markburns / flow

Productivity tools for dealing with a GitHub/JIRA/CircleCI/Slack workflow

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This README roughly defines the current workflow for getting from ideas into production for a specific client of mine.

As such it will act as a high level initial design document for a suite of CLI utilititis to make this process less fiddly.


Follow the setup instructions below. prefix your branch names with the JIRA ticket ID. E.g.ASDF-123-some-jira-ticket-title N.B. this will be automatic in the future with unification of JIRA ticket titles, PR titles and branch names (or their path/URL friendly slugified equivalents)

flow-status # shows status of your local branches including JIRA ticket, GitHub and CI status
flow-status verbose # as above but includes information on local branches and PRs that don't match JIRA tickets
flow-status verbose ci # as above but fetches failure info from circle
flow-jira-transition <jira_id> <status_name> # transition the ticket to the SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE status name e.g. IN_PROGRESS, UAT, REVIEW
ci  [branch] # fetch status and/or failures from CI

ci-status [branch] # fetch only the CI status

comments # fetch comments for current branch

clean-branches # delete branches that are up to date with the current branch and not named master or develop

kb # open the kanban board in firefox

open-ci # open Circle for the current branch's PR

spring-parallel-matching <pattern> # run all specs where the full path name matches the pattern e.g. integrations/shopify


Tilix commands

By commands we mean, hold down and click the highlighted link given that you've set up Tilix as defined lower down. This should be extensible to work in iTerm too, and I'd like to find out how iTerm/Tilix config is persisted and ideally manage it from this repo. At the moment it's just a case of manually editing the config.

switch branch [matches on `branch: <branch_name>`]
open in gvim [matches on relative URLs in project, full paths, and both with or without line numbers]
open URL [matches on any URL and defaults to opening in firefox]
run spec in spring [matches on rspec output for lines beginning with `rspec ./spec/...`]
git add file [matches on `modified:  <file_name>` i.e. the output from `git status`]


Clone this repo and add the bin folder to your path.


This project is pre-alpha. I'm gradually adding minor tweaks each day that make my developer day more enjoyable and productive. I currently work on Ubuntu in Tilix as my terminal and gvim as my text editor.

I'm happy to try

  • make it more text editor agnostic
  • more terminal agnostic
  • more OS agnostic
  • remove dependencies

Initial known dependencies. (There may be more I haven't realised just yet)

Also there's a dependency on opening gvim for my current client's project. I think my github handle is also in here at the moment. Those are easy to sort out.

Environment variables


export CIRCLE_TOKEN=abcdef123
export GH_TOKEN=abcdef123
export JIRA_TOKEN=abcdef123
export JIRA_SUBDOMAIN=something

copy colors.zsh to somewhere it can be sourced.

E.g. if you use yadr you can do:

cp colors.zsh ~/.zsh.after/colors.zsh


add the following line to your .zshrc, .zsh_profile, .bashrc, .bash_profile etc:

source ~/path/to/flow/colors.zsh

Tilix config

Set up Tilix like this for useful actions when control clicking to open links tilix

config in text format:

launch firefox:
  firefox $0

launch jira:
  open-jira $0

run single spec in spring:
  run-command spring rspec $0 $1 $2 $3 $4
  (rspec (([\.]\/[a-z][a-z0-9_\.\/\-]+):(\d+)))

    launch-gvim 'relative' $0 $1 $2 $3

    launch-gvim 'relative-no-line' $0 $1 $2 $3

    launch-gvim 'relative-no-dot' $0 $1 $2 $3

    launch-gvim 'relative-no-dot-no-line' $0 $1 $2 $3

    launch-gvim 'full' $0 $1 $2 $3

    launch-gvim 'full-no-line' $0 $1 $2 $3

git branch switching:
  run-command git checkout $2
  (branch: ([a-z]+\-[0-9]+\-[a-z\-]+))

git add:
  run-command git add $2

N.B. similar set up should be possible for iTerm on Mac OS with Command click

Parallel RSpec

I currently have a 16 core machine. By running parallel_tests with glob matching I can quickly run all the most likely relevant tests for a specific feature.


 specs-parallel-matching '*/integrations/shopify/'
Running via Spring preloader in process 21716
14 processes for 14 specs, ~ 1 specs per process
Running via Spring preloader in process 21766
Running via Spring preloader in process 21769
Running via Spring preloader in process 21772
Running via Spring preloader in process 21775
Running via Spring preloader in process 21778
Running via Spring preloader in process 21781
Running via Spring preloader in process 21784
Running via Spring preloader in process 21787
Running via Spring preloader in process 21790
Running via Spring preloader in process 21793
Running via Spring preloader in process 21796
Running via Spring preloader in process 21799
Running via Spring preloader in process 21802
Running via Spring preloader in process 21805

Finished in 1.6 seconds (files took 0.99127 seconds to load)
2 examples, 0 failures


Finished in 1.93 seconds (files took 1.23 seconds to load)
3 examples, 0 failures


Finished in 1.91 seconds (files took 1.03 seconds to load)
3 examples, 0 failures


Finished in 2.53 seconds (files took 1.34 seconds to load)
4 examples, 0 failures


Finished in 2.04 seconds (files took 0.9734 seconds to load)
4 examples, 0 failures


Finished in 3.06 seconds (files took 1.35 seconds to load)
11 examples, 0 failures


Finished in 3.38 seconds (files took 1.31 seconds to load)
13 examples, 0 failures


Finished in 2.78 seconds (files took 0.90789 seconds to load)
4 examples, 0 failures


Finished in 2.84 seconds (files took 1.03 seconds to load)
8 examples, 0 failures


Finished in 4.39 seconds (files took 1.04 seconds to load)
11 examples, 0 failures


Finished in 5.66 seconds (files took 0.80507 seconds to load)
5 examples, 0 failures


Finished in 6.03 seconds (files took 1.01 seconds to load)
6 examples, 0 failures


Finished in 6.29 seconds (files took 0.83598 seconds to load)
38 examples, 0 failures


Finished in 9.58 seconds (files took 1.22 seconds to load)
8 examples, 0 failures

120 examples, 0 failures

Took 12 seconds

Current workflow description

The following section is very specific to our workflow at the moment. I'll be using this as a guideline to identify and remove pain points.



  • released - anything to talk about?
  • project release - anything new?
  • ready for release - any reason can't go out? who's releasing?
  • UAT - one by one
  • In progress - one by one
  • Next up - has anyone
  • Batman - who was it? anything to talk about
  •                 who is it today?
  • Any work outside the board?


  1. refine tickets
  2. choose ticket (flow-next-ticket)
no tickets in progress. Look for one with `flow-next-ticket`
  1. mark jira ticket as in progress -
  2. assign self to ticket |- (flow-next-ticket TECH-704)
  3. checkout a branch with jira-id-slugified-title |
  4. display jira description and link to ticket -


  1. develop
  • a. write tests
  • b. run tests (spring_parallel_matching)
  • c. write code
  • d. run tests
  • e. fix tests
  • f. refactor
  • g. repeat 5 until ticket development done
  JIRA     Status   CI     Title                PR                       Jira
* TECH-704 Progress -      "do a thing"         -                        https://....
  TECH-710 Review   Failed "do something else"   https://....
           Review   OK     some-branch-name   https://....

nice to have

flow-create "Ticket Title" <<-EOF
description goes here

flow-status TECH-845
  JIRA     Status   CI      Title                PR                       Jira
  TECH-845 Progress Running "do something else"   https://....


  1. push code to github - use hub pull-request and JIRA title/ticket

  2. request review on slack, include JIRA ticket id and github PR link |

  3. mark jira ticket as Review |- (flow-review-start)

  4. chase up if no response after a few hours (slack reminder) -

  5. address comments -

  6. push code |- (flow-status) shows unresolved comments

  7. repeat from 5 until approved |

  8. check ci maybe 20 minutes later -

  9. merge into develop |- (flow-merge)

  10. mark in JIRA as UAT or awaiting release -


  1. announce on slack release channel |-(flow-release-start SHA/PR/JIRA)

  2. wait to see if any objection

  3. create a PR -

  4. send an email |-(flow-release-deploy)

  5. announce releasing slack |

  6. deploy code -

  7. announce on release channel |

  8. wait for responses |-(flow-release-finish)

  9. if all ok send email |


Productivity tools for dealing with a GitHub/JIRA/CircleCI/Slack workflow


Language:Shell 72.2%Language:Ruby 24.8%Language:Python 2.6%Language:Gnuplot 0.4%