martijnblankestijn / beanie

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  • AreaChartSample, BinaryWebSocketServer en JavaFXBinaryWsClient zijn 'inspiratie'projecten.
  • brewery is het domein model
  • movieplex7 is de solution van het hands-on lab van Oracle
  • workshop-ee7-java8 is een licht aangepast versie
  • BreweryApp bevat de AngularJS broncode om de front-end applicatie te maken

Het project workshop-ee7-java8 bevast de sources die de deelnemer krijgt. Het domein model (brewery) komt mee als jar.


Manually performing actions via REST interface

Add ingredient POST /resources/ingredient/{name}/{value}/{unit}

{ "ingredient":"yeast", "volume": { "value":"300", "unit":"liter" } }

Change temperature POST /resources/temperature/{value}/{unit}

{ "temperature": { "value":"65", "unit":"celsius" } }

Wait for period of time POST /resources/wait/{duration}

{ "duration":"PT30M" }

Explanation of PT30M (30 minutes):

TODO: add responses

Recipe JMS

Recipe POST /resources/recipe


duration -> Duration.of(30, ChronoUnit.MINUTES).toString();

##Monitoring through WebSockets

{"event":"recipe completed"}

{"event":"waiting completed"}

   "event":"temperature changing",

{"event":"temperature reading","temperature":{"scale":"CELSIUS","value":65}}


   "event":"temperature reached goal",

   "event":"ingredient added",
