mariio46 / inertia.jsx

Starter kit for Laravel breeze, Inertia react.jsx, using ShadcnUI

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git clone project

cd project

composer install

cp .env.example .env

php artisan key:generate

npm i && npm run build

php artisan serve

This project using React v18 and Laravel v10

Laravel Inertia React

This project has come with some features like:

  • Authentication
  • User Profile (Name, Username, Email)
  • User Avatar (Use Gravatar)
  • User Change Password
  • User Delete
  • User Resources
  • Simple Pagination (For View)
  • Fast Paginate (For Backend)

Quick Login

This project has a feature to login quickly. You can use this feature by adding /dev/login/{user_id} to the url. For example: http://localhost:8000/dev/login/1. And then you can login as user with id 1. But this feature only works in development mode with APP_ENV=local in .env file. Make sure you have a user with id 1 in your database.

About Laravel

Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experience to be truly fulfilling.

About Inertia.js

Inertia.js lets you quickly build modern single-page React, Vue and Svelte apps using classic server-side routing and controllers.

Available scripts

Feel free to use someting like pnpm or yarn. It just node package manager I have, so make yours.

# Format with prettier
npm run format

# Format with prettier
npm run check

# Start development
npm run dev

# Build the app
npm run build


This project has a few helpers available to you. You can use them in your components like this:

Update profile information

Of course it is not just about authentication, but also about updating user profile information, password, and deleting account.

Thanks to


Starter kit for Laravel breeze, Inertia react.jsx, using ShadcnUI


Language:JavaScript 51.9%Language:PHP 46.4%Language:Blade 0.9%Language:CSS 0.8%