marlonpp / grommet-toolbox

Developer Environment for Grommet applications

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Dependency Status devDependency Status

Developer Environment for Grommet applications with the following built-in features:

  • Ability to create a production ready distribution with minified JavaScript and CSS
  • Ability to sync your distribution to a remote location
  • JavaScript and Sass linters
  • Development server with hot-reloading
  • Test infrastructure based on tape and gulp watch
  • Code coverage using Istanbul
  • Convert raw svgs to Grommet icons with accessibility support
  • Bundle your project and its dependencies in a compressed file

grommet-toolbox runs on top of Gulp.


npm install grommet-toolbox --save-dev

Basic usage


import gulp from 'gulp';
import grommetToolbox from 'grommet-toolbox';

var opts = {
  copyAssets: [
      asset: 'src/img/**',
      dist: 'dist/img/'
  scssAssets: ['src/scss/**/*.scss'],
  jsAssets: ['src/js/**/*.js'],
  mainJs: 'src/js/index.js',
  mainScss: 'src/scss/index.scss',
  devServerPort: 9000

grommetToolbox(gulp, opts);

Grommet-toolbox augments gulp object with these additional tasks:

  • gulp copy: uses copyAssets option to move files to distribution folder.
  • gulp generate-icons: uses icons option to convert raw svg icons to Grommet icons.
  • gulp scsslint: uses scssAssets option to lint your Sass code.
  • gulp jslint: uses jsAssets and testPaths options to lint your JavaScript code.
  • gulp dev: starts a webpack dev server with hot reloading. See options for example configuration.
    • --config: Set the path of the config file to use.
    • --skip-preprocess: Skips preprocess tasks.
    • --skip-open: Skips opening dev server url in a browser.
  • gulp dist: prepares your application/library for production.
  • gulp sync: uses sync option to sync distribution content to a remote server.
  • gulp test: uses testPaths option to execute tests based on Tape.
  • gulp test:watch: runs tests and watch for changes to execute the tests again.
  • gulp test:coverage: runs tests and generates a code coverage report.
  • gulp pack: uses the package.json dependencies object to create a compressed file with all the dependencies included.

Recommended Usage

As your configuration grows it gets really difficult to manipulate everything inside a single gulp file. Grommet-toolbox offers a config file where you can store your application specific settings. This is the recommended way of using this tool. Now you will have two files, grommet-toolbox.config.js and gulpfile.babel.js:


export default {
  copyAssets: [
      asset: 'src/img/**',
      dist: 'dist/img/'
  scssAssets: ['src/scss/**/*.scss'],
  jsAssets: ['src/js/**/*.js'],
  mainJs: 'src/js/index.js',
  mainScss: 'src/scss/index.scss',
  devServerPort: 9000


import gulp from 'gulp';
import grommetToolbox from 'grommet-toolbox';


grommet-toolbox will look into your application's root folder and extract the configuration for your project.


property type description default example
base string Optional. Base working directory process.cwd() base: '.'
copyAssets array Optional. Assets to be copied to the distribution folder undefined See copyAssets WIKI
eslintConfigPath string Optional. Path to your custom eslint config file undefined eslintConfigPath: path.resolve(__dirname, '../.eslintrc')
eslintOverride string Optional. Path to your custom eslint overrides undefined eslintOverride: path.resolve(__dirname, 'customEslintrc')
devPreprocess array Optional. A set of tasks to run before gulp dev undefined ['set-webpack-alias']
devServerDisableHot boolean Optional. If true, will disable webpack hot reloading false devServerDisableHot: true
devServerHost string Optional. Host address for the webpack dev server 'localhost' devServerHost: ''
devServerPort int Optional. Sets a listener port for the webpack dev server 8080 devServerPort: 9000
devServerProxy object Optional. Proxy requests from the webpack dev server undefined devServerProxy: { '/rest/*': 'http://localhost:8114' }
devServer object Optional. Any additional options for the webpack dev server undefined devServer: { https: true }
dist string Optional. Location of the distribution folder 'dist' dist: 'distribution'
distPreprocess array Optional. A set of tasks to run before gulp dist undefined ['dist-css']
env object Optional. Adds environment variables for Node undefined { DEV_MODE: 'true'}
icons object Optional. Converts raw icons to a Grommet icon undefined See icon WIKI
jsAssets array Required. Location of your JavaScript Assets [] jsAssets: ['src/js/**/*.js']
jsLoader object Optional. If you want to use another webpack loader for your JavaScript Assets react-loader `{ test: /.jsx?$/, loader: 'react-hot!babel-loader', exclude: /(node_modules
lintCache boolean Optional. If true, it will skip caching for linters (build time increases). true lintCache: false
mainJs string Required. Location of your main JavaScript file undefined mainJs: 'src/js/index.js'
publicPath string Optional. Your main app context '/' publichPath: '/docs'
scssAssets array Optional. Location of your Sass Assets [] scssAssets: ['src/scss/**/*.scss']
scssLoader object Optional. If you want to use another webpack loader for your SCSS Assets react-loader { test: /\.scss?$/, loader: 'file?name=assets/css/[name].css!sass'}
scsslint boolean (deprecated) Optional. If false, it will skip Sass linting true scsslint: false
sync object Optional. Syncs your content to a remote server undefined sync: { hostname: '', username: 'grommet', remoteDestination: '/var/www/html/'}
testPaths array Optional. Location of your test assets undefined testPaths: ['test/**/*.js']
webpack object Optional. Additional webpack options to be used in gulp dist undefined See Webpack Configuration
webpackProfile string Optional. Location to save webpack profile stats in json format. undefined webpackProfile: './stats.json'


See grommet-todo


See Advanced Usage wiki


Developer Environment for Grommet applications

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:JavaScript 100.0%