markowitz / geneo_exercise

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a simple social networking app, where users can register and follow each other, make posts and comment on posts of users they follow.


  • Endpoint to register users, based on email and password. Email validation is mandatory. Password requirements should be implemented.
  • Endpoint to authenticate users, which should return a JWT token and a refresh token. (Bonus points if JWT token is set as a HTTP cookie and returned in the response object).
  • Users should have two available roles (ROLE_USER and ROLE_ADMIN).
  • A user should be able to create a post which should contain at least a title and content. A user can have many posts, a post can only be owned by one user.
  • Posts can have the ability to contain images.
  • A user can follow many other users, and be able to see those users’ most recent posts.
  • A user with ROLE_ADMIN should be able to see a list of pending posts and have endpoints to approve them. Each post should be publishable. That is, an admin needs to approve a post before it is visible to all other users. Until it is published, the owner should be able to modify the post.
  • Each published post should support comments, where each user who follows the owner of the post can comment.
  • Each post should support tags. Multiple tags can be added against a single post.
  • If a user is removed by an admin, their posts should remain visible.
  • If a post is removed (either by the owner or by an admin), comments and media objects should be removed as well.

How to Setup

  • Clone repo
  • The app is dockerized. To start, ensue you have docker on your system, you can check how to install docker here
  • copy .env.example to .env and edit your database information
  • run docker-compose up -d to build the docker image.
  • bash into the docker container docker exec -it bash
  • run composer install
  • run php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate to run migration and add --env=test flag for test migration
  • if you have issues with migrating the env test, run php bin/console doctrine:database:create --env=test to create the test db
  • php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load to load data fixtures add the test env flag to load for test db
  • run bin/console lexik:jwt:generate-keypair to generate jwt key
  • an admin account is setup already with detail
  • email:
  • password: password
  • to run tests php bin/phpunit



  • Test Coverage is 70%
  • File uploads are inside the public/uploads directory



Language:PHP 98.3%Language:Shell 1.4%Language:Dockerfile 0.3%