marielisepicard / C_Library

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


🇫🇷 Créer sa propre bibliothèque

Ce premier projet de @42 a pour but de nous faire coder en C une bibliothèque de fonctions. Outre les fonctions usuelles de la librairie standard, il s'agit globalement de se constituer une base utile pour les projets à venir.

🇬🇧 Create your own library

The objective of the first @42 project is to code from scratch essential and useful functions from the C standard library. It will be reuse as a base for more complex projects.

📌 Sujet

C standard library

ft_memset, ft_bzero, ft_memcpy, ft_memccpy, ft_memmove, ft_memchr, ft_memcmp, ft_strlen, ft_strdup, ft_strcpy, ft_strncpy, ft_strcat, ft_strncat, ft_strlcat, ft_strchr, ft_strrchr, ft_strstr, ft_strnstr, ft_strcmp, ft_strncmp, ft_atoi, ft_isalpha, ft_isdigit, ft_isalnum, ft_isascii, ft_isprint, ft_toupper, ft_tolower

C useful functions

ft_memalloc, ft_memdel, ft_strnew, ft_strdel, ft_strclr, ft_striter, ft_striteri, ft_strmap, ft_strmapi, ft_strequ, ft_strnequ, ft_strsub, ft_strjoin, ft_strtrim, ft_strsplit, ft_itoa, ft_putchar, ft_putstr, ft_putendl, ft_putnbr, ft_putchar_fd, ft_putstr_fd, ft_putendl_fd, ft_putnbr_fd

C bonus functions (to manipulate lists)

ft_lstnew, ft_lstdelone, ft_lstdel, ft_lstadd, ft_lstiter, ft_lstmap



Language:C 97.1%Language:Makefile 2.9%