marioPPavlov / useEzState

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useEzState is a custom React hook and a simple way to solve "React.useState hell".
It sits somewhere between useState and useReducer and excels when you have multiple state variables inside the same component. Intended to be used with typescript in order to achieve typesafe state updates.

Installation and Usage:

npm i use-ez-state

Much like React.useState the custom hook useEzState accepts an initial state parameter - with the difference that it always has to be an object. It then returns the current state and an update function as a tuple - [state, update]

import useEzState from "use-ez-state"

const [{name, age}, update] = useEzState({ name: 'John', age: 32 });

update({ name: 'Jack' });
console.log(name); // Jack
console.log(age); // 32
// You can also update multiple state variables
update({ name: 'Jill', age: 21 });
console.log(name); // Jill
console.log(age); // 21

The type of the state is inferred from the initial state and the update function accepts an object containing a subtype of the state and only those properties will be updated in the state.

You can play around with useEzState on StackBlitz

When to use useEzState

useEzStates starts scaling once you have more than 2 usages of useState:

const [email, setEmail] =  React.useState("");
const [userName, setUserName] =  React.useState("");
const [password1, setPassword1] =  React.useState("");
const [password2, setPassword2] =  React.useState("");

can be changed to:

const [{ email, userName, password1, password2 }, update] =  useEzState({
  email: "",
  userName: "",
  password1: "",
  password2: "",

The benefit of using useEzState is that your state structure now resembles a plain javascript object and you have to deal with only one typesafe update function.

Advanced tips:

  • By default, typescript does not differentiate between missing a value and setting this value as undefined and thus using update({email: undefined}) will not result in an error, even though it should, since we've stated that email should be only of type string. Adding the following flag "exactOptionalPropertyTypes": true in your tsconfig.json resolves this issue. Now update({email: undefined}) results in a type error. You can find out more about the exactOptionalPropertyTypes in Typescript 4.4 release notes

  • useEzState accepts a second optional parameter - a reducer function (just like useReducer). The default implementation is (state, next) => ({...state,}) which just simply merges the state with the partial update value. You can add your own reducer in order to add centralized custom logic to your state updates - parsing, validation etc.


License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 100.0%