Basic python 3.7 text editor project
- Creating a new file
- Opening and closing text files
- Option of save and save as
- Copy, cut and paste text
- Displaying total number of words and characters
- Selecting and deselecting of all text
- Clear all the contents of text files
- Undo and redo
- Viewing online Python 3 Documentation
- Customized themes
- Current date and time
- tkinter (Label, LabelFrame, Radiobutton, Menu, messagebox,etc)
- datetime
- os
- webbrowser
- re
- Spyder 3.3.6 (distributed to Anaconda and WinPython)
- Visual Studio Code
- Processors: Intel® Core™ i5 processor 4300M at 2.60 GHz or 2.59 GHz or EQUIVALENT!
- Disk space: 2 to 3 GB
- Operating systems: Windows® 10, macOS, and Linux or EQUIVALENT
- Processors: Intel Atom® processor or Intel® Core™ i3 processor or EQUIVALENT
- Disk space: 1 GB
- Operating systems: Windows 7 or later, macOS, and Linux