mariotoledo / iugu-meteor

This package provide integration with the Iugu payment API (brazilian payment gateway)

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This package provide (server side) integration with the Iugu payment API (brazilian payment gateway) No client side support added.

The oficial iugu documentation can be found here

Please read everything bellow before you start to using it

Resources in this package

The package supports the methods bellow:


  • create_customer
  • update_customer
  • customers (list)
  • get_customer
  • remove_customer

Payment methods

  • create_payment_method
  • payment_methods (list)
  • get_payment_method
  • update_payment_method
  • remove_payment_method


  • create_invoice
  • get_invoice
  • cancel_invoice
  • remove_invoice
  • invoices (list)
  • refund_invoice


  • create_plan
  • update_plan
  • get_plan
  • get_plan_by_identifier
  • remove_plan
  • plans (list)


  • create_subscription
  • update_subscription
  • remove_subscription
  • suspend_subscription
  • activate_subscription
  • change_subscription_plan
  • subscription_add_credits
  • subscription_remove_credits
  • subscriptions
  • get_subscription

Charge and Bank Slip

  • charge
  • charge_bank_slip

Testing installing the package with meteor add

Setup the startup configuration with your api key

  • Use the test key first
  //Put your IUGU token bellow - Use the test KEY for tests
  IugiApi = new Iugu.API("YOUR API KEY HERE");

To use it just create Meteor methods and call the api

  'iugu.listCustomers': function() {
    var customers = IugiApi.customers()
    return clientes;

Testing cloning the package

If you are cloning this repository you can run the tests directly on this package using meteor change the configuration on

  • iugu\tests\0-config-api.js
  email: "youremail",
  test_token: "YOUR TEST TOKEN",
  due_date: "18/08/2015",
  /* timeout to procede so you can see the feature on iugu's website,
   look the console to know when you need to look the site, set 0 if you don't want to check.
  wait_me_time: 0 //put something between 40000 (40seg) and 60000 (1 minute)

The test directory contains examples of how to call each method on the api You can comment any test files from 1 to 5 in the package.js file To test the package run the command bellow and go to localhost:3000

cd iugu
meteor test-packages ./

Not supported yet

A few resources are not supported yet

  • Transfers
  • Marketplace

Webhooks (Gatilhos)

After a invoice is marked as paid or any other action, iugu can call a url from your website, you can configure this url on you need to put a published url localhost will not work.

I suggest you create a collection to insert the returned data to check it later

//lib directory (client and server)
Iugu = new Mongo.Collection("iugu");

To create a URL you can either use Ironrouter if your are used to it

  extended: false

Router.route('/api/retorno', function() {
  body = this.request.body;
}, {
  where: 'server'

or you can use the JsonRoutes packages (meteor add simple:json-routes) I am using it since I am using angular and Ironrouter conflicted with ui-router.

JsonRoutes.add("post", "/api/retorno", function(req, res, next) {
  JsonRoutes.sendResult(res, 200, req.body);

Save your URl on iugu webhooks ex: and check the collections after your tests


This package provide integration with the Iugu payment API (brazilian payment gateway)

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%