marka2g / marka2g

Mark Sadegi's Github Profile

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

๐Ÿ‘‹ Hi There ๐Ÿ‘‹

My name is Mark Sadegi and I'm thankful everyday to be able to earn a living from programming! Listed first is Mark's Markdown which is an application I built to house a collection of writings and personal software engineering notes; think of it as self.api_docs ๐Ÿ˜. Below that is a link to my online resume. Last, links to a few of my public repos that showcase my work.

Writings/Development Notes



Rollover the individual responsibilities to highlight all the technologies used for that responsibility.

Also, click on the ๐Ÿ–จ๏ธ icon for a .docx version of my resume


A Few Pubic Repos

  1. Bike Shop: A demo e-commerce app with a basic example of how to build a shopping cart with an Elixir GenServer.
  2. SPC Data: A demo app implementing a Kafka data streaming pipeline built with the Broadway Kafka Elixir library.
  3. HottestCity: A demo app implementing a data ingestion pipeline that returns the current city with the hottest temp. Built with the Broadway Elixir library.
  4. EventIngestor: A demo repo to simulate an app which will ingest a high-volume of events that could come from a device, tracking user behavior, machine on a factory floor, etc. Also, the app demonstrates the implementation of Elixir's Partition Supervisor.


Mark Sadegi's Github Profile