marikaross / nurish-FE

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Nurish - Turing Mod 4 FEE Capstone Project

A site for nutritionists who specialize in tube-feeding to quickly search to find the appropriate formula for their patients.

Background / About

With a vast number of tube feeding formulas available from multiple suppliers, nutritionists have resorted to referencing the numerous options from multiple booklets that they carry with them on the job. Nurish aims to compile all of the relelvant data in one place, allowing the nutritionist to search the formulas using a variety of parameters for specific needs or filter formulas based on patient's needs.

See It Live

Nurish on Heroku

Primary JavaScript Technologies Used

  • React
  • React Router
  • Redux

Back End Technologies

  • Ruby v. 2.4.1
  • Rails v. 5.2.1
  • Factory Bot

Additional Libraries/FrameWorks

  • Semantic UI
  • Jest/Enzyme
  • RSpec

Next Steps

Additional enhancements could include:

  • Incorporate more formula data from other suppliers
  • Create a sign-in for nutritionists with adequate security to save previous formula recommendations for individual patients
  • Add calulations option from formula details page to determine amount of formula to order for each patient


Splash Page:

Set Up


Clone the repo

Run npm install from the root directory

Run npm start and visit localhost:3000 in your browser


Clone the associated back-end repo

Run bundle install from the root directory Set-Up the Database rake db:{create,migrate,seed} Run rails s from the root directory


Nurish uses Jest and Enzyme for front-end testing and RSpec for back-end testing

Run with npm test or rspec from the associated root directory

Original Assignment

Capstone Project from the Turing School of Software & Design


Jeremiah Stanley Marika Ross Sabrina Robinson



Language:JavaScript 91.0%Language:CSS 8.2%Language:HTML 0.8%