Brane Marjanovic (marjanovicbrane)


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In this project I used Spring Security for JDBC authentication and authorization with custom login page. I applied authorization for appropriate user roles (EMPLOYEE, MANAGER or ADMIN).I also made registration form (custom user details), so we can register a new user and save it to the database.This registration form have validation rules, because in this example we used Hibernate Validator.When we are logged in our app with appropriate username and password, we have security authorization



In this example I used Hibernate Validator to make validation rules and to make our custom validation rule ie. our custom annotation @CourseCode and some other standard validations for all other fields.



Employee Directory app with Thymeleaf template and all CRUD methods for reading data from the database.



In this project I used Spring Security for JDBC authentication and authorization with custom login page.I applied authorization for appropriate user roles (EMPLOYEE, MANAGER or ADMIN).I also made registration form, so we can register a new user and choose appropriate role for that user, we can save it to the database.In this project I also used bcrypt algorithm for password encryption.



CRM REST API that communicates with CRM REST CLIENT, two separated web applications which communicates together on the server.GitHub link of the CRM REST CLIENT is:



SPRING SECURITY CRM REST API with AUTHENTICATION in memory and AUTHORIZATION.User can have 3 roles:employee, manager and admin.I secured all REST endpoints and adds following security authorizations: EMPLOYEE role can perform GET http request method, MANAGER can perform GET, POST and PUT http request methods and ADMIN can perform GET, POST, PUT and DELETE http request methods, ie. All CRUD methods.



CRM REST CLIENT app that communicates with CRM REST API, two separated web applications which communicates together on the server.GitHub link of the CRM REST API is:



This is Spring Boot app REST API, using Hibernate API and all CRUD methods with database.We was using POSTMAN REST CLIENT to test all HTTP REQUEST METHODS (GET,POST,PUT,DELETE).



From this game you can learn a lot of staff, you can learn all fundamentals of HTML , CSS and Java Script.You can learn how to use all kind of methods and functions.How to use DOM manipulation, Event Listeners and buttons, so we can have interactions with our game.You will also learn how to manipulate with CSS styles using Java Script and much more.



This is Spring Boot app REST API, using SPRING DATA JPA and all CRUD methods with database.We was using POSTMAN REST CLIENT to test all HTTP REQUEST METHODS (GET,POST,PUT,DELETE).



This is Spring Boot app REST API, using STANDARD JPA API and all CRUD methods with database.We was using POSTMAN REST CLIENT to test all HTTP REQUEST METHODS (GET,POST,PUT,DELETE).



This is Spring Boot app REST API, using SPRING DATA REST and all CRUD methods with database.We was using POSTMAN REST CLIENT to test all HTTP REQUEST METHODS (GET,POST,PUT,DELETE).SPRING DATA REST leverages your existing JpaRepository and Spring will give you REST CRUD implementation automatically(for free).SPRING DATA REST will expose endpoints for free.First of all SPRING DATA REST will scan your project for JpaRepository, after that will expose REST APIs for each entity type for your JpaRepository.We only need 3 things:1.Your entity Employee, 2.JpaRepository and 3. MAVEN POM dependency for spring-boot-starter-data-rest.Now we don't need REST CONTROLLER LAYER AND SERVICE LAYER, so we deleted them.This way we can minimize our code.



We created spring CRM web app with AOP.This app have standard 3 LAYERS.CONTROLLER, DAO and SERVICE.All 3 layers are the same as before.We also have entity class Customer, which is the same as before.We have 2 JSP pages customer-form and list-customers with css.Our index.jsp page will automatically start, when we run our app.Only difference in this app is that, because here we don't using PURE JAVA CONFIG, we are using here XML CONFIG.We have 2 xml files, spring-mvc-crud-demo-servlet.xml and web.xml.We created new class AopExpressions.This class will hold us pointcut declarations.We are going to combined pointcut declarations, because we want to have matching for these only 3 packages:controller, service, dao.We can now use and share this same pointcut declaration in some other classes.We created a new class CRMLoggingAspect.We created ASPECT CLASS.In this class we was using @Before ADVICE TYPE with COMBINED POINTCUT DECLARATION forAppFlow() from class AopExpression.JoinPoint will give us meta data about our target method(method signature).We also added a new ADVICE TYPE @AfterReturning in the class CRMLoggingAspect.Method with this advice returns values(objects) of the calling method.Now we can run our CRM WEB APP and see those 2 ADVICES TYPE, because we are using logger to show what is happening in the background of the app.



SPRING SECURITY with JDBC AUTHENTICATION and AUTHORIZATION using custom login page and BCRYPT algorithm.



In this application the user can log in and perform 3 main features:1.Transfer money 2.Request loan 3.Close account.



This game is great example for Java Script begginers to learn fundamentals of HTML, CSS and Java Script.In this example we can learn to use DOM manipulation, how to use Event Listeners and buttons and how to manipulate with CSS styles using Java Script.
