mariabnd / RSurveillance

Tools for planning and analysis of disease surveilance in R

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RSurveillance provides a range of functions for the design and analysis of disease surveillance activities. These functions were originally developed for animal health surveillance activities but can be equally applied to aquatic animal, wildlife, plant and human health surveillance activities. Utilities are included for sample size calculation and analysis of representative surveys for disease freedom, risk-based studies for disease freedom and for prevalence estimation.

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RSurveillance functions are organised into several broad areas of surveillance, namely:

  • representative freedom surveys,
  • freedom methods for imperfect tests and finite populations,
  • risk-based freedom surveys,
  • probability of freedom estimation,
  • prevalence estimation,
  • combined testing and
  • pooled testing for freedom.

Within these areas functions can be further grouped according to purpose (depending on surveillance area/purpose), such as sample size calculation, population sensitivity estimation, prevalence estimation and background functions. Specific functions are summarised below according to these categories and additional information and examples are available in R using the help() and example() functions.

###1. Representative freedom surveys ####1.1. Population sensitivity estimation #####sep.binom() Binomial Population sensitivity Calculates population sensitivity for detecting disease, assuming imperfect test sensitivity and specificity and representative sampling, using binomial distribution (assumes large or unknown population size and that cut-point number of reactors for a positive result = 1). Used by function sep().

Usage sep.binom(n, pstar, se = 1, sp = 1)

#####sep.hypergeo() Hypergeometric Population sensitivity Calculates population sensitivity for detecting disease, assuming imperfect test sensitivity, perfect test specificity and representative sampling, using hypergeometric approximation (assumes known population size). Used by function sep().

Usage sep.hypergeo(N, n, d, se = 1)

#####sep.exact() Population sensitivity for census (all units tested) Calculates population sensitivity for detecting disease assuming imperfect test sensitivity, perfect test specificity and a census of all units in the population.

Usage sep.exact(d=1, se = 1)

#####spp() Population specificity Calculates population specificity assuming representative sampling.

Usage spp(n, sp)

#####sep() Population sensitivity Calculates population sensitivity using appropriate method, depending on whether or not N provided (hypergeometric if N provided, binomial otherwise), assuming perfect test specificity and representative sampling. Uses functions sep.() and sep.hypergeo() for calculations.

Usage sep(N = NA, n, pstar, se=1) Population sensitivity for varying unit sensitivity Calculates population-level sensitivity where unit sensitivity varies and using the appropriate method, depending on whether or not N provided (hypergeometric if N provided, binomial otherwise), assuming perfect test specificity and representative sampling.

Usage, se, pstar)

#####sep.sys() 2-stage population sensitivity Calculates population-level (system) sensitivity for representative 2-stage sampling (sampling of clusters and units within clusters), assuming imperfect test sensitivity and perfect test specificity.

Usage sep.sys<- function(H=NA, N=NA, n, pstar.c, pstar.u, se=1)

####1.2. Sample size estimation #####n.binom() Binomial sample size Calculates sample size for demonstrating freedom or detecting disease using binomial approach and assuming imperfect test sensitivity, perfect test specificity and representative sampling.

Usage n.binom(sep, pstar, se = 1)

#####n.hypergeo() Hypergeometric sample size Calculates sample size for demonstrating freedom or detecting disease using hypergeometric approximation and assuming imperfect test sensitivity, perfect test specificity and representative sampling.

Usage n.hypergeo(sep, N, d, se = 1)

#####n.freedom() Freedom sample size Calculates sample size for demonstrating freedom or detecting disease using the appropriate method, depending on whether or not N provided (hypergeometric if N provided, binomial otherwise), assuming imperfect test sensitivity, perfect test specificity and representative sampling.

Usage n.freedom(N=NA, sep=0.95, pstar,se=1)

#####n.2stage() 2-stage freedom sample size Calculates sample sizes for a 2-stage representative survey (sampling of clusters and units within clusters) for disease freedom or detection, assuming imperfect test sensitivity, perfect test specificity and representative sampling.

Usage n.2stage(H=NA, N=NA, sep.sys=0.95, sep.c, pstar.c, pstar.u, se=1)

####1.3. Miscellaneous functions #####pstar.calc() Design prevalence back-calculation Calculates design prevalence required for given sample size and desired population-level sensitivity, assuming imperfect test sensitivity, perfect test specificity and representative sampling.

Usage pstar.calc(N=NA, n, sep, se)

###2. Freedom methods for imperfect specificity and finite populations (FreeCalc) ####2.1. Population sensitivity estimation #####sep.freecalc() FreeCalc population sensitivity for imperfect test Calculates population sensitivity for a finite population and allowing for imperfect test sensitivity and specificity, using Freecalc method.

Usage sep.freecalc(N,n,c=1,se,sp=1,pstar)

#####sep.hp() Hypergeometric (HerdPlus) population sensitivity for imperfect test Calculates population sensitivity for a finite population and allowing for imperfect test sensitivity and specificity, using Hypergeometric distribution.

Usage sep.hp(N,n,c=1,se,sp=1,pstar)

#####sep.binom.imperfect() Binomial population sensitivity for imperfect test Calculates population sensitivity for a large or unknown population and allowing for imperfect test sensitivity and specificity, using Binomial distribution an allowing for a variable cut-point number of positives to classify as positive.

Usage sep.binom.imperfect(n, c=1, se, sp=1, pstar)

####2.2. Population specificity estimation #####sph.binom() **Binomial population specificity for imperfect test ** Calculates population specificity for a large or unknown population, using the Binomial distribution and adjusting for cut-point number of positives.

Usage sph.binom(n, c=1, sp)

#####sph.hp() Hypergeometric population specificity calculation Calculates population specificity for a finite population and imperfect test, using Hypergeometric distribution.

Usage sph.hp(N,n,c=1,sp)

####2.3. Sample size estimation #####n.freecalc() Freecalc sample size for a finite population and specified cut-point number of positives Calculates sample size required for a specified population sensitivity, for a given population size, cut-point number of positives and other parameters, using Freecalc algorithm. All paramaters must be scalars.

Usage n.freecalc(N,sep=0.95,c=1,se,sp=1,pstar, minSpH=0.95)

#####n.hp() Hypergeometric (HerdPlus) sample size for finite population and specified cut-point number of positives Calculates sample size to achieve specified population sensitivity with population specificity >= specified minimum value, for given population size, cut-point number of positives and other parameters, all paramaters must be scalars.

Usage n.hp(N,sep=0.95,c=1,se,sp=1,pstar, minSpH=0.95)

#####n.c.freecalc() Freecalc optimum sample size and cut-point number of positives Calculates optimum sample size and cut-point number of positives to achieve specified population sensitivity, for given population size and other parameters, using freecalc algorithm, all paramaters must be scalars.

Usage n.c.freecalc(N,sep=0.95,c=1,se,sp=1,pstar, minSpH=0.95)

#####n.c.hp() Hypergeometric (HerdPlus) optimum sample size and cut-point number of positives Calculates optimum sample size and cut-point positives to achieve specified population sensitivity, for given population size and other parameters, all paramaters must be scalars.

Usage n.c.hpn(N,sep=0.95,c=1,se,sp=1,pstar, minSpH=0.95)

###3. Risk-based freedom surveys ####3.1. Population sensitivity estimation #####sep.rb.bin() Binomial risk-based population sensitivity Calculates risk-based population sensitivity with a single risk factor, using binomial method (assumes a large population), allows for unit sensitivity to vary among risk strata.

Usage sep.rb.bin(pstar, rr, ppr, n, se)

#####sep.rb.hypergeo() Hypergeometric risk-based population sensitivity Calculates risk-based population sensitivity with a single risk factor, using the hypergeometric method (assuming a finite and known population size), allows for unit sensitivity to vary among risk strata.

Usage sep.rb.hypergeo(pstar, rr, N, n, se)

#####sep.rb.bin.varse() Binomial risk-based population sensitivity for varying unit sensitivity Calculates population sensitivity for a single risk factor and varying unit sensitivity using binomial method (assumes large population).

Usage sep.rb.bin.varse(pstar, rr, ppr, df)

#####sep.rb.hypergeo.varse() Hypergeometric risk-based population sensitivity for varying unit sensitivity Calculates population sensitivity for a single risk factor and varying unit sensitivity using hypergeometric approximation method (assumes known population size).

Usage sep.rb.hypergeo.varse<- function(pstar, rr, N, df)

#####sep.rb2.bin() Binomial risk-based population sensitivity for 2 risk factors Calculates risk-based population sensitivity for two risk factors, using binomial method (assumes a large population).

Usage sep.rb2.binom(pstar, rr1, ppr1, rr2, ppr2, n, se)

#####sep.rb2.hypergeo() Hypergeometric risk-based population sensitivity for 2 risk factors Calculates risk-based population sensitivity for two risk factors, using hypergeometric approximation method (assumes a known population size).

Usage sep.rb2.hypergeo(pstar, rr1, rr2, N, n, se)

#####sse.rb.2stage() Two-stage risk-based system sensitivity Calculates system sensitivity for 2 stage risk-based sampling, llowing for a single risk factor at each stage and using either binomial or hypergeometric approxiation.

Usage sse.rb.2stage(C=NA, pstar.c, pstar.u, rr.c, ppr.c, rr.u, ppr.u, N=NA, n, rg, se)

#####sse.combined() System sensitivity by combining multiple surveillance components Calculates overall system sensitivity for multiple components, accounting for lack of independence (overlap) between components.

Usage sse.combined(C = NA, pstar.c, rr, ppr, sep)

####3.2. Sample size estimation #####n.rb() Risk-based sample size Calculates sample size for risk-based sampling for a single risk factor and using binomial method.

Usage n.rb(pstar, rr, ppr, spr, se, sep)

#####n.rb.varse() Risk-based sample size for varying unit sensitivity Calculates sample size for risk-based sampling for a single risk factor and varying unit sensitivity, using binomial method.

Usage n.rb.varse(pstar, rr, ppr, spr, se, spr.rg, sep)

####3.3. Miscellaneous functions #####adj.risk() Adjusted risk Calculates adjusted risk for given relative risk and population proportions. This is an intermediate calculation in the calculation of effective probability of infection for risk-based surveillance activities. Used by epi.calc(), sep.rb2.binom() and sep.rb2.hypergeo() functions.

Usage adj.risk(rr, ppr)

#####epi.calc() Effective probability of infection (EPI) Calculates effective probability of infection (EPI; adjusted design prevalence) for each risk group for risk-based surveillance activities. Uses adj.risk (this package) function for calculations.

Usage epi.calc(pstar, rr, ppr)

###4. Probability of freedom estimation ####4.1. Probability of freedom #####pfree.1() Probability of freedom for single time period Calculates the posterior probability (confidence) of disease freedom (negative predictive value) for a single time period.

Usage pfree.1(sep, p.intro, prior=0.5)

#####pfree.calc() Probability of freedom over time Calculates the probability (confidence) of disease freedom for given prior, sep and p.intro over 1 or more time periods.

Usage pfree.calc(sep, p.intro, prior=0.5)

#####pfree.equ() Equilibrium probability of freedom Calculates equilibrium probability of disease freedom and equilibrium prior probability of freedom, after discounting for probability of introduction.

Usage pfree.equ(sep, p.intro)

####4.2. Miscellaneous functions #####n.pfree() Sample size to achieve desired (posterior) probability of freedom Calculates the sample size required to achieve a given value for probability of disease freedom.

Usage n.pfree(pfree, prior, p.intro, pstar, se, N = NA)

#####sep.pfree() Population sensitivity to achieve desired (posterior) probability of freedom Calculates the population sensitivity required to achieve a given value for probability of disease freedom.

Usage sep.pfree(prior, pfree)

#####sep.prior() Population sensitivity to achieve desired prior probability of freedom Calculates the population sensitivity required to achieve a given value for the prior (discounted) probability of disease. freedom

Usage sep.prior(prior, p.intro)

####4.3. Background functions #####disc.prior() Discounted prior probability of freedom Calculates the discounted prior probability of disease freedom, after adjusting for the probability of disease exceeding the design prevalence during the time period of the surveillance data being analysed.

Usage disc.prior(prior, p.intro)

###5. Prevalence estimation ####5.1. Apparent Prevalence and CI estimation #####ap() Apparent prevalence Estimates apparent prevalence and confidence limits for given sample size and result, assuming representative sampling. Calls functions binom.cp(), binom.agresti() and binom.jeffreys() (this package) and binom.approx() and binom.wilson() (epitools package) to calculate respective confidence limits.

Usage ap(x, n, type = "wilson", conf = 0.95)

#####binom.agresti() Agresti-Coull confidence limits Calculates Agresti-Coull confidence limits for a simple proportion (apparent prevalence). Used by function ap().

Usage binom.agresti(x, n, conf=0.95)

#####binom.jeffreys() Jeffreys confidence limits Calculates Jeffreys confidence limits for a simple proportion (apparent prevalence). Used by function ap().

Usage binom.jeffreys(x, n, conf=0.95)

#####binom.cp() Clopper-Pearson exact confidence limits Calculates Clopper-Pearson exact binomial confidence limits for a simple proportion (apparent prevalence). Used by function ap().

Usage binom.cp(x, n, conf=0.95)

#####n.ap() Sample size for apparent prevalence Calculates sample size for estimating apparent prevalence (simple proportion).

Usage n.ap(p, precision, conf=0.95)

####5.2. True Prevalence and CI estimationn #####tp() True prevalence Estimates true prevalence and confidence limits for given sample size and result, according to specified method. Uses epi.prev() function (epiR package) to calculate Clopper-Pearson, Wilson, Blaker and Sterne confidence limits and tp.normal (this package) to calculate normal approximation confidence limits for the true prevalence estimate.

Usage tp(x, n, se, sp, type = "blaker", conf=0.95)

#####tp.normal() Normal approximation confidence limits for true prevalence Estimates true prevalence and confidence limits for estimates based on normal approximation. Uses function (this package) to calculate normal approximation confidence limits for the true prevalence estimate and binom.wilson() function (epitools package) to calculate Wilson confidence limits for the apparent prevalence estimate.

Usage tp.normal(x, n, se, sp, conf=0.95) Sample size for true prevalence size for estimating true prevalence using normal approximation.

Usage, se, sp, precision, conf=0.95)

###6. Combining tests #####se.series() Sensitivity of tests in series Calculates the combined sensitivity for multiple tests interpreted in series (assuming independence).

Usage se.series(se)

#####se.parallel() Sensitivity of tests in parallel Calculates the combined sensitivity for multiple tests interpreted in parallel (assuming independence).

Usage se.parallel(se)

#####sp.series() Specficity of tests in series Calculates the combined specificity for multiple tests interpreted in series (assuming independence).

Usage sp.series(sp)

#####sp.parallel() Specificity of tests in parallel Calculates the combined specificity for multiple tests interpreted in parallel (assuming independence).

Usage sp.parallel(sp)

###7. Pooled testing for disease freedom #####sep.pooled() Pooled population sensitivity Calculates population sensitivity (sep) and population specificity (spp) assuming pooled sampling and allowing for imperfect sensitivity and specificity of the pooled test.

Usage sep.pooled(r, k, pstar, pse, psp=1)

#####n.pooled() Sample size for pooled testing for freedom Calculates sample size to achieve desired population-level sensitivity, assuming pooled sampling and allowing for imperfect sensitivity and specificity of the pooled test.

Usage n.pooled(sep, k, pstar, pse, psp=1)


Tools for planning and analysis of disease surveilance in R


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