martindufort / Tutti

Tutti is a Swift library that lets you create tutorials, hints and onboarding experiences.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Version Build Status CocoaPods Carthage Platform Swift 4.2 License Twitter: @danielsaidi

About Tutti

Tutti is a Swift library that can be used to handle user onboarding expericences. It lets you create quick hints as well as single- or multi-screen tutorials.

Tutti will display a certain hint/tutorial once per app install. This means that even if you tell Tutti to show a tutorial/hint every time an app starts, it will only be shown once.

You can also tell Tutti to show a tutorial/hint once for every user, e.g. when a new user logs in. Just set the userId parameter to the current user's id/name.



Add this to your Podfile then run pod install. Remember to use the generated workspace afterwards.

pod 'Tutti'

Remember to use the generated workspace (not the project file) after installing.


Add this to your Cartfile, run carthage update then add the framework to the app from Carthage/Build:

github "danielsaidi/Tutti"

Once the update completes, link in the built framework from Carthage/Build.


To add Tutti to your app without using Carthage or CocoaPods, first clone this repo and place it somewhere in the project folder. Then add Tutti.xcodeproj to your project, select your app target then add the Tutti framework as an embedded binary under General and as a target dependency under Build Phases.

Example Application

This repository contains an example app. To try it our, open the Tutti project and run the TuttiExample target to try different types of hints and tutorials.

Example Code

Below are some basic ways to create hints and tutorials with Tutti. In a large application, you'll probably want to use localized strings and keep track of the available hints and tutorials using an IoC framework, but here is the most basic way to set it up:

func createStandardHint(for userId: String?) -> Hint {
    return StandardHint(
        identifier: "hint", 
        title: "Hint, hint!", 
        text: "This is a quick hint. It will only be displayed once.", 
        userId: userId)

func createStandardTutorial(for userId: String?) -> Tutorial {
    return StandardTutorial(
        identifier: "standard", 
        pageCount: 2,
        userId: userId)


In Localizable.strings, add this to support the standard tutorial:
    "tutorial_standard_0_title" = "Page 1 title";
    "tutorial_standard_0_text" = "Page 1 text";
    "tutorial_standard_1_title" = "Page 2 title";
    "tutorial_standard_1_text" = "Page 2 text";


func createLocalizedTutorial(for userId: String?) -> Tutorial {
    return LocalizedTutorial(
        identifier: "localized", 
        userId: userId)


In Localizable.strings, add this to setup the localized tutorial with 2 pages:
    "tutorial_localized_0_title" = "Page 1 title";
    "tutorial_localized_0_text" = "Page 1 text";
    "tutorial_localized_1_title" = "Page 2 title";
    "tutorial_localized_1_text" = "Page 2 text";


These are just some ways to create hints and tutorials. Check out the example to see some more examples.

To present a hint/tutorial, just create a strongly referenced presenter and tell it to present the hint/tutorial as such:

self.hintPresenter = CalloutHintPresenter()     // Remember a strong reference!
let alreadyPresented = !hintPresenter.present(hint: hint, in: self, from: view)

self.tutPresenter = TutorialViewController(nibName: nil, bundle: nil)   // Strong!
let alreadyPresented = !tutPresenter.present(tutorial: tutorial, in: self, from: view)

Tutti comes with two built-in hint presenters and one tutorial presenter:


This primitive hint presenter will present hints in a regular UIAlertController alert. You should probably not use it, but what the hell do I know of your needs?


This presenter presents hints in callout bubbles that point at the source views. You can style these bubbles to great extent, changing everything from colors and fonts to how they are animated. Have a look this styling guide and replace EasyTipView with CalloutView.


This tutorial presenter presents tutorials in a modal view controller that takes over the entire screen. To use it, just add a �TutorialViewController.xib and a TutorialViewControllerCell.xib to your app and set'em up the way you want them to look. The TutorialViewController class comes with some outlets, but you can subclass it and add as many outlets and triggers as you want.

Contact me

I hope you like this library. Feel free to reach out if you have questions or if you want to contribute in any way:


Tutti is available under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for more info.


Tutti is a Swift library that lets you create tutorials, hints and onboarding experiences.

License:MIT License


Language:Swift 97.8%Language:Ruby 1.8%Language:Objective-C 0.4%