These group of apps is meant to be checked out or downloaded into the "apps" folder of openFrameworks, which can be downloaded here: These apps are meant to compliment the existing examples, and also provide a more structured path through the topics of interactive programming in openFrameworks. 00 -- c++ introduction (not openFrameworks) 01-20 -- Basic drawing (shapes, lines, fills) & Interaction (mouse stuff) 21-30 -- Movement/Animation (linear, sin, cos, easing) & Classes 31-30 -- Particles/vectors/arrays 41-50 -- Images, pixels, image processing 51-70 -- Forces, boids 71-80 -- Matrix Transformations/OpenGL 81-90 -- Chipmunk (a whole section about Chipmunk? Wow!) 91-100 -- Web (HTTP, JSON, web services) 101-110 -- OpenCV (blob tracking, color tracking) 110+ -- Extras