martianoff / docker-kube-aws

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What Is This?

This is my containerized kube-aws tool from CoreOS. It includes the kube-aws, awscli and kubectl.

Why Should I Use It?

Probably you don't want to have local installation of kube-aws, awscli, kubectl, it is too complicated or your OS is not compatible

How Do I Use It?

  • Use this command: docker run --rm -it -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID= -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY= -e AWS_DEFAULT_REGION= -v $PWD:$PWD -w $PWD maxmtmn/docker-kube-aws.
  • This assumes you are starting from a path on the container host where you either have or want to create a kubernetes stack.
  • You will land in bash. From there, you can use all the usual commands of kube-aws, kubectl, or awscli.

Setup kubernetes cluster

  1. Start docker container with all stuff using your AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_DEFAULT_REGION docker run --rm -it -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID= -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY= -e AWS_DEFAULT_REGION= -v $PWD:$PWD -w $PWD maxmtmn/docker-kube-aws
  2. Run aws kms --region=us-east-1 create-key --description="kube-aws assets" copy kms-key-arn to the next step
  3. Run kube-aws init --cluster-name=mycluster --region=us-east-1 --availability-zone=us-east-1a --key-name=cluster_staging --kms-key-arn="arn:aws:kms:us-east-1......."
  4. Run kube-aws render to produce TLS certs
  5. Run kube-aws validate --s3-uri s3://mycluster-bucket/cluster to verify configuration and permissions
  6. Run kube-aws up --s3-uri s3://mycluster-bucket/cluster
  7. You can use generated kubeconfig to connect to kubectl using kubectl --kubeconfig=kubeconfig proxy

Start kubectl proxy on your machine

  1. Go to folder where your kubeconfig generated on previous step stored
  2. Run docker run --expose 800 -p 800:80 -v $PWD:$PWD -w $PWD maxmtmn/docker-kube-aws kubectl --kubeconfig=kubeconfig proxy
  3. Navigate to http://localhost:800/ui

Custom version of kubectl and/or kube-aws

Use --build-arg or environment variables kube_aws_version and kubectl_version. Example: docker build --build-arg kube_aws_version=v0.9.6 --build-arg kubectl_version=v1.6.3 -t maxmtmn/docker-kube-aws .



Language:Dockerfile 100.0%