mariana-mendes / mycookbook-rstudio

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Manipulating Data

Reading files

To read a single file you can use read_csv function.


your_variable_name <- read_csv("<yourpath>/yourfile.csv")

But if you want to read multiple files from a directory, you can create functions that could read multiple files and turn them all into one single file.


read_folder <- function(folder, file_pattern) {
    df <- list.files(path = folder, pattern = file_pattern)%>% 
      map_df(~read_file(., path=folder))  

read_file <- function(flnm, path) {
  return(read_delim(paste(path, flnm, sep=""), ",")

and then

your_variable_name <- read_folder("<yourpath>", "*csv")
to-do: explicar funções usadas. ou deixar essa forma de ler vários arquivos pra depois
  • list.files
  • map_df
  • read_file
  • read_delim

Filtering Values - filter function

To filter rows according to a specific value of a given column you can use the filter function.


original dataframe:

name color quantity size
apple red 1 medium
banana yellow 2 medium
grape purple 1 small
orange orange 5 medium
strawberry red 9 small
plum red 2 medium
mango yellow 1 medium
kiwi green 2 small

If you want, for example, only the red fruits you should do:

fruits_red <- fruits %>% filter(color == "red")

your dataset will look like this:

name color quantity size
apple red 1 medium
strawberry red 9 small
plum red 2 medium

Or, if you want all the fruits except the red ones you should do:

fruits_red <- fruits %>% filter(color != "red")

Create, modify, and delete columns - mutate function

If you want to add new columns to your dataset or even modifying columns, you could use mutate function.

your_dataframe %>% mutate(name_new_column = <function to caculate values for new column, you could use columns that already exists>)

more details about how to use mutate function


Let's create a column, using mutate, for a code related to the size, for example: medium = M and small = S

frutis %>% mutate(code_size = ifelse(size == "small", "S", ifelse(size == "medium", "M", NA_real_)))

Then, your dataframe will look like this:

name color quantity size code_size
apple red 1 medium M
banana yellow 2 medium M
grape purple 1 small S
orange orange 5 medium M
strawberry red 9 small S
plum red 2 medium M
mango yellow 1 medium M
kiwi green 2 small S

Select Columns - select function

Summarize Data - group by and summarise

Plots - basics


  • what
  • when
  • examples

Bar plot

  • what
  • when
  • examples



Adjusting your plot

Axis, legend, plot labels, etc
