marlycormar / iCARE

Convert sqlite db and tabular data into a mysql db for the iCARE project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Install aws console

  • Install aws:

      pip install aws-shell
  • Run the shell:

  • If it fails with error command not found, add ~/.local/bin to the current $PATH variable:

      export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH

and run aws-shell again.

  • To exit the shell press fn + F10.

Configure aws

  • Once inside the aws-shell run:

  • You will be prompted to provide the following information:

    • AWS Access Key ID:
    • AWS Secret Access Key:
    • Default region name: us-east-1
    • Default output format:
  • Test that you can enumerate the Farsight files in the bucket:

      s3 ls s3://fgs-ufh-farsight-results
  • Exit the shell.

Download all files from the amazon bucket

cd $directory_with_farsight_files
aws s3 sync s3://fgs-ufh-farsight-results .

Convert amazon bucket tabular data into a mysql db

Use a python script.

  • If needed, install the mysql modules for python

      pip install mysql-python
  • Configure Python script

The python script reads its configuration from the environment. These variables are required:

export mysql_db=icare
export directory_with_farsight_files=/Users/pbc/tmp
export sql_dump=../honeyguide/db/farsight.sql
  • Run the script by doing:


Get data from REDCap

We will use QUAIL to get data from REDCap projects.

Note: Quail requires Python3.

  • Install QUAIL's prerequisites

      git clone
      pip install -e cappy
  • Install QUAIL as a python module by first cloning it in a local directory:

      git clone

    and then installing it:

      pip install -e QUAIL
  • General usage:

      quail install <root>
      quail redcap generate ( <quail.conf.yaml> <project_name> <token> <url> ) [-i --initialize]
      quail redcap get_meta (<project_name>) [ -q <quail.conf.yaml> ]
      quail redcap get_data (<project_name>) [ -q <quail.conf.yaml> ]
      quail redcap gen_meta (<project_name>) [ -q <quail.conf.yaml> ]
      quail redcap gen_data (<project_name>) [ -q <quail.conf.yaml> ]
      quail redcap make_import_files (<project_name>) [ -q <quail.conf.yaml> ]
  • To run QUAIL:

      export directory_for_redcap_data=`mktemp -d`
      quail install $directory_for_redcap_data
      export OLDDIR=`pwd`
      cd $directory_for_redcap_data
      quail redcap generate quail.conf.yaml "Malignant" 78JNMKDR346hhKJbj85DE4 http://redcap.test/redcap/api/
      quail redcap get_meta "Malignant"
      quail redcap get_data "Malignant"
      quail redcap gen_meta "Malignant"
      quail redcap gen_data "Malignant"
      quail redcap make_import_files "Malignant"
      export TODAYS_DATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d`
      cd $OLDDIR
  • This will save the information for the REDCap project into a sqlite database in the directory $directory_for_redcap_data/batches/Malignant/2018-03-19/data.db were 2018-03-19 represents the current date.

Convert sqlite db into mysql db

  • The python script reads its configuration from the environment. These variables are required:

      export mysql_db=icare
      export path_to_sqlitedb=$directory_for_redcap_data/batches/Malignant/$TODAYS_DATE/data.db
      export path_to_mysql_dump=~/git/honeyguide/db/malignant.sql
  • Run script:

  • Erase the SQLite inputs

      rm -rf $directory_for_redcap_data

Using honeyguide

  • Go to, clone the repo locally, and checkout the mysql branch.

      git clone
      cd honeyguide
      git checkout mysql
  • Configure Honeyguide to load our data into a MySQL DB. Use fake.env as a template. Copy it to ".env" and customize as needed.

      cp fake.env .env
      # edit .env
  • Build and start honeyguide

      docker-compose up --build
  • To access the web interface of redash go to http://localhost:5000/.

  • To add the datasource, you will need the container ip address. To get that, inspect the container and look for the Gateway ip address:

      docker inspect container_id
  • To add a mysql datasource you will need the following information:

      Host: container_ip
      Port: 3306
      Password: password
      Database Name: redash

Notice that both the malignant and the farsight data sources will be loaded into the icare database in docker mysql instance.


Convert sqlite db and tabular data into a mysql db for the iCARE project

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%