markojaadam / spending

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#Spending tracking Django backend

Database deployment

Note: All .sql files are located in db folder.

  1. Install and PostgreSQL.

  2. Configure PostreSQL for password authentication: a. Locate pg_hba.conf (on Linux: /etc/postgresql/XX/main/pg_hba.conf) wheere XX is the PostgreSQL version b. Change this line:

# IPv4 local connections:
host    all             all               peer

to this

# IPv4 local connections:
host    all             all               md5

in order to provide password authentication for the database.

  1. Login as postgres with sudo -u postgres -i
  2. Run script. This will create the role which will own the database itself. If this owner role is already exists the script will report error. Ignore it. After that, you can log off from postgres user with exit.
  3. Run --target=all

This will create all the stuff in the newly created database.

Notes on development

Every time you want to redeploy the entire database objects, run:

cd db --target=all --rebuild

And than repeat the deploy procedure.

If you only want to recreate the API schema (containing only the database function) run

cd db --target=api --rebuild

Server deployment

  • clone repository
  • (optional): Create and activate virtual environment
python3 -m venv $HOME/venv
source $HOME/venv/bin/activate
  • install requirements
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  • add secrets create .secret folder and place a config.json file in it with the following content:
  "server": {
    "secret_key": "django_top_secret"
  "db": {
    "dbname": "spending",
    "username": "test",
    "password": "test",
    "host": "localhost",
    "port": 5432

Debug mode

run python3 runserver

Production mode

  • copy init.d script into /etc/init.d/
sudo cp /etc/init.d/gunicorn-spending
sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/gunicorn-spending

note: set the parameters above in the script according to the local setup:

  • start init.d script
sudo /etc/init.d/gunicorn-spending start


The API is fully JSON-based.


The backend has 3 layers of validation:

  • JSON schema: all POST methods go through JSON schema validation. The validation schemas are defined in
  • Server-side code validation: a few additional step for errors
  • Database validation: database raises custom SQLstates for each kind of common

Getting our own spending

Performed by simple GET method. Optional query parameters:

  • order_by: order the output based in the selected property
  • currency: filter the output by the selected currency
curl -l {API_URL}/getspending?currency=HUF&order_by=amount

-> outputs:

list of spendings

{"ok": 1, "data": [{"id": 21, "amount": 1, "reason": null, "date": 1598236973}]}

Submit a new spending

Add a new spending to the database with POST:

curl -l -X POST {API_URL}/addspending --data '{"amount": 1, "currency": "USD", "reason": "shopping lollipop", "date": 1598538717}'

note: all object properties are required

-> outputs:

the ID of the new entry on successful creation:

{"ok": 1, "params": {"id": 432}}

Delete a spending

Deletes the sending from the database referenced by its ID:

curl -l -X POST {API_URL}/deletespending --data '{"id":432}'

-> outputs ack.

{"ok": 1}

Update a spending

Updates a spending referenced by its ID:

curl -l -X POST {API_URL}/updatespending --data '{"amount": 1, "currency": "USD", "id": 432, "reason": "shopping candy", "date": 1598538717}'

note: all object properties are required

-> outputs ack.

{"ok": 1}


the following test tools can be found in tool folder:

Holds the main functions for the debugger modules.

note: Don't forget to replace the API_URL paramter according to the server setup:

API_URL = 'http://localhost:8000/



It runs basic unittests on server-side validation of POST requests and penetration test:

  • sends malformed JSON
  • sends json with invalid values (e.g. negative amount, future times)
  • sends json data containing database errors (update entries with non-existing ID)
  • sends multiple concurrent requests

A click-based command line client to test api with full functionality:
./ add-spending add a spending to the database with the following arguments:

--amount (amount of spending, must be greater than zero)
--currency (3-letter ISO currency code)
--reason (description of spending, nullable)
--date (date of spending in UNIX epoch, must be less than the current time)
--debug (output verbosity: silent: no output, payload: only the server resposne, error: only server responses containing errors, all: both cient request and server response)


./ add-spending --amount=1 --currency=USD --reason=shopping --date=1598538717 --debug=all

./ delete-spending` delete a spending using its ID:

--id (id of the to-be-deleted spending)


./ delete-spending --id=1 --debug=all

./ update-spending

update a spending based on its id with the following arguments:

--id (id of the to-be-updated spending)
--amount (amount of spending, must be greater than zero)
--currency (3-letter ISO currency code)
--reason (description of spending, nullable)
--date (date of spending in UNIX epoch, must be less than the current time)
--debug (output verbosity: silent: no output, payload: only the server resposne, error: only server responses containing errors, all: both cient request and server response)


./ update-spending --id=1 --amount=1 --currency=USD --reason=shopping --date=1598538717 --debug=all

./ get-spending get all or some of the spendings according to the following:

--order-by (order the output based on the selected aspect: amount/currency/date; default: date)
--currency (get selective output for a picked currency)

the output will be formatted innto command-line table.



Language:Python 67.7%Language:TSQL 13.2%Language:PLpgSQL 7.8%Language:Shell 7.3%Language:HTML 4.0%