markwitt1 / emotionsnippets

Emotion.js styling package snippets for React apps

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Emotion Snippets for React apps by iJS

Thanks for giving this a go. Hope this helps and makes your coding more efficient and fun.


Animations coming soon.

Pull requests are most welcome!


  • Launch the Command Pallete (Ctrl + Shift + P or ⌘Cmd + Shift + P) and type "Install Extensions" (or navigate from the sidebar to Extensions tab).
  • In search box type in "iJS" and choose the Emotion Snippets
  • Install the extension (you may need to relaunch VS Code)
  • Get a coffee, a cookie and celebrate by expanding some emotion.js snippets!

Supported languages (file extensions)

  • JavaScript (.js)
  • TypeScript (.ts)
  • JavaScript React (.jsx)
  • TypeScript React (.tsx)

Below is a list of all available snippets and the triggers of each one. The means the TAB key.

Emotion.js Snippet Contents

Trigger Content
ecss → Declared an emotion css style variable
ecn → Creates ClassNames HOC with render props
eobjcss → Declared an emotion css style variable with object styles
eusthm → Declare them with useTheme() from emotion-theming
imecn → Import ClassNames from @emotion/core
imecss → Import css from @emotion/core
imej → Imports emotion jsx prop
imejcss → Imports emotion jsx and css props
imesc → Import styled from emotion/styled (requires package)
imeusthm → Import useTheme from emotion-theming (requires package)
sc → Declare styled component
scw → Declare custom component wrapped in a styled component
  • More snippets to come, stay tuned!

Expanded Snippets

imecn - Import ClassNames from @emotion/core

import { ClassNames } from "@emotion/core";

imecss - Import css from @emotion/core

import { css } from "@emotion/core";

imej - Imports emotion jsx prop

// below comment line is required
// it tells babel how to convert properly
/** @jsx jsx */
import { jsx } from "@emotion/core";

imejcss - Imports emotion jsx and css props

// below comment line is required
// it tells babel how to convert properly
/** @jsx jsx */
import { jsx, css } from "@emotion/core";

imesc - Import styled from emotion/styled (requires package)

import styled from "@emotion/styled";

imeusthm - Import useTheme from emotion-theming (requires package)

import { useTheme } from "emotion-theming";

ecss - Declared an emotion css style variable

const style| = css`

eobjcss - Declared an emotion css style variable with object styles

const objectStyles| = css({

eusthm - Declare them with useTheme() from emotion-theming

const theme = useTheme();

sc - Declare styled component

const sc| = styled.div`

scw - Wrap custom component with emotion styled component

const sc| = styled(CustomComp|)`

Release Notes

[1.1.2] - 2020 March 4rd


  • [BREAKING]: Final renaming of base snippets

[1.1.1] - 2020 March 4rd


  • ecn → | Fix typo to properly close ClassNames element

[1.1.0] - 2020 March 4rd


  • [BREAKING]: Refactored most snippets to shorter versions.

[1.0.2] - 2020 March 4rd


  • eimpclnm → | Import ClassNames from @emotion/core
  • eclnm → | Creates ClassNames HOC with render props


  • [BREAKING]: Renamed all em* snippet instances to e*


  • stprop →

[1.0.1] - 2020 March 3rd


  • added filename base to styled component definition

[1.0.0] - 2020 March 3rd



  •   `emimpcss→` | Import css from @emotion/core
  • emimpstyled→ | Import styled from emotion

  • `sc→` | Declare styled component
  • scw→ | Declare custom component wrapped in a styled component

  •     `stprop→` | Universal destructuring of a prop template literal
  • `emimptheme→` | Import useTheme from emotion
  • `emusetheme→` | Declare them with useTheme() from emotion
  •      `emcss→` | Declared an emotion css style variable
  •   `emobjcss→` | Declared an emotion css style variable with object styles
  •   `emimpjsx→` | Imports emotion jsx prop
  • emimpjsxcss→ | Imports emotion jsx and css props

  • Initial Emotion Snippets Release

Enjoy! / Scott Agirs


Emotion.js styling package snippets for React apps

License:MIT License