mariozig / my-knowledge-base

Sum of all my knowledge base - collection of notes on all the technologies that I have learned so far.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Welcome to my Knowledge Base!


Dear Reader,

Welcome to my Knowledge Base - a place where I publish and share everything I learn everyday as a software developer. This site includes code snippets, debugging tricks, problems/pitfalls that I encountered while building software and how I solved them, good reference articles etc. It also includes many key concepts I have learned, mainly on iOS platform, but also other stuff like Git, CI/CD etc. See the full list on the left nav. I will continue to add more and more content from what I learn new as well as from my personal notes scattered around OneNote, notebooks, papers etc.

I know this site will be a tiny drop in the sea of thousands of such sites and resources that all of us use. But this is just an attempt to do my part in sharing what I have learned from them with other people in the developer community so that they can learn as well. My inspiration to create this Knowledge Base is drawn from these two quotes that resonate with me everyday:

Learn Something New Everyday.

Be the Change You want to See.

Hope you find this site useful, as much as I do when I come back here for some of the how-to's and links to reference articles.

{% hint style="info" %} This site is made using GitBook, an awesome site/doc generator tool that provides rich content editing, buttery smooth edit/publish workflow and seamless integration with GitHub. I love it so much that I find it hard to stop writing. If you haven't tried GitBook yet, you should definitely try it out. {% endhint %}



Sum of all my knowledge base - collection of notes on all the technologies that I have learned so far.