markbucklin / codemess

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Calcium Imaging Code Cleanup

The goal is to merge/refactor code from a few highly overlapping and previously untracked repositories of calcium imaging video processing code. We are beginning with a function that has been used previously to wrap access to several other functions defined in the file 'getScicadelicPreprocessor.m'.

function [nextFcn, varargout] = getScicadelicPreProcessor(tiffLoader, saveBW,saveRGB)


Steps in getScicadelicPreProcessor.m

Workspace Configuration

  • inputs
  • outputs
    • storage path auto-naming (using date-time) --> logging
  • work-directory
  • other miscellaneous settings (i.e. framesPerStep)
TL = scicadelic.TiffStackLoader
videoFile = scicadelic.FileWrapper

Processor Enumeration & Configuration

Image Pre-Processing operations

Using matlab 'system' interface, a bunch of image processing 'systems' are added which will be connected together manually later to form the processing pipeline. This is helpful on the way to a standardized interface for processing nodes, but is not quite there because of loose restrictions (or lack of a wrapper) around the number and type of inputs/outputs for the processing units.

pp.sys.tiffloader = TL;
pp.sys.medianfilter = scicadelic.HybridMedianFilter;
pp.sys.contrastenhancer = scicadelic.LocalContrastEnhancer;
pp.sys.contrastenhancer.LpFilterSigma = 15; %7
pp.sys.contrastenhancer.UseInteractive = true;
pp.sys.motioncorrector = scicadelic.MotionCorrector;
pp.sys.temporalgradientstatisticcollector = scicadelic.TemporalGradientStatisticCollector;
pp.sys.temporalgradientstatisticcollector.DifferentialMomentOutputPort = true;
pp.sys.temporalgradientstatisticcollector.GradientRestriction = 'Positive Only'; %'Absolute Value';
pp.sys.temporalfilter = scicadelic.TemporalFilter;
pp.sys.temporalfilter.MinTimeConstantNumFrames = 6;% new
pp.sys.pixelintensitystatisticcollector = scicadelic.StatisticCollector('DifferentialMomentOutputPort',true);
pp.sys.temporalgradienttemporalfilter = scicadelic.TemporalFilter('MinTimeConstantNumFrames',6);

Output Normalization & Filtering operations

INg = scicadelic.ImageNormalizer('NormalizationType','ExpNormComplement');
% INb = scicadelic.ImageNormalizer('NormalizationType','Geman-McClure');
% INr = scicadelic.ImageNormalizer('NormalizationType','Geman-McClure');
MF = pp.sys.medianfilter;

Specific Processor/Operation Sequencing

Operations can be sequenced/ordered to form 'pipeline' sections, and can be grouped for combining execution parameters (i.e. synchronous, or asynchronous and prioritizied) and also for efficient delegation across processing nodes/cores/devices. note: needed graph layout dataflow definition. todo: todo, do. additionally, need to add ability for simple buffering between pipelined/sequential steps or groups, or feedback buffers.

feedThroughSystem = {... pp.sys.medianfilter pp.sys.contrastenhancer pp.sys.motioncorrector pp.sys.temporalfilter pp.sys.temporalgradienttemporalfilter }; otherSystem = {... pp.sys.temporalgradientstatisticcollector pp.sys.pixelintensitystatisticcollector INg % INr % INb }; allSystems = cat(1,{TL},feedThroughSystem,otherSystem);

Resolve Properties of Input and Prepare Workspace to Accomodate

  • size
  • type
  • counters
  • timestamp
  • initialize buffers
  • truncate/expand space on ramdisk

Intrafuncalatory Runtime-variable Delivery

Return handle to subfunctions that implement procedures on new data in chunkwise steps.


function chunk = next()
    if ~finishedFlag
        [,] = processChunk();

        chunk.pixelStatistics = updatePixelStatistics();

        [fdata,udata] = generateColorCodedMarginalStatChannels();




Shower-Gown Celebration



Language:MATLAB 99.7%Language:C++ 0.1%Language:M 0.1%Language:Objective-C 0.0%Language:Cuda 0.0%Language:Mathematica 0.0%Language:C 0.0%Language:Limbo 0.0%