marekplaza / ansible_journey

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Welcome to ApiusLAB - ansible_journey project

Project Overview

ansible_journey is a project aimed at automating network configurations using Ansible within a Docker environment, specifically targeting Arista EOS switches. This project includes the creation of a Docker container with Ansible, installation of the Arista EOS galaxy collections, and execution of basic network configuration tasks such as setting hostnames and managing VLANs.

Getting Started

Project Structure

  • docker/ansible_journey.docker: Dockerfile that defines the Docker container with Ansible and Arista EOS galaxy collections.
  • contanerlab_DEMO: Guide how to setup network part of this project - Demo, simple topology based on Arista cEOS images.
  • ansible/ansible.cfg: Ansible main configuration file
  • ansible/inventory.yml: Ansible inventory, credential setup and hierarchy definition.
  • ansible/group_vars: Ansible group vars definitions, common for all NE.
  • ansible/host_vars: Ansible host specific vars for SWITCH-1 and SWITCH-2 independently.
  • ansible/playbooks/set_MOTD.yml: Ansible playbook to set Message of the Day banner.
  • ansible/playbooks/change_hostname.yml: Ansible playbook to change the hostname on an Arista switch.
  • ansible/playbooks/add_vlans.yml: Ansible playbook to add VLANs to an Arista switch.
  • ansible/playbooks/revert_changes.yml: Ansible playbook to revert changes made by the other playbooks.


  • Docker
  • Git (for cloning the repository)


  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
    cd ansible_journey
  2. Build the Docker Image:

    cd docker
    docker build -t ansible_journey -f ansible_journey.docker .

    This command builds a Docker image named ansible_journey based on the ansible_journey.docker file in the repository, which includes Ansible and the necessary Arista collections:

    # Use an official Python runtime as a parent image
    FROM python:3.9-slim
    # Set the working directory in the container
    WORKDIR /ansible
    # Install Ansible and necessary libraries
    RUN pip install ansible pyyaml requests paramiko jsonschema ansible-pylibssh
    # Install Arista collections
    RUN ansible-galaxy collection install arista.eos arista.cvp
    # Install SSH clients
    RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y ssh-client sshpass
    # Optional tools
    RUN apt-get install -y git
    # Command to run when starting the container
    CMD [ "ansible-playbook", "--version" ]


Running the Docker Container

To run the Docker container and access the Ansible environment:

docker run -it --rm ansible_journey

To gain access to your configuration and playbook localized on host mount your host workdir as container workdir, and then run docker:

 docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/ansible ansible_journey [CMD]

For example you can check if everthinig has been installed properly:

sudo docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/ansible ansible_journey ansible-galaxy collection list |grep arista
arista.cvp                    3.8.0  ✅
arista.eos                    6.2.1  ✅

Running the Demo Lab Network

To begin, please prepare at least two network devices. These could be set up using tool. Guide how to set up sample DEMO enviroment, you will find in folder: containerlab_DEMO


  1. Setting a Hostname The change_hostname.yml playbook sets a new hostname on the Arista switch. It first retrieves the current hostname and stores it for potential reversion.

    docker run -it --rm --network host -v /etc/hosts:/etc/hosts -v $(pwd):/ansible ansible_journey ansible-playbook ./playbooks/set_motd.yml -i inventory.yml
  2. Creating VLANs The add_vlans.yml playbook adds specified VLANs to the switch, demonstrating basic VLAN management.

    docker run -it --rm --network host -v /etc/hosts:/etc/hosts -v $(pwd):/ansible ansible_journey ansible-playbook ./playbooks/add_vlans.yml -i inventory.yml
  3. Reverting Changes The revert_changes.yml playbook can revert the hostname change and remove any VLANs that were added, showcasing the ability to rollback configurations.

    docker run -it --rm --network host -v /etc/hosts:/etc/hosts -v $(pwd):/ansible ansible_journey ansible-playbook ./playbooks/revert_changes.yml -i inventory.yml

Sample Executions

In this scenario, we will add to SWITCH-1 a list of VLANs resulting from the sum of VLANs defined in host_vars and the common part of group_vars. Please take a closer look on the files including mentioned items:

  • group_vars (all.yml):

 - id: 10
   name: "VLAN10__by_group_vars"
 - id: 20
   name: "VLAN20__by_group_vars"
  • host_vars (SWITCH-1.yml):

 - id: 31
   name: "Admin_VLAN__by_host_vars"
 - id: 41
   name: "IoT_VLAN__by_host_vars"

Playbook add_vlans.yml, based on eos_vlan as a part of the eos collection and it presents itself as below:

  - hosts: SWITCH-1
    gather_facts: no
    - name: Add VLANs
        - vlan_id: "{{ }}"
          name: "{{ }}"
        state: merged
        - "{{ vlans }}"
cd ansible
❯ docker run -it --rm --network host -v /etc/hosts:/etc/hosts -v $(pwd):/ansible ansible_journey ansible-playbook ./playbooks/add_vlans.yml -i inventory.yml -v
Using /ansible/ansible.cfg as config file

PLAY [SWITCH-1] ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [Add VLANs] *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [SWITCH-1] => (item={'id': 31, 'name': 'Admin_VLAN__by_host_vars'}) => {"after": [{"name": "VLAN10bygroupvars", "state": "active", "vlan_id": 10}, {"name": "VLAN20_by_group_vars", "state": "active", "vlan_id": 20}, {"name": "Admin_VLAN__by_host_vars", "state": "active", "vlan_id": 31}], "ansible_loop_var": "item", "before": [{"name": "VLAN10bygroupvars", "state": "active", "vlan_id": 10}, {"name": "VLAN20_by_group_vars", "state": "active", "vlan_id": 20}], "changed": true, "commands": ["vlan 31", "name Admin_VLAN__by_host_vars"], "item": {"id": 31, "name": "Admin_VLAN__by_host_vars"}}
changed: [SWITCH-1] => (item={'id': 41, 'name': 'IoT_VLAN__by_host_vars'}) => {"after": [{"name": "VLAN10bygroupvars", "state": "active", "vlan_id": 10}, {"name": "VLAN20_by_group_vars", "state": "active", "vlan_id": 20}, {"name": "Admin_VLAN__by_host_vars", "state": "active", "vlan_id": 31}, {"name": "IoT_VLAN__by_host_vars", "state": "active", "vlan_id": 41}], "ansible_loop_var": "item", "before": [{"name": "VLAN10bygroupvars", "state": "active", "vlan_id": 10}, {"name": "VLAN20_by_group_vars", "state": "active", "vlan_id": 20}, {"name": "Admin_VLAN__by_host_vars", "state": "active", "vlan_id": 31}], "changed": true, "commands": ["vlan 41", "name IoT_VLAN__by_host_vars"], "item": {"id": 41, "name": "IoT_VLAN__by_host_vars"}}

PLAY RECAP ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
SWITCH-1                   : ok=1    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0   


Contributions to ansible_journey are welcome. Please ensure that your contributions adhere to best practices and include appropriate documentation and tests.



Language:Dockerfile 100.0%