named pipes, /tmp/fifo0 and /tmp/fifo1, to serve as communication channels to/from the n-gram server before daemonizing the process.

When the server is started, the first thing it will do is deserialize /tmp/blm and /tmp/ilm into distinct key-value stores. Obviously, this is a horribly inefficient data structure for this purpose, but performance is not the key concern for our current work. The prompt will return after the server loads the language models. You can verify the server is running by examining the output of ps x.

Communicating with the server

Clients can communicate with the language model server by reading/writing JSON documents to the two named pipes. A client should write requests to /tmp/fifo0 and read responses from /tmp/fifo1.

A request is a JSON document with four fields: model, flavor, history and length.

  • model can take one of two values: backoff or interpolate.

  • flavor can take one of three values: up, down or strange. up corresponds to the natural distribution over a set of tokens. down corresponds to the unnatural distribution. strange linearly interpolates up and down where lambda is 0.5.

  • history contains the initial prefix as an array of strings. If you do not have a prefix, then the history field must be the empty string (i.e., "history" : [""]). Also, suppose you estimate a language model where --order is greater than one and you request a stream longer than one token. In this case, if you don't have a history (or the length of the history is suboptimal), then the brain will essentially bootstrap the history to length n-1, where n is the order of the model. For instance, if you estimated a trigram and you request a stream four tokens long but you don't have a history, then the brain will query the unigrams for the first token. Then it will query the bigrams, using the first token, for the second token. Then it will query the trigrams, using the first two tokens, for the third token. Finally, it will query the trigrams, using the two most recent tokens, for the fourth token in the stream.

  • length is an integer which governs the length of the sentence to query from the language model.

A minimal request has the form

{ "model" : "backoff", "flavor" : "up", "history" : [""], "length" : 1 }

The server will respond with a unigram sample from the back-off model using the natural distribution over unigrams.

Note that the brain will apply the Markov assumption to your history. In other words, the history will be sliced according to the order: history[-(n-1):]. This means that if you estimate trigram models, but your history is ["Because", "I", "could", "get", "Uromysitisis", "poisoning", "and", "die", "."], then the brain will only consider ["die", "."] when it queries a trigram.

Because I could get Uromysitisis poisoning and die. That's why! Do you think I enjoy living like this? The shame? The humiliation? You know I have been issued a public urination pass by the city because of my condition. Unfortunately my little brother ran out of the house with it this morning. Him and his friends are probably peeing all over the place. You want to call the Department of Social Services? Oh, it's Saturday. They're closed today. My luck.

The response is a JSON document with one field: stream.

stream contains the sampled sentence as an array of strings. Here is an example using the Seinfeld corpus:

cat request
{ "model" : "backoff", "flavor" : "up", "history" : ["die", "."], "length" : 3 }
cat request > /tmp/fifo0 && cat /tmp/fifo1
{ "stream" : ["That's", "why", "!"] }

The response is a sequence of three tokens. The sequence is seeded by the history, and the tokens are sampled from the back-off model using the natural distribution over tokens.

Killing the server

Send a SIGTERM to kill the daemon: kill PID. A simple handler has been implemented to clean up the /tmp scratch files.



Language:Python 100.0%