mariaboerner1987 / awesome-scikit-learn

A curated list of awesome scikit-learn resources and libraries

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Machine Learning in Python



Python packages providing additional, scikit-learn API compatible implementations of algorithms.

  • auto-sklearn - Automated machine learning toolkit and a drop-in replacement for a scikit-learn estimator.
  • scikit-cmeans - C-means fuzzy clustering algorithms.
  • scikit-dda - Scikit-learn-compatible Deep Discriminant Analysis.
  • scikit-garden - A garden of scikit-learn compatible trees.
  • scikit-keras - Scikit-learn-compatible Keras models.
  • scikit-MDR - A sklearn-compatible Python implementation of Multifactor Dimensionality Reduction (MDR) for feature construction.
  • scikit-multilearn - Multi-label classification algorithms and wrappers for other libraries.
  • scikit-network - Network graph algorithms.
  • scikit-optimize - Methods for sequential model-based optimization.
  • scikit-sos - Stochastic Outlier Selection (SOS) for detecting outliers.
  • scikit-splearn - Toolbox for spectral learning algorithms.


  • dash-svm - Interactive exploration of Support Vector Machine (SVM).





Python packages providing functionality to help working with scikit-learn.

  • scikit-datasets - Scikit-learn-compatible datasets.
  • sklearn-deap - Use evolutionary algorithms instead of gridsearch in scikit-learn.
  • scikit-ext - Various estimators and separators.
  • scikit-neuralnetwork - Deep neural networks without the learning cliff and classifiers and regressors compatible with scikit-learn.
  • sklearn-onnx - Convert your scikit-learn model into ONNX.
  • scikit-onnxruntime - Scikit-learn wrapper of onnxruntime.
  • sklearn-pandas - Pandas integration with sklearn.
  • scikit-plot - A visualization library for quick and easy generation of common plots in data analysis and machine learning.
  • sklearn-pmml-model - A library to parse PMML models into Scikit-learn estimators.
  • sklearn-porter - Transpile trained scikit-learn models to C, Java, Javascript and others.
  • scikit-spark - Spark acceleration for Scikit-Learn cross validation techniques.
  • scikit-vis - Adds gorgeous, easy-to-use graphics to the massively popular scikit-learn.
  • sklearn-xarray - Wrappers that allow the user to apply scikit-learn estimators to xarray types (tensors) without losing their labels.
  • SciPy - List of scikits - Very incomplete list of extensions for SciPy helpful e.g. for domain specific work/integration with scikit-learn.
  • SciPy - Topical software - List of software which can be helpful when working in the SciPy universe.


Frameworks built on top of scikit-learn

  • ML-ENS - High performance ensemble learning: ML-ENS combines a Scikit-learn high-level API with a low-level computational graph framework to build memory efficient, maximally parallelized ensemble networks in as few lines of codes as possible.
  • modAL - A modular active learning framework.
  • nilearn - Machine learning for Neuro-Imaging.
  • tsfresh - Time Series Feature extraction based on scalable hypothesis tests.
  • tslearn - Machine learning tools for the analysis of time series.
  • Reproducible Experiment Platform (REP)
  • SciKit-Learn Laboratory (SKLL)

Frameworks scikit-learn is built on top of

  • SciPy - Ecosystem for mathematics, science, and engineering.
    • Matplotlib - Comprehensive 2D Plotting.
    • numpy - Base N-dimensional array package.
    • pandas - Data structures & analysis.












A curated list of awesome scikit-learn resources and libraries
