mariap-campos / request-api

:octocat: Application that consumes the GitHub Api, allowing you to see an user's avatar, bio and repos by searching their username.

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Github Api

interface gif

This is a simple excercise on api consumption using axios - A Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js.

About this project

This project allows you to search a especific github account, based on their user, and it displays on screen the user's avatar, bio and all their repos with their respective names.


I've built this really simple app as a way to practice my habilities in api consumption using js and the axios library.


:octocat: Application that consumes the GitHub Api, allowing you to see an user's avatar, bio and repos by searching their username.


Language:JavaScript 41.6%Language:CSS 38.4%Language:HTML 20.0%