markwk / todoist_export

Python 3 Script to Export Current Tasks, Completed Past Tasks and a List of Projects

Repository from Github https://github.commarkwk/todoist_exportRepository from Github https://github.commarkwk/todoist_export

Todoist Export: Export Your Completed Tasks History

Also available online at

A Simple Python 3 Export script for Todoist. Provides CSV export of Current Tasks, Completed Past Tasks and a List of Projects.

This script is useful for getting your data out of Todoist and can be used for data analysis and data visualization with Tableau, Python, R or even Google Sheets.

Installation and Setup:

Download and Install Dependencies:

  • (If you haven't already) Download and Install Pandas: $ pip install pandas
  • Download and Install Todoist's API Python Library: $ pip install python-todoist

Signup and Create a Todoist App

  • Signup at
  • Once app is created, generate and copy a "Test token," which provides access to API as your user.
  • Copy sample-credentials.json and create credentials.json
  • Add and Save your Test Token to credentials.json


For Data Analysis and an alternative version using Python 3 and a Jupyter Notebook, See: Todoist Data Analysis for QS Ledger


Python 3 Script to Export Current Tasks, Completed Past Tasks and a List of Projects


Language:Python 100.0%