martijnblankestijn / akka-persistence-query-test

Study project for CQRS and Event Sourcing with Akka Persistence

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Study project for CQRS and Event Sourcing with Akka Persistence


The domain is a business in which appointments with consultants (advisors) can be scheduled. A Calendar consists of a number of appointments. There a number of events defined for appointments. These are:

  • creation
  • cancellation
  • moving an appointment to a different location or different time
  • reassigning an appointment to a different consultant

Used technologies

Akka, Akka HTTP and Akka Persistence

Akka HTTP is used for the server-side and client-side (tests) HTTP stack for this study project. Akka Persistence is used for event sourcing.


"Protocol buffers are a language-neutral, platform-neutral extensible mechanism for serializing structured data.". The events for an appointment that are being stored in the event store, are defined with Google protobuf (version 3).

The serialized events are:

  • AppointmentCreated
  • AppointmentReassigned
  • AppointmentCancelled
  • AppointmentMoved


Phantom is a "schema safe, type-safe, reactive Scala driver for Cassandra/Datastax Enterprise". This is used to access the table in the query database.


Cats is a "lightweight, modular, and extensible library for functional programming". It is used only for validation.


Apache Cassandra is used for the event store and for the query model. For local testing it can be started in a Docker container which also creates the tables for the query-model.


As most project sbt is used. Handy tasks to remember:

  • sbt dependencyUpdates - checks for newer versions of dependencies

Installing and run with Docker

Run sbt docker:publishLocal. "SBT uses the task named publishLocal to publish assets to local Ivy/Maven repositories". If you get the following error:

error] Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?

Start docker-machine and make sure the environment variables are known in your shell, see Running

The docker-compose.yml has the Docker compose Configuration. With docker-compose scale akka-nodes= can be scaled up or down. docker-compose up will get the whole environment up and running

nginx is configured to run on port 80, so with docker-machine env figure out what the ip-address is of the virtual machine(on Mac). And (probably hit)

Building the cassandra container

This should be automated in a later moment: docker build -t mblankestijn/cassandra:3.0 .

Running the Server from IntellJ with Cassandra/Zoo keeper in Docker containers

First start docker-machine to get Cassandra running with docker-machine start default (tested with docker-machine 0.13.0). Next is exporting the running docker-machine environment variables eval "$(docker-machine env default)".

Then start Cassandra with src/test/docker/ and create the keyspace for the Query-side with src/test/docker/ src/test/docker/ gives you access to the Cassandra cql.

Start Kafka and Zookeeper with

docker run -d \
       --net=host \
       --name=zookeeper \
       -e ZOOKEEPER_CLIENT_PORT=32181 \


 docker run -d \
    --net=host \
    --name=kafka \
    -e KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT=localhost:32181 \

Run the Server nl.codestar.persistence.Server. This starts up the Akka Actor system with the persistence actors.

Run the event processor which will watch the new events in the event store and will process the events to the query model. Run nl.codestar.query.EventProcesserApplication to start the processing of the events.

The test nl.codestar.endpoints.AppointmentsEndpointSpec has some crude tests for the most important functionality.

Performance testing

sbt performancetest/gatling:test // [subproject]/[gatling-plugin]:[task]


Change default for cassandra persistence plugin 'log-queries = off' to on.

For now the case classes used for command inherit from AppointmentCommand which has an appointmentId. This appointmentId is used in the Request entity and in the url of the Akka HTTP interface. This is unncessary and not REST-like.


The solution for getting the error 'Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: scala.reflect.runtime.package$'. when running the ReadJournalClient from IntelliJ was fixed by adding the scala-reflect dependency with a compile scope.



  • API: The Akka HTTP Endpoints for querying, creating and updating the appointments

  • appointments: The PersistentActor for the appointments

  • domain: Shared domain classes and protobuf definitions for the events

  • persistence: Storing the events in the Query/Projection database

  • query: Processing appointment events to the Query/Projection database of the appointments

  • query-kafka: alternative way of processing (Not yet implemented)

  • integrationtest: Integration test (not completely finished yet)

  • performancetest: Basic Gatling script

Offset store

Borrowed the idea from Lagom. See CassandraOffsetStore.



Study project for CQRS and Event Sourcing with Akka Persistence


Language:Scala 75.1%Language:Shell 24.3%Language:Dockerfile 0.6%