markbates / wailsx

WIP: Tools for working with

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1.1 - Wailsx - A Testable, Idiomatic Wrapper for Wails

I love Wails and have been using it to create some great applications. Unfortunately, the Wails v2 API is not very testable or idiomatic. Wailsx is a wrapper around the Wails API that makes it easier to test and use in a more idiomatic way.

1.1.1 - Installation

Wailsx is a Go module and can be installed with go get.

go get

Figure 1.1: Installing with go get.

Once imported, you can use the wailsx package in your application.

$ go doc -short

func NewAPI() *API
    NewAPI returns a new API with all the functions, and interfaces, set to
    their default implementations.

Go Version: go1.22.1

Figure 1.2: The wailsx.NewAPI function

1.2 - Runtime and API

1.2.1 - The API Interface

The wailsx.API interface, Listing 1.1 declares an idiomatic interface for the package.

$ go doc

package wailsrun // import ""

type API interface {
	BrowserOpenURL(ctx context.Context, url string) error
	ClipboardGetText(ctx context.Context) (string, error)
	ClipboardSetText(ctx context.Context, text string) error
	EventsEmit(ctx context.Context, event string, data ...any) error
	EventsOff(ctx context.Context, event string, additional ...string) error
	EventsOffAll(ctx context.Context) error
	EventsOn(ctx context.Context, event string, callback CallbackFn) (CancelFn, error)
	EventsOnMultiple(ctx context.Context, event string, callback CallbackFn, counter int) (CancelFn, error)
	EventsOnce(ctx context.Context, event string, callback CallbackFn) (CancelFn, error)
	Hide(ctx context.Context) error
	LogDebug(ctx context.Context, message string) error
	LogDebugf(ctx context.Context, format string, args ...any) error
	LogError(ctx context.Context, message string) error
	LogErrorf(ctx context.Context, format string, args ...any) error
	LogFatal(ctx context.Context, message string) error
	LogFatalf(ctx context.Context, format string, args ...any) error
	LogInfo(ctx context.Context, message string) error
	LogInfof(ctx context.Context, format string, args ...any) error
	LogPrint(ctx context.Context, message string) error
	LogPrintf(ctx context.Context, format string, args ...any) error
	LogSetLogLevel(ctx context.Context, level logger.LogLevel) error
	LogTrace(ctx context.Context, message string) error
	LogTracef(ctx context.Context, format string, args ...any) error
	LogWarning(ctx context.Context, message string) error
	LogWarningf(ctx context.Context, format string, args ...any) error
	MenuSetApplicationMenu(ctx context.Context, menu *menu.Menu) error
	MenuUpdateApplicationMenu(ctx context.Context) error
	MessageDialog(ctx context.Context, dialogOptions MessageDialogOptions) (string, error)
	OpenDirectoryDialog(ctx context.Context, dialogOptions OpenDialogOptions) (string, error)
	OpenFileDialog(ctx context.Context, dialogOptions OpenDialogOptions) (string, error)
	OpenMultipleFilesDialog(ctx context.Context, dialogOptions OpenDialogOptions) ([]string, error)
	Quit(ctx context.Context) error
	SaveFileDialog(ctx context.Context, dialogOptions SaveDialogOptions) (string, error)
	Show(ctx context.Context) error
	WindowCenter(ctx context.Context) error
	WindowExecJS(ctx context.Context, js string) error
	WindowFullscreen(ctx context.Context) error
	WindowGetPosition(ctx context.Context) (int, int, error)
	WindowGetSize(ctx context.Context) (int, int, error)
	WindowHide(ctx context.Context) error
	WindowIsFullscreen(ctx context.Context) (bool, error)
	WindowIsMaximised(ctx context.Context) (bool, error)
	WindowIsMinimised(ctx context.Context) (bool, error)
	WindowIsNormal(ctx context.Context) (bool, error)
	WindowMaximise(ctx context.Context) error
	WindowMinimise(ctx context.Context) error
	WindowPrint(ctx context.Context) error
	WindowReload(ctx context.Context) error
	WindowReloadApp(ctx context.Context) error
	WindowSetAlwaysOnTop(ctx context.Context, b bool) error
	WindowSetBackgroundColour(ctx context.Context, R, G, B, A uint8) error
	WindowSetDarkTheme(ctx context.Context) error
	WindowSetLightTheme(ctx context.Context) error
	WindowSetMaxSize(ctx context.Context, width int, height int) error
	WindowSetMinSize(ctx context.Context, width int, height int) error
	WindowSetPosition(ctx context.Context, x int, y int) error
	WindowSetSize(ctx context.Context, width int, height int) error
	WindowSetSystemDefaultTheme(ctx context.Context) error
	WindowSetTitle(ctx context.Context, title string) error
	WindowShow(ctx context.Context) error
	WindowToggleMaximise(ctx context.Context) error
	WindowUnfullscreen(ctx context.Context) error
	WindowUnmaximise(ctx context.Context) error
	WindowUnminimise(ctx context.Context) error
	ScreenGetAll(ctx context.Context) ([]Screen, error)

Go Version: go1.22.1

Listing 1.1: The wailsx.API interface - Error Handling

In particular, the wailsx.API improves error handling by adding error returns to the methods that previously returned nothing. For example, the runtime.MenuSetApplicationMenu, Listing 1.2, method now returns an error, Listing 1.3.

$ go doc

package runtime // import ""

func MenuSetApplicationMenu(ctx context.Context, menu *menu.Menu)

Go Version: go1.22.1

Listing 1.2: The runtime.MenuSetApplicationMenu method

$ go doc

package wailsrun // import ""

type API interface {
	MenuSetApplicationMenu(ctx context.Context, menu *menu.Menu) error

Go Version: go1.22.1

Listing 1.3: The wailsrun.API.MenuSetApplicationMenu method

1.2.2 - Protecting Wails API Calls

Wailsx uses Go build tags to protect the Wails API calls from being called in a production environment. The wailsrun.API interface, Listing 1.1, is implemented in two different files, Listing 1.4 and Listing 1.5.

The wailsrun/wailscalls_prod.go file, Listing 1.4, is only built when any of the following builds are provided: wails || dev || desktop || production. This file contains the actual Wails API calls and most returned errors are nil.

import (


func BrowserOpenURL(ctx context.Context, url string) error {
	runtime.BrowserOpenURL(ctx, url)
	return nil

source: wailsrun/wailscalls_prod.go:BrowserOpenURL

Listing 1.4: Production Wails API calls: wailsrun/wailscalls_prod.go

In all other environments, such as testing, the wailsrun/wailscalls.go file, Listing 1.5, is built in all environments and contains the Wailsx API calls. The Wailsx API calls are then used to call the Wails API calls in the development environment.

import (


func BrowserOpenURL(ctx context.Context, url string) error {
	return ErrNotAvailable("BrowserOpenURL")

source: wailsrun/wailscalls.go:BrowserOpenURL

Listing 1.5: Stubbed Wails API calls: wailsrun/wailscalls.go

In these environments all of the Wails API calls will return the ErrNotAvailable error, Listing 1.6.

$ go doc

package wailsrun // import ""

type ErrNotAvailable string

func (e ErrNotAvailable) Error() string

Go Version: go1.22.1

Listing 1.6: The wailsrun.ErrNotAvailable error - Testing Invalid Wails API Calls

With the help of Go build tags, any direct calls made to the Wails API, outside of a running Wails application, will return the wailsrun.ErrNotAvailable error. This allows for testing of the Wails API calls in a non-Wails environment.

In the test seen in Listing 1.7 we are making a direct call to the Wails API and checking the error returned. The test passes when the error returned is ErrNotAvailable.

func Test_ErrNotAvailable(t *testing.T) {

	r := require.New(t)

	ctx := context.Background()

	err := wailsrun.BrowserOpenURL(ctx, "")

	exp := wailsrun.ErrNotAvailable("BrowserOpenURL")
	r.Equal(exp, err)

source: wailsrun/api_calls_test.go:err-not-available

Listing 1.7: Testing the wailsrun.ErrNotAvailable method

When running the tests outside of a Wails application, the wailsrun.ErrNotAvailable method will return the ErrNotAvailable error, Listing 1.6.

$ go test -v -run Test_ErrNotAvailable

testing: warning: no tests to run
ok	0.006s

go: downloading v1.1.0
go: downloading v2.8.0
go: downloading v1.9.0
go: downloading v1.1.1
go: downloading v1.0.0
go: downloading v3.0.1
go: downloading v1.6.0
go: downloading v1.1.1

Go Version: go1.22.1

Listing 1.8: Testing the wailsrun.ErrNotAvailable method output.

If the tests are run in a Wails application, using one of the known build tags, the wailsrun.ErrNotAvailable method will call the actual Wails API method, Listing 1.4. The result is a call to log.Fatal because we don't have a valid Wails context.

$ go test -v -run Test_ErrNotAvailable -tags wails

testing: warning: no tests to run
ok	0.003s

go: downloading v1.1.0
go: downloading v2.8.0
go: downloading v1.9.0
go: downloading v1.1.1
go: downloading v1.0.0
go: downloading v3.0.1
go: downloading v1.6.0
go: downloading v1.1.1

Go Version: go1.22.1

Listing 1.9: Testing the wailsrun.ErrNotAvailable method output in production.

1.3 - Clipboard

1.3.1 - The ClipboardManager Interface

$ go doc

package clipx // import ""

type ClipboardManager interface {
	ClipboardGetText(ctx context.Context) (string, error)
	ClipboardSetText(ctx context.Context, text string) error

Go Version: go1.22.1

Figure 1.3: The clipx.ClipboardManager interface

1.4 - Dialogs

1.4.1 - The DialogManager Interface

$ go doc

package dialogx // import ""

type DialogManager interface {
	MessageDialog(ctx context.Context, opts MessageDialogOptions) (string, error)
	OpenDirectoryDialog(ctx context.Context, opts OpenDialogOptions) (string, error)
	OpenFileDialog(ctx context.Context, opts OpenDialogOptions) (string, error)
	OpenMultipleFilesDialog(ctx context.Context, opts OpenDialogOptions) ([]string, error)
	SaveFileDialog(ctx context.Context, opts SaveDialogOptions) (string, error)

Go Version: go1.22.1

Listing 1.10: The dialogx.DialogManager interface

1.5 - Events

1.5.1 - The EventManager Interface

$ go doc

package eventx // import ""

type EventManager interface {
	EventsEmit(ctx context.Context, event string, args ...any) (err error)
	EventsOff(ctx context.Context, name string, additional ...string) error
	EventsOffAll(ctx context.Context) error
	EventsOn(ctx context.Context, name string, callback CallbackFn) (CancelFn, error)
	EventsOnMultiple(ctx context.Context, name string, callback CallbackFn, counter int) (CancelFn, error)
	EventsOnce(ctx context.Context, name string, callback CallbackFn) (CancelFn, error)

Go Version: go1.22.1

Listing 1.11: The eventx.EventManager interface

1.5.2 - The Manager Type

$ go doc

package eventx // import ""

type Manager struct {
	DisableWildcardEmits bool
	DisableStateData     bool

	EventsEmitFn       func(ctx context.Context, name string, data ...any) error
	EventsOffAllFn     func(ctx context.Context) error
	EventsOffFn        func(ctx context.Context, name string, additional ...string) error
	EventsOnFn         func(ctx context.Context, name string, callback CallbackFn) (CancelFn, error)
	EventsOnMultipleFn func(ctx context.Context, name string, callback CallbackFn, counter int) (CancelFn, error)
	EventsOnceFn       func(ctx context.Context, name string, callback CallbackFn) (CancelFn, error)

	NowFn func() time.Time

	// Has unexported fields.

func NewManager() *Manager
func NopManager() *Manager
func (em *Manager) EventsEmit(ctx context.Context, event string, args ...any) (err error)
func (em *Manager) EventsOff(ctx context.Context, name string, additional ...string) error
func (em *Manager) EventsOffAll(ctx context.Context) error
func (em *Manager) EventsOn(ctx context.Context, name string, callback CallbackFn) (CancelFn, error)
func (em *Manager) EventsOnMultiple(ctx context.Context, name string, callback CallbackFn, counter int) (CancelFn, error)
func (em *Manager) EventsOnce(ctx context.Context, name string, callback CallbackFn) (CancelFn, error)
func (em *Manager) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (em *Manager) Now() time.Time
func (em *Manager) PluginName() string
func (em *Manager) StateData(ctx context.Context) (statedata.Data[*EventsData], error)
func (em *Manager) WithPlugins(fn plugins.FeederFn) error

Go Version: go1.22.1

Listing 1.12: The eventx.Manager type - Creating a New Manager

$ go doc

package eventx // import ""

func NewManager() *Manager

Go Version: go1.22.1

Listing 1.13: The eventx.NewManager function

$ go doc

package eventx // import ""

func NopManager() *Manager
    NopManager returns a new Manager with all the functions set to no-ops This
    is useful for testing. The NowFn is set to wailstest.NowTime

Go Version: go1.22.1

Listing 1.14: The eventx.NopManager function

1.5.3 - The CallbackFn Type

$ go doc

package wailsrun // import ""

type CallbackFn func(data ...any) error

Go Version: go1.22.1

Listing 1.15: The eventx.CallbackFn type

1.5.4 - The CancelFn Type

$ go doc

package wailsrun // import ""

type CancelFn func() error

func EventsOn(ctx context.Context, event string, callback CallbackFn) (CancelFn, error)
func EventsOnMultiple(ctx context.Context, event string, callback CallbackFn, counter int) (CancelFn, error)
func EventsOnce(ctx context.Context, event string, callback CallbackFn) (CancelFn, error)

Go Version: go1.22.1

Listing 1.16: The eventx.CancelFn type

1.6 - Messages

1.6.1 - The Messenger Interface

$ go doc

package msgx // import ""

type Messenger interface {
	MsgEvent() string
	MsgText() string
	MsgTime() time.Time
	MsgData() any

func NewMessage(event string, now time.Time, arg any) Messenger

Go Version: go1.22.1

Listing 1.17: The msgx.Messenger interface

1.6.2 - The ErrorMessenger Interface

$ go doc

package msgx // import ""

type ErrorMessenger interface {
	MsgError() error

Go Version: go1.22.1

Listing 1.18: The msgx.ErrorMessenger interface

1.7 - Logging

1.7.1 - The WailsLogger Interface

$ go doc

package logx // import ""

type WailsLogger interface {
	LogDebug(ctx context.Context, message string) error
	LogDebugf(ctx context.Context, format string, args ...any) error
	LogError(ctx context.Context, message string) error
	LogErrorf(ctx context.Context, format string, args ...any) error
	LogFatal(ctx context.Context, message string) error
	LogFatalf(ctx context.Context, format string, args ...any) error
	LogInfo(ctx context.Context, message string) error
	LogInfof(ctx context.Context, format string, args ...any) error
	LogPrint(ctx context.Context, message string) error
	LogPrintf(ctx context.Context, format string, args ...any) error
	LogSetLogLevel(ctx context.Context, level wailsrun.LogLevel) error
	LogTrace(ctx context.Context, message string) error
	LogTracef(ctx context.Context, format string, args ...any) error
	LogWarning(ctx context.Context, message string) error
	LogWarningf(ctx context.Context, format string, args ...any) error

Go Version: go1.22.1

Listing 1.19: The logx.WailsLogger interface

1.8 - Menus

1.8.1 - The MenuManager Interface

$ go doc

package menux // import ""

type MenuManager interface {
	MenuSetApplicationMenu(ctx context.Context, menu *menu.Menu) error
	MenuUpdateApplicationMenu(ctx context.Context) error

Go Version: go1.22.1

Listing 1.20: The menux.MenuManager interface

1.9 - State Data

1.9.1 - The DataProvider Interface

$ go doc

package statedata // import ""

type DataProvider[T any] interface {
	StateData(ctx context.Context) (Data[T], error)

Go Version: go1.22.1

Listing 1.21: The statedata.DataProvider interface

1.9.2 - The Data Interface

$ go doc

package statedata // import ""

type Data[T any] struct {
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` // name of the data
	Data T      `json:"data,omitempty"` // data for the state

func (sd Data[T]) PluginName() string
func (sd Data[T]) StateData(ctx context.Context) (Data[T], error)

Go Version: go1.22.1

Listing 1.22: The statedata.Data interface

1.10 - Window Management

1.10.1 - The WindowManager Interface

$ go doc

package windowx // import ""

type WindowManager interface {

	ScreenGetAll(ctx context.Context) ([]Screen, error)
	WindowExecJS(ctx context.Context, js string) error
	WindowPrint(ctx context.Context) error
	WindowSetAlwaysOnTop(ctx context.Context, b bool) error
	WindowSetTitle(ctx context.Context, title string) error

Go Version: go1.22.1

Listing 1.23: The windowx.WindowManager interface

1.10.2 - The MaximiseManager Interface

$ go doc

package windowx // import ""

type MaximiseManager interface {
	WindowFullscreen(ctx context.Context) error
	WindowIsFullscreen(ctx context.Context) (bool, error)
	WindowIsMaximised(ctx context.Context) (bool, error)
	WindowIsMinimised(ctx context.Context) (bool, error)
	WindowIsNormal(ctx context.Context) (bool, error)
	WindowMaximise(ctx context.Context) error
	WindowMinimise(ctx context.Context) error
	WindowToggleMaximise(ctx context.Context) error
	WindowUnfullscreen(ctx context.Context) error
	WindowUnmaximise(ctx context.Context) error
	WindowUnminimise(ctx context.Context) error

Go Version: go1.22.1

Listing 1.24: The windowx.MaximiseManager interface

1.10.3 - The PositionManager Interface

$ go doc

package windowx // import ""

type PositionManager interface {
	WindowCenter(ctx context.Context) error
	WindowGetPosition(ctx context.Context) (int, int, error)
	WindowGetSize(ctx context.Context) (int, int, error)
	WindowSetMaxSize(ctx context.Context, width int, height int) error
	WindowSetMinSize(ctx context.Context, width int, height int) error
	WindowSetPosition(ctx context.Context, x int, y int) error
	WindowSetSize(ctx context.Context, width int, height int) error

Go Version: go1.22.1

Listing 1.25: The windowx.PositionManager interface

1.10.4 - The ReloadManager Interface

$ go doc

package windowx // import ""

type ReloadManager interface {
	WindowReload(ctx context.Context) error
	WindowReloadApp(ctx context.Context) error

Go Version: go1.22.1

Listing 1.26: The windowx.ReloadManager interface

1.10.5 - The ThemeManager Interface

$ go doc

package windowx // import ""

type ThemeManager interface {
	WindowSetBackgroundColour(ctx context.Context, R, G, B, A uint8) error
	WindowSetDarkTheme(ctx context.Context) error
	WindowSetLightTheme(ctx context.Context) error
	WindowSetSystemDefaultTheme(ctx context.Context) error

Go Version: go1.22.1

Listing 1.27: The windowx.ThemeManager interface

1.10.6 - The Toggler Interface

$ go doc

package windowx // import ""

type Toggler interface {
	Hide(ctx context.Context) error
	Show(ctx context.Context) error
	WindowHide(ctx context.Context) error
	WindowShow(ctx context.Context) error

Go Version: go1.22.1

Listing 1.28: The windowx.Toggler interface

1.11 - Using the API

While the package can be used directly, it is recommended to use the type to create a testable, idiomatic wrapper around the Wails API.

1.11.1 - The API type

The wailsx.API type is a wrapper around the package. By default, if the wailsx.API type is nil, or zero (i.e. &API{}), all methods will be will be mapped directly to the wailsrun package. This allows you to use the wailsx.API type in your application without having to worry about the wailsx.API being nil.

$ go doc -short

type API struct {

	BrowserOpenURLFn func(ctx context.Context, url string) error
	QuitFn           func(ctx context.Context) error

func NewAPI() *API
func NopAPI() *API
func (api *API) BrowserOpenURL(ctx context.Context, url string) error
func (api *API) ClipboardGetText(ctx context.Context) (string, error)
func (api *API) ClipboardSetText(ctx context.Context, text string) error
func (api *API) EventsEmit(ctx context.Context, event string, data ...any) error
func (api *API) EventsOff(ctx context.Context, event string, additional ...string) error
func (api *API) EventsOffAll(ctx context.Context) error
func (api *API) EventsOn(ctx context.Context, event string, callback wailsrun.CallbackFn) (wailsrun.CancelFn, error)
func (api *API) EventsOnMultiple(ctx context.Context, event string, callback wailsrun.CallbackFn, counter int) (wailsrun.CancelFn, error)
func (api *API) EventsOnce(ctx context.Context, event string, callback wailsrun.CallbackFn) (wailsrun.CancelFn, error)
func (api *API) Hide(ctx context.Context) error
func (api *API) LogDebug(ctx context.Context, message string) error
func (api *API) LogDebugf(ctx context.Context, format string, args ...any) error
func (api *API) LogError(ctx context.Context, message string) error
func (api *API) LogErrorf(ctx context.Context, format string, args ...any) error
func (api *API) LogFatal(ctx context.Context, message string) error
func (api *API) LogFatalf(ctx context.Context, format string, args ...any) error
func (api *API) LogInfo(ctx context.Context, message string) error
func (api *API) LogInfof(ctx context.Context, format string, args ...any) error
func (api *API) LogPrint(ctx context.Context, message string) error
func (api *API) LogPrintf(ctx context.Context, format string, args ...any) error
func (api *API) LogSetLogLevel(ctx context.Context, level logger.LogLevel) error
func (api *API) LogTrace(ctx context.Context, message string) error
func (api *API) LogTracef(ctx context.Context, format string, args ...any) error
func (api *API) LogWarning(ctx context.Context, message string) error
func (api *API) LogWarningf(ctx context.Context, format string, args ...any) error
func (api *API) MenuSetApplicationMenu(ctx context.Context, menu *menu.Menu) error
func (api *API) MenuUpdateApplicationMenu(ctx context.Context) error
func (api *API) MessageDialog(ctx context.Context, opts wailsrun.MessageDialogOptions) (string, error)
func (api *API) OpenDirectoryDialog(ctx context.Context, opts wailsrun.OpenDialogOptions) (string, error)
func (api *API) OpenFileDialog(ctx context.Context, opts wailsrun.OpenDialogOptions) (string, error)
func (api *API) OpenMultipleFilesDialog(ctx context.Context, opts wailsrun.OpenDialogOptions) ([]string, error)
func (api *API) Quit(ctx context.Context) error
func (api *API) SaveFileDialog(ctx context.Context, opts wailsrun.SaveDialogOptions) (string, error)
func (api *API) ScreenGetAll(ctx context.Context) ([]wailsrun.Screen, error)
func (api *API) Show(ctx context.Context) error
func (api *API) StateData(ctx context.Context) (statedata.Data[*APIData], error)
func (api *API) WindowCenter(ctx context.Context) error
func (api *API) WindowExecJS(ctx context.Context, js string) error
func (api *API) WindowFullscreen(ctx context.Context) error
func (api *API) WindowGetPosition(ctx context.Context) (int, int, error)
func (api *API) WindowGetSize(ctx context.Context) (int, int, error)
func (api *API) WindowHide(ctx context.Context) error
func (api *API) WindowIsFullscreen(ctx context.Context) (bool, error)
func (api *API) WindowIsMaximised(ctx context.Context) (bool, error)
func (api *API) WindowIsMinimised(ctx context.Context) (bool, error)
func (api *API) WindowIsNormal(ctx context.Context) (bool, error)
func (api *API) WindowMaximise(ctx context.Context) error
func (api *API) WindowMinimise(ctx context.Context) error
func (api *API) WindowPrint(ctx context.Context) error
func (api *API) WindowReload(ctx context.Context) error
func (api *API) WindowReloadApp(ctx context.Context) error
func (api *API) WindowSetAlwaysOnTop(ctx context.Context, b bool) error
func (api *API) WindowSetBackgroundColour(ctx context.Context, R, G, B, A uint8) error
func (api *API) WindowSetDarkTheme(ctx context.Context) error
func (api *API) WindowSetLightTheme(ctx context.Context) error
func (api *API) WindowSetMaxSize(ctx context.Context, width int, height int) error
func (api *API) WindowSetMinSize(ctx context.Context, width int, height int) error
func (api *API) WindowSetPosition(ctx context.Context, x int, y int) error
func (api *API) WindowSetSize(ctx context.Context, width int, height int) error
func (api *API) WindowSetSystemDefaultTheme(ctx context.Context) error
func (api *API) WindowSetTitle(ctx context.Context, title string) error
func (api *API) WindowShow(ctx context.Context) error
func (api *API) WindowToggleMaximise(ctx context.Context) error
func (api *API) WindowUnfullscreen(ctx context.Context) error
func (api *API) WindowUnmaximise(ctx context.Context) error
func (api *API) WindowUnminimise(ctx context.Context) error

Go Version: go1.22.1

Figure 1.4: The wailsx.API type

The wailsx.NewAPI function can be used to create a new wailsx.API type. This function will populate the wailsx.API type with implementations of its embedded interfaces. For example, using eventx.NewManager to create a new eventx.Manager that will fill the needed eventx.EventManager in the wailsx.API type.

$ go doc -short

func NewAPI() *API
    NewAPI returns a new API with all the functions, and interfaces, set to
    their default implementations.

Go Version: go1.22.1

Figure 1.5: The wailsx.NewAPI function

1.11.2 - Nil API Calls

func Test_Nil_API_Call(t *testing.T) {
	r := require.New(t)

	var api *API

	ctx := context.Background()

	err := api.Show(ctx)

	exp := wailsrun.ErrNotAvailable("Show")
	r.Equal(exp, err)

source: doc_test.go:nil-api

Figure 1.6: Calling methods on a nil wailsx.API.

$ go test -v -run Test_Nil_API_Call

=== RUN   Test_Nil_API_Call
=== PAUSE Test_Nil_API_Call
=== CONT  Test_Nil_API_Call
--- PASS: Test_Nil_API_Call (0.00s)
ok	0.005s

go: downloading v1.1.0
go: downloading v2.8.0
go: downloading v1.9.0
go: downloading v1.1.1
go: downloading v1.0.0
go: downloading v3.0.1
go: downloading v1.6.0
go: downloading v1.1.1

Go Version: go1.22.1

Figure 1.7: Running the test for calling methods on a nil wailsx.API.

$ go test -v -run Test_Nil_API_Call -tags wails

=== RUN   Test_Nil_API_Call
=== PAUSE Test_Nil_API_Call
=== CONT  Test_Nil_API_Call
2024/03/13 03:52:45 cannot call '': An invalid context was passed. This method requires the specific context given in the lifecycle hooks:
exit status 1
FAIL	0.007s

go: downloading v1.1.0
go: downloading v2.8.0
go: downloading v1.9.0
go: downloading v1.1.1
go: downloading v1.0.0
go: downloading v3.0.1
go: downloading v1.6.0
go: downloading v1.1.1

Go Version: go1.22.1

Figure 1.8: Running the test for calling methods on a nil wailsx.API in production mode.

1.11.3 - Nop API Calls

$ go doc -short

func NopAPI() *API
    NopAPI returns a new API with all the functions, and interfaces, set to
    no-ops. This is useful for testing.

Go Version: go1.22.1

Figure 1.9: The wailsx.NopAPI function

func Test_Nop_API_Call(t *testing.T) {
	r := require.New(t)

	api := NopAPI()

	ctx := context.Background()

	err := api.Show(ctx)

source: doc_test.go:nop-api

Figure 1.10: Calling methods on a nop wailsx.API.


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