martenlienen / obsidian-periodic-notes-navbar

A calendar navigation bar for your obsidian journal / periodic notes

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A calendar navigation bar for your obsidian journal / periodic notes

Navigation bar for daily notes Navigation bar for weekly notes Navigation bar for monthly notes Navigation bar for quarterly notes Navigation bar for yearly notes


  • Let's you navigate upwards, e.g. from days to weeks, months, quarters and years etc.
  • Includes downwards navigation, i.e. going from year to quarter or month to week to day
  • Sideways navigation brings you quickly from Monday to the previous Sunday or from September to August or October
  • If a note does not exist yet, it will be created with the correct template when you click on the link
  • Works with the Calendar plugin without any extra configuration
  • Reads all settings such as patterns dynamically from your settings, so you don't have to adapt the templates to customize the note format, for example (see step 4 below)
  • Looks great!


First, you need two plugins: Periodic Notes and Templater.


  1. Copy the templates directory into your vault and configure Templater to use templates as the Template folder location. Alternatively, copy the individual templates into your existing template folder.

  2. Enable Trigger Templater on new file creation in the Templater settings

  3. Configure templates/ as a folder template for / in Templater

    Instructions for templater folder template

  4. (Optionally,) customize your Periodic Notes template formats. If you don't, the templates will use the default values. If you use a structure that puts your notes in subdirectories such as

  • daily: [journal]/Y/MM/Y-MM-DD
  • weekly: [journal]/GGGG/MM/GGGG-[W]WW
  • monthly: [journal]/Y/Y-MM
  • quarterly: [journal]/Y/Y-[Q]Q
  • yearly: [journal]/Y

keep in mind that the filenames should be unique, not just the whole path. So the daily format [journal]/Y/MM/DD would be invalid, because the 2nd of February and March would both be saved in, which makes linking much more of a hassle.


The initial idea for a navigation bar as well as the use of filename dispatching came from ljavuras' obsidian-power-tools. The design is inspired by screenshots posted to reddit by u/tricky-vixen.


A calendar navigation bar for your obsidian journal / periodic notes