mariotoffia / OpenAPI-SenML

A Open API 3.x specification (swagger next gen) for SenML (Sensor Measurement List) for sensor (IoT) communication and actuation (

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

OpenAPI 3.0 SenML Specification

A Open API 3.x specification (swagger next gen) for SenML (Sensor Measurement List) for sensor (IoT) communication and actuation (


This specification strives to encapsulate the SenML functionality using a plain OpenAPI 3.x specification and a sample implementation in C#, Kotlin, C, and Javascript both on server and client side.


A Open API 3.x specification (swagger next gen) for SenML (Sensor Measurement List) for sensor (IoT) communication and actuation (

License:Apache License 2.0