marshalhayes / heartbeat

Heartbeat audio classification using tf.keras

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is my semester project for the Introduction to Data Mining course at the University of Memphis.


The idea for this project came from the 2013 'Classifying Heart Sounds Challenge' from Peter Bentley et. al. You can read more about the challenge or download the data from his site. (Note: I only used portions of set B for my project. Set A would probably be much harder since the audio was recorded with cellphone microphones.)

The data is a set of labelled heartbeat audio recordings. The goal of my project is to create a model that can predict with 70% accuracy the classification of the recording and do some data mining along the way :)



None yet


Heartbeat audio classification using tf.keras


Language:Jupyter Notebook 100.0%