markozajc / qalculate-helper

[mirror] A native connector for LiBot's *calc command

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qalculate-helper is a small program that allows other software to easily and securely integrate the amazing libqalculate library. It was primarily created for LiBot, but may be integrated into other software.

The first part of the version (X.Y.Z) matches the minimum LiBot version. When this part of the version changes, breaking changes may be introduced to the input/output format.

The second part of the version (-N) denotes the qalculate-helper update number. No breaking changes are introduced to the input/output format when this number changes, but output content may change.


qalculate-helper takes three arguments:

./qalculate-helper [expression] [mode] [base]
  • expression is the expression string, for example 1 + 1.

    Note that while libqalculate handles to <unit> syntax, it does not handle to <base> - this must be passed into the base arguments.

  • mode is a bit field of modes to enable

    • precision (1 << 0) sets precision to 900
    • exact (1 << 1) enables exact results (for example, 2/6 will evaluate to 1/3 rather than the decimal representation)
    • nocolor (1 << 2) disables ANSI color escapes in the output
  • base determines which base the output should be expressed in. A list of supported bases is available on - base constants are prefixed with BASE_. Note that some bases, for example BASE_CUSTOM, are not yet supported.


qalculate-helper will print multiple outputs, separated by a NUL byte (\x00). The first byte in every output determines its type:

  • TYPE_MESSAGE (\x01) denotes messages emitted by the calculator. The first denotes its severity:

    • LEVEL_INFO (\x01)
    • LEVEL_WARNING (\x02)
    • LEVEL_ERROR (\x03)
    • LEVEL_UNKNOWN (\x04)

    The message content is stored from the second byte until the next separator as a string.

  • TYPE_RESULT (\x02) denotes the evaluation result. The result content is stored from the first byte until the next separator as a string.

The order of outputs is not guaranteed. Every invocation of qalculate-helper will print exactly one result, but may print any number of messages.

Exit codes

  • 1 - invalid arguments
  • 102 - evaluation has timed out
  • 103 - failed to update the exchange rates (only returned by exchange-rate-updater)
  • 139 - segmentation fault (report a bug)
  • 159 - bad system call / seccomp violation (report a bug)


Ensure you have the following prerequisites before compiling:

  • Meson
  • A C++ compiler (g++ or clang++ should work)
  • libqalculate
  • libseccomp (if seccomp is enabled)
  • libcap-ng (if setuid is enabled)

qalculate-helper uses Meson as its build system. To compile with default build options, run the following:

$ git clone git://
$ cd qalculate-helper
$ meson setup build
$ meson compile -C build

Compiling against a custom libqalculate

If you would like to compile qalculate-helper against a custom libqalculate build, as opposed to the one provided by the system, set the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable to the meson setup command:

PKG_CONFIG_PATH='/path/to/libqalculate/lib/pkgconfig/ meson setup

If you would like prevent qalculate-helper from building against the (potentially insecure) system-provided libqalculate, set the expect_custom_libqalculate parameter to true:

PKG_CONFIG_PATH='/path/to/libqalculate/lib/pkgconfig/ meson -Dexpect_custom_libqalculate=true setup

This will abort the build if libqalculate from /usr is to be used.

Build options

qalculate-helper provides many build options to tune its behavior and security

Build options are provided to the meson setup command in the following manner:

$ meson setup -Doption=value -Doption=value ... build/

You can run meson configure to view all available options.

  • **-Dbuildtype (default: release)

    Builds the project in a different mode. If debug or debugoptimized is used, certain security features will be disabled or relaxed to make the project easier to debug.

  • **-Dexchange_rate_updater (default: enabled)

    Builds exchange-rate-updater, a separate binary used to update monetary exchange rates.

  • -Dseccomp (default: enabled)

    seccomp is a Linux security feature that limits a process' ability to use certain system cals. In the case of qalculate-helper, this prevents any potential exploit from opening new files, using the network, executing new programs, and many others.

    Issues with seccomp manifest as "Bad system call" errors (exit code 159). In case this happens, find the offending system call in the kernel's ring buffer (run dmesg) and add it to the whitelist in src/security_util.cpp. Please also report the bug to

    Disabling this degrades security.

  • -Dsetuid (default: enabled)

    • -Dsetuid_uid (default: 2000)
    • -Dsetuid_gid (default: 2000)

    Controls setuid/setid behavior of qalculate-helper, and requires some setup. You need to create a user and a group, get their uid and gid, chown the executable to the uid:gid, add suid and sgid mode, and set setgid and setpcap capabilities. For example:

    1. Open /etc/passwd and add the following line (pick a different uid and gid if 2000 is already used)
    2. Open /etc/group and add the following line
    3. (optional) Run pwck and grpck to correct shadow and gshadow databases
    4. Run the following as root:
      # chown qalc:qalc build/qalculate-helper build/exchange-rate-updater
      # chmod 6755 build/qalculate-helper build/exchange-rate-updater
      # setcap cap_setgid+ep cap_setpcap+ep build/qalculate-helper build/exchange-rate-updater

    Disabling this degrades security.

  • **-Dlibqalculate_static_link (default: false)

    Link libqalculate statically. This removes the risk of using the wrong libqalculate at runtime and makes qalculate-helper easier to move to a different machine, but increases the binary size and requires recompilation when updating libqalculate.

  • **-Dexpect_custom_libqalculate (default: false)

    Aborts the build if libqalculate from /usr is to be used.

  • **-Ddefang_calculator (default: true)

    Removes dangerous functions from Calculator at runtime. This has no effect if libqalculate was compiled with --disable-insecure and --without-gnuplot-call (you pass these flags to ./ when building it).

    Enabling expect_custom_libqalculate and libqalculate_static_link is recommended when setting this to false to reduce the risk of using the wrong libqalculate

  • **-preload_datasets (default: true)

    Preloads datasets for dataset commands (atom and planet) to fix them when seccomp is enabled. This is not necessary if libqalculate was compiled with --enable-compiled-definitions (you pass this flag to ./ when building it).

    Enabling expect_custom_libqalculate and libqalculate_static_link is recommended when setting this to false to reduce the risk of using the wrong libqalculate


[mirror] A native connector for LiBot's *calc command

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:C++ 75.1%Language:Meson 23.1%Language:C 1.7%