martinbjeldbak / dotfiles

💻 Martin's dotfiles

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Martin's dotfiles

Screenshot of shell prompt

This project contains my important dotfiles, backed up using ira/mackup tool. Previously, I had these files backed up to iCloud. Now they are on git for easier version control. Inspired by mathiasbynens/dotfiles.


Warning: If you want to give these dotfiles a try, you should first fork this repository, review the code, and remove things you don’t want or need. Don’t blindly use my settings unless you know what that entails. Use at your own risk!

You can clone the repository wherever you want. I keep it in ~/Projects/dotfiles. If you use a different directory, change the .mackup.cfg config to point to this directory.

First, install mackup with homebrew, oh-my-zsh, and the powerlevel10k ZSH theme.

brew install git zsh mackup exa neovim

Then you can clone the repository and set mackup up to symlink local files to this repository folder.

git clone

Then copy the mackup configuration file into your local home folder and edit it to point to the location of the folder just cloned.

cp ~/Projects/dotfiles/.mackup.cfg ~/.mackup.cfg
cat ~/.mackup.cfg

We are now ready to symlink local files with this project's. For each file that already exists, a prompt will be shown on whether or not you want to overwrite it with the corresponding file in this repository. Before hitting y, make a backup of the file.

cd ~
mackup restore

Oh My Zsh

Ensure zsh is installed on the operating system via a package manager, i.e. apt or brew, then follow the installation instructions at Oh My Zsh.

Then install custom Oh My Zsh plugins, such as zsh-syntax-highlighting via

git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting

Set up catppuccin syntax highlighting following


Currently I'm loving the OneDark theme at and have set up this in vim, but it should also be configured for the terminal.


Depending on OS setting up the dotfiles on, install the JetBrains Mono Nerd Fonts as per


Install tmux-plugin-manager following


💻 Martin's dotfiles


Language:Shell 73.2%Language:Lua 26.4%Language:PowerShell 0.3%